Privacy? How is privacy now being affected by the high-tech companies.


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Topic: Privacy? How is privacy now being affected by the high-tech companies.

Currently, Google, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook collect information on every member they

have. You agree to this collection and usage of your information when you sign the EULA to join any of

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these groups. If you want to join you have to agree to allow them to collect this information or you

can’t use their platform. Is this fair? Whether or not it’s fair, it is legal.

Once the companies collect the information, they can use it any way they choose. They can sell

it to other companies, to politicians, to academics for research purposes. Why is this collection of

information important and valuable? Any security expert is never interested in what people say but

rather what they do. Sales and marketing experts also find focus groups and questionnaires less than

completely accurate. Politicians rip their hair out at the inaccuracies of polls. Remember the polls for

the presidential race in 2016 had Hillary Clinton winning the election handily, in a landslide? Donald

Trump won despite all the polls saying otherwise.

It is a truism in security that words always lie but actions can never lie. In the case of polls,

many people said they would vote one way and then actually voted differently when they got into the


***Paper Need to be in APA-7th Edition. Follow the APA Reference doc attached. 

***PPT should be 10 slides excluding Introduction and Thank you Slides. 

***Need a draft document in 12 Hours and full paper in 24 Hours of accepting the offer.

The following sections should be outlined as Headers in the paper.

Ø Paper Content requirement

· Introduction (1 page)

· Table of Contents (1 page)

· thesis statement (1 page)

· overview

· purpose (Minimum of Half Page)

· Background

· discuss history of topic 

· Discussion

· identify benefits

· obstacles

· innovations 

· summarize the overall study

· lessons learned 

· Conclusion (Minimum of Half Page)

· References (minimum 10 references with citations in the body)(Make sure one of the reference is from the below book mentioned)

Book Title: Legal Issues in Information Security

Authors: Grama

Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Publication Date: 2014-08-12

Ø Paper should meet these conditions: 

· Overview and purpose should be 1 page. 

·  Background, discuss history of topic, Discussion, identify benefits, obstacles, innovations, summarize the overall study, lessons learned all together should be 15 pages

Ø Paper should contain minimum of 10 references (recommended to maintain 12, 5 of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles.)

Ø Paper should cover the topic and covers all major sub-topics.

Ø You need to include outside sources and properly cite and reference your sources. 

Ø All written reports should be submitted in MS Word.

Ø Please ensure to use the proper APA citations.

Ø Paper should be atleast 10-12 pages

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