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Interview is one of the very useful technique in qualitative research. The goal of qualitative research is to uncover the “quality” of insights we extract from interviewees. We then use these insights to create hypothesis to build quantitative (e.g. survey) questions and justify the hypothesis in numbers.

The objective of this assignment is learn how to construct effective interview questions that solicit information that is “need to know”, rather than “nice to know.”

1. The most important questioning technique you want to use for qualitative research is to ask “How”, “What”, “When”, “Why” questions.
Example of correct question: How important is the country of origin important in
purchasing tea? Why?
Example of incorrect question: Is country of origin important in purchasing tea?

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2. If the responses you get are “yes/no”, then follow up with “why do you think so.”
Example of correct question: If you were presented with high quality premium oolong
tea, what do you think makes it premium?
Example of incorrect question: Are you interested in high quality premium oolong tea?
(and stopping there without probing)

3. The questions you will ask must be actionable.

Example of correct question: This tea can only be harvested in limited quantity at the
highest mountain in Taiwan. The high altitude makes it
naturally insect-free, unlike many other teas that claims to
be organic. (Most government permits the labeling of
organic as long it is 80% organic.

Will $50 price tag reasonable for such a product?
Example of incorrect question: How much do you want to pay for this product?


50 points for Interview Questions

50 points for Interview Results
Group Work

1. Design interview questions and conduct 3 interviews PER PERSON.

· Each of the interviewees must be different.

· If you can get the interviewees to do group interview, the synergy might make the process even better. In that case, each of the team member will have 3 interviewees together in one session.

· Whether each team member holds 3 separate interviews or all at once, the interview results should be 3 times the number of team members in your group. So, if you are a team of 4, there should be 12 interviewees and separate answers.

· If you conduct a group interview and notice one person dominating the discussion, make sure you ask each person the same answer until everyone speaks his/her mind.

2. As a group, develop 10 questions total. First 3 are given in the examples above, so develop the other 7.

3. Have the questions approved during class.

4. Conduct the interview in the coming week and bring the results to class next week.

Ishihara 2

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