presentation reviews4

Responding to a presentation you have to use the following criteria to guide your response.

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by responding to presentations. Get points if you follow the guidelines in the

discussion post rubric

  • Policy issue is relevant today and connects to course content and material.
  • Clearly articulated problem definition supported by evidence
  • Clearly identifies a need or opportunity that can be addressed through policy change
  • Reflects a strong grasp of the background and context of a particular policy problem & current policies in this field
  • Presents an innovative or unique policy solution or a set of solutions
  • Clearly justifies why a particular policy is an appropriate response to a particular problem
  • Discussing the relative strengths and weaknesses of existing and alternative solutions and identifying and addressing potential counter-arguments
  • Presents arguments that are justified by evidence and citations to appropriate sources
  • Provides a clear overview of the steps that should be followed for the implementation
  • Features indicators, metrics, or approaches that can be used to measure policy impact

Group 6 – Up Up Up

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  • Digital Divide
  • – Case Study
    Detroit, MI

    Digital Divide

    ● Definition:
    ❏ Broadband internet access
    ❏ Suitable device/Upgrade
    ❏ Anything restricted the

    access of


    ● Digital Divide exists long time

    ● The COVID-19 exacerbate this

    social problem

    For students in
    remote learning

    ● Remote learning requirement
    ● 13.5 million school-age children lack computer device
    ● Widen pre-existing inequities
    ● Cannot fully participate in remote learning

  • In Michigan
  • There is 26.5 estimated percentage of students without full access.

    The Digital Divide: Evidence and

    ● “Digital Divide” as a term is a relatively recent crisis with the first inklings

    of acknowledgement by the government starting in the late 1990’s.

    ● It wasn’t considered a national crisis until 2000 when Bill Clinton made it a

    national “crusade” to bring equal broadband access to U.S. citizens.

    ● 1 in 5 Americans still lack access to high speed broadband, and about 14.5

    million Americans in rural areas lack any access at all (Wang 2019).

  • The Digital Divide: Evidence and Background
  • (Cont.)

    ● Further background through case studies show that these issues are not

    made up, and are affected along racial, social, economic, and even

    educational lines (Benjamin 2001).

    ○ Many believed that the issue was solved in the early 2000’s.

    ● In our case study of Detroit, we see this as some of the most impoverished

    areas containing 23,000 households still lack access to reliable, high speed


    ○ This is approximately 30% of all households in the metro-Detroit area

    that don’t have access (Austin, 2020).

  • Further Evidence: Digital Divide in Detroit
  • Digital divide is very prevalent in the City of Detroit, as stated by the US
    census bureau, there are only 59.3% of households that have a broadband
    internet subscription, and the Detroit Public School district had the highest
    amount of households without internet access at a total of 82,894.

    ● With classes going virtual, anyone that does not have internet access or a
    strong connection will be put at a major disadvantage, and will likely
    struggle with staying up to date on schoolwork.

    ● We can see the major difference in internet access with wealthier areas of
    Michigan compared to Detroit. The city of Northville has a total of only 1.4%
    of kids living in poverty and only 755 of those households in the Northville
    school district lacking internet access.

    Further Evidence: Digital Divide in Detroit

    ● Obviously with Covid-19 going on, kids and adults are affected
    more if they lack a stable internet connection. With many people
    having to work at home due to the pandemic, people may find
    themselves in a tough spot if they don’t have internet access
    because it will hinder their ability to work.

    ● Also, if people are being laid off from their jobs, it may be more
    difficult to find a new job if they are lacking the
    technology/internet needed to do so.

    ● Digital divide is a major problem in Detroit as it causes young
    students and adults to have the lack of resources they need to
    thrive in society.

  • Policy Solutions and Alternatives
  • Some solutions to create less of a digital divide in communities

    ● Advocate more funding to public areas to provide wifi and ethernet

    ● Enhance connectivity for high population areas to disperse
    broadband out to areas with higher volumes of people

    ● Fund telecom companies to provide internet to low income families
    ● Provide usable and quality devices so that people are able to have

    the necessary devices to access internet

  • Policy Solutions and Alternatives (Cont.)
  • More Solutions:

    ● Public hotspot areas to upload and download data
    ● Rolling back net neutrality practices to ensure online available

    ● Education on how to use devices to be able to efficiently utilize


  • Audience
  • ● Most people above 5 years have encountered or used any platform
    that works with digitally

    ● People in rural areas access information much later because of the
    technological differences

    ● Having a easily accessible platform which ensures the that people
    have uniform access to information.

    ● There is no limit for the audience, but can be sustained to anyone
    who can understand what technology is.

    ● However, information control is also required
    ● Provision of internet access to remote areas so that information is

    accessible, hence, maximum audience covered

  • Stakeholders
  • ● Every individual is obliged to support the affirmative action or
    banish digital divide.

    ● Administrators in any context need to take lead in the action
    ● Supporting information distribution should be the role of all of us,

    hence, banishing the vice of digital divide.
    ● Anyone can help in conducting referral marketing

  • Mode of Delivery
  • ● Our group has chosen to use this live presentation as our mode of

    ● As our policy problem deals with issues accessing the internet, we
    think one of the best ways to approach a solution is to increase

    ○ Presenting the issue to our audience through data-backed evidence
    ○ Using data to outline the problem, illustrate its magnitude

    Goals of our

    ● Define the problem of the Digital Divide
    ● Use the city of Detroit, MI as a case study
    ● Provide background information backed with evidence and statistics
    ● Outline policy solutions/alternatives that we think would be a step

    in the right direction concerning our topic




  • Citations
  • Wang, Yunyun. “Tech Talk: Addressing America’s Digital Divide.” Center for Democracy and Technology, 13 Nov. 2019,

    Tech Talk: Addressing America’s Digital Divide

    Austin, John C. “In Michigan, Closing the Digital Divide Can Unite the ‘Red’ and the ‘Blue.’” Brookings, 23 July 2020,

    The Digital Divide : Facing a Crisis or Creating a Myth?, edited by Benjamin M. Compaine, MIT Press, 2001. ProQuest Ebook Central, .

    Digital Equity for Students and Educators, National Education Association

    “U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: Michigan; Detroit City, Michigan.” Census Bureau QuickFacts,,detroitcitymichigan/PST045219.

    Tech Talk: Addressing America’s Digital Divide,lack%20high%2Dspeed%20internet%20access.&text=The%20digital%20divide%20was%20so,51%2C000%20Detroit%20public%20school%20students,lack%20high%2Dspeed%20internet%20access.&text=The%20digital%20divide%20was%20so,51%2C000%20Detroit%20public%20school%20students,lack%20high%2Dspeed%20internet%20access.&text=The%20digital%20divide%20was%20so,51%2C000%20Detroit%20public%20school%20students

    • Slide 1
    • Digital Divide

    • For students in remote learning
    • In Michigan
      The Digital Divide: Evidence and Background

    • The Digital Divide: Evidence and Background (Cont.)
    • Further Evidence: Digital Divide in Detroit
      Further Evidence: Digital Divide in Detroit
      Policy Solutions and Alternatives
      Policy Solutions and Alternatives (Cont.)
      Mode of Delivery

    • Goals of our Presentation
    • Slide 15
    • Citations

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