Problem set & Discussion

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Problem set – 4

Project Scope Statement & Work Breakdown Structure Exercise

Instructions for both exercises are contained within the attached template. Use the template to complete the exercises.

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Instructions: Continuing to use the Week 2 Business Case project the exercise this week will require you to complete a scope statement similar to the Exhibit 7.4 on page 219 of the textbook. However, your Deliverables and Acceptance Criteria need to be more detailed and specific than those listed in the textbook exhibit (more detail is provided below).

Copy and paste the Business Case you completed on Week 2 into the section below.

Draft a one or two sentence scope description for this project.

Provide six (6) key deliverables that are required within the project. Then state what the Acceptance Criteria entails to consider these Key Deliverables completed. Deliverables and Acceptance Criteria need to follow SMART criteria. That means that these need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. This exercise only needs to identify six (6) of the potential Deliverables needed in the project. It does not mean to identify six (6) deliverables to complete the whole project. These Deliverables will be utilized to create the WBS with Activity List. So again, be specific and utilize SMART criteria.

As an example, if your Project was to build a wooden fence around a field then one of your Key Deliverables would be: Install Fence Posts. The Acceptance Criteria could be: Five-foot fence posts have been installed every eight feet around the field. Posts are properly secured in concrete and plumb. (This could be more specific but this is sufficient for the exercise).

Business Case (copy and paste):


Erl, T., Mahmood, Z., & Puttini, R. (2014). Cloud computing: concepts, technology, & architecture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Jamsa, K. A. (2013). Cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Required Book


Cloud Computing

ISBN: 9781284199017

Authors: Dr. Kris Jamsa

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Publication Date: 2012-03-22

Suggested Books and Resources

Cloud Computing

ISBN: 9780133387520

Authors: Thomas Erl, Ricardo Puttini, Zaigham Mahmood

Publisher: Pearson Education

Publication Date: 2013-01-01

Cloud Computing

ISBN: 9781439856420

Authors: Lizhe Wang, Rajiv Ranjan, Jinjun Chen, Boualem Benatallah

Publisher: CRC Press

Publication Date: 2011-10-03

Project Scope Statement

Scope Description:

Key Deliverables with acceptance criteria (product scope):







Instructions: Instructions: You will use the Week 2 Business Case project to complete the WBS Structure with Activity List exercise. Utilizing the identified six (6) Key Deliverables provided above, you will identify three (3) activities that need to be completed to create the overall Key Deliverable. (See Exhibit 8.3 on page 251 for an example of WBS with Activities List). The textbook does not need to be cited or referenced in this exercise.

This should be a checklist of items that need to be completed to ensure that the Deliverable is completed and the Acceptance Criteria is met. SMART criteria must be used. Do not try to identify three (3) Activities to complete the entire Deliverable just provide three (3) that would be part of a potential full list.

* Another example using the construction of a fence around the field from last week:


Erect Fence Post (Key Deliverable)


Dig round hole 3-foot-deep with circumference of two feet


Fill hole with concrete up to 6″ from top of hole


Insert 8′- 4” x 4” wooden fence post into the center of the hole leaving 5′ of post above top of hole

2.4 Use level to ensure wooden fence post is plumb

2.5 Once concrete has set fill last 6″ inches of hole with dirt. *

For this exercise you will identify three (3) activities that need to be completed to create the overall Key Deliverable. (See Exhibit 8.3 on page 251 for an example).

Title of Project





















Running Head: BUSINESS CASE 1


Problem set – Business Case

Project Title: West Calgary Ring Road

News source (APA reference): Alberta. (2020, April 20). West Calgary ring road.

Web address: Retrieved from

Brief Overview: This project is running between the Trans Canada Highway and Highway 8. This project will be completed in three parts: the South, North project and twinning the bridge over the Bow River. This project will be established on the existing Transport Utility Corridor, which was built in 1976. The road will include 24 bridges, building about nine kilometers of 6 and 8 lane divided freeway, six interchanges, enhancing Stoney Trail from the Bow River to Scenic Acres, and reconstructing five kilometers of Trans-Canada Highway. When the project is completed, it will provide more than 101km of free-flow travel around the city.

How does this fit the four (4) elements of a project? For something to be a project, it has to be new, and in this case, constructing this road is doing a new thing, and when it is completed, it will be as good as new. The other thing is that a project has a series of tasks that need to be completed to gain a specific outcome. In this case, constructing this road requires a lot of effort, and also it has many tasks that need to be completed for a particular period. Another thing that makes it a project is its uniqueness. The road is unique in its way, where there is no other road in the city that looks like it. Another element is that the construction of this road has a beginning, and it will also come to an end.

Business Case (100 words exactly): West Calgary Ring Road, in Alberta, will improve access to schools, recreation, hospitals, and workplace and help to reduce the congestion in the city. The construction of this road began in 2019, and the project is expected to complete in 2024. The project’s estimated cost is $1.0B. The project is needed because, when completed, it will provide more than 101km of free-flow travel around the city. When the project will be completed, it will be 101km in length. The construction will help reduce the frequency and number of trucks using public roads to haul gravel, reducing noise, and enhancing safety.


Alberta. (2020, April 20). West Calgary ring road. Retrieved from

Discussion – Cloud computing

The virtual residency was a different experience! What did you think of the virtual format? How did you communicate (collaborate) with your other group members? Do you have any suggestions for future virtual residency sessions?

Do NOT use references. This is an opinion discussion.

School of Computer & Information Sciences
ITS-532 Cloud Computing
Chapter 8 – Virtualization

Content from:
Primary Textbook: Jamsa, K. A. (2013). Cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Secondary Textbook: Erl, T., Mahmood, Z., & Puttini, R. (2014). Cloud computing: concepts, technology, & architecture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Learning Objectives
Define and describe virtualization.
Discuss the history of virtualization.
Describe various types of virtualization.
List the pros and cons of virtualization.
Identify applications that are well suited, as well as those that are not suited, for virtualization.
Describe why companies should employ virtualization.

Virtualization Defined
The use of hardware and software to create the perception that one or more entities exist, although the entities, in actuality, are not physically present.
Using virtualization, we can make one server appear to be many, a desktop computer appear to be running multiple operating systems simultaneously, a network connection appear to exist, or a vast amount of disk space or a vast number of drives to be available.

Server Virtualization
Making one server appear as many. Each virtual server may run the same or different operating systems.
Server virtualization provides greater CPU utilization, a smaller equipment footprint, less power consumption, and support for multiple operating systems.

Desktop Virtualization
Allows a user to switch between multiple operating systems on the same computer. (An operating system that resides within a virtualized environment is known as a guest operating system.)
Some desktop virtualization techniques can provide an operating system environment on demand.
Desktop virtualization provides support for multiple operating systems, which is very convenient for software developers, testers, and help desk support staff.

Virtualization Technologies
Virtual Machines can be created by Operating Systems as shown in Figure 5.8 or with Hardware as shown in Figure 5.9. Operating system virtualization can provide more flexibility while hardware based virtualization can provide increased performance.
(Erl, 2014)

Figure 5.8
Figure 5.9

Virtual Networks
Create the illusion that a user is connected directly to a company network and resources, although no such physical connection may exist.
Virtual networks are sometimes called virtual private networks or VPNs. Using a VPN, users can connect to a network and access the network resources from any Internet-connected computer.
Virtual networks let network administrators to segment a network, making different departments such as management, development, and sales appear to have their own separate networks.

Virtual Storage
Provides users (and applications) with access to scalable and redundant physical storage through the use of abstract, or logical, disk drives or file systems, or a database interface.

Virtual Memory
Virtual memory combines RAM with a page file on disk to create the illusion, to running programs, of the existence of a vast amount of RAM.

Advantages of Virtual Memory
A running program (process) appears to have unlimited memory.
The operating system can easily manage several different programs, running at the same time, and keep each program’s data and instructions secure.
The operating system can take advantage of disk storage, which is considerably less expensive than RAM.

Disadvantage of Virtual Memory
The disadvantage of virtual memory is that the paging process (the process of moving instructions and data between RAM and disk) adds overhead, mostly because disk drives are much slower than RAM.

Original Servers
Server computers originally required their own chassis, disk, power supply, and fan. Servers consumed considerable power, took up considerable space, and generated considerable heat within the data center.

Green Computing
Power off devices when they are not in use.
Power up energy-intensive devices, such as laser printers, only when needed.
Use notebooks when possible instead of desktops.
Use the computer’s built-in power management features.
Minimize unnecessary printing.
Dispose of e-waste (devices, ink cartridges, monitors, and so on) in compliance with government regulations.

Blade Servers
The blade server is designed to fit within a rack with other blade servers. This reduces the server’s physical footprint, makes the server easier to cool, and reduces the server’s power consumption.

The Problem
Most servers today are either very busy, running at a high level of CPU utilization, or are idle a significant portion of the time, waiting for something to do.

Load Balancing
Using load balancing, the IT staff can supply the number of servers necessary to meet the server workload at a given time.

Server Virtualization
Through virtualization, a single physical server can be made to look like multiple separate servers, potentially running different operating systems.

Microsoft Hyper-V
Microsoft servers now utilize an underlying technology the company refers to as Hyper-V to allow administrators to create virtual servers.
Advantages of Hyper-V
The ability to consolidate servers and increase CPU utilization
Enhanced business continuity and disaster recovery
Ease of deploying testing and support environments
Enhanced support for Windows-based client virtualization
Improved load balancing
Ability to move live virtual machines from one physical server to another on the fly for load balancing and scalability

VMware ESXi
VMware is one of the best-known providers of virtualization solutions. For companies that need to support multiple operating systems within a virtual-server environment, Vmware ESXi provides the solution.
ESXi provides the following:
Support for multiple operating systems
Server consolidation
Automated resource management to drive disaster recovery and service-level agreements
Detail cost-reporting services
Automated load balancing
Centralized management and administration of virtual servers and the underlying machines

Virtual Desktop
The term for a desktop computer that runs two or more operating systems.
Desktop virtualization allows a desktop computer to run two or more operating systems at the same time and allows a user to quickly switch between the systems.

Advantages of Virtual Desktops
A single desktop computer can simultaneously run multiple operating systems.
There is reduced need for duplicate hardware.
Less power is consumed.

Microsoft Desktop Virtualization Tools
Microsoft Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) suite
Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V)
Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V)
Microsoft Remote Desktop Services (RDS)
Microsoft User State Virtualization (USV)
Windows Thin computer

VMware View
A tool for providing virtual desktops on demand. Using View, system administrators can centralize the on-demand delivery of an operating system and user-assigned applications.
Advantages of Vmware View
Simplified desktop operating system and application management
Automated desktop provisioning (account generation)
Virtual-desktop image management
Support for a variety of client platforms

Virtual Private Network (VPN)
VPN software uses a secure Internet connection to give the user the illusion that he or she is physically connected to the remote network from his or her current location.

Virtual Network
Virtual local-area network (VLAN), which uses special routers to segment part of the physical network in such a way that the group appears to have its own private network.

Data Storage Virtualization
Data storage virtualization hides the physical storage device or devices from the logical presentation that users or applications use to access the space.

Advantages of Cloud-Based Storage
Scalable disk storage space on demand
The ability to pay as you go for the needed storage
Behind-the-scenes backup and data replication
Support for common operating systems
Access from anywhere, anytime, and essentially any device
Ease of document sharing

Disadvantages of Cloud-Based Storage
Some users are not comfortable with their data residing in the cloud.
Cloud-based file access is slower than local file access due to network overhead.

Not All Applications Are Appropriate for Virtualization
Applications with unique hardware requirements: If an application requires a unique device or hardware device driver, the virtualization software may be unable to support the device.
Graphics-intensive applications: If an application is graphics intensive, such as a 3-D modeling program, the virtual device drivers may slow down the I/O processing to an unacceptable level.

Motivation to Virtualize
Increased device utilization (particularly CPU utilization)
Decreased device footprint
Decreased power consumption
Simplified operating system and application administration
Ease of software provisioning and patch releases
Device and storage scalability
Increased user access to key resources

Motivation to Virtualize
Increased flexibility in supporting multiple operating system environments
Improved use and management of software licenses
Improved utilization reporting, which leads to improved capacity planning
Improved disaster recovery and business continuity

Disadvantages of Virtualization
New staff or staff training may be required to understand the virtualization process.
Not all applications are well suited for virtualization.
The virtualization process adds slight overhead, which will make some applications run more slowly.

Key Terms

Jamsa, K. A. (2013). Cloud computing: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, virtualization, business models, mobile, security and more. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Erl, T., Mahmood, Z., & Puttini, R. (2014). Cloud computing: concepts, technology, & architecture. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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