Presentation of MKTG430

Presentation 1

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Presentation # 1 (Individual Presentation)

Students must prepare a five-minute presentation introducing and selling a product or a service to an audience.

Students are strongly encouraged to research this product or service.

Grading is based on the use of audience analysis techniques (making a presentation appealing to a captive audience) and development of the presentation using presentation structures, delivery strategies, and sufficient research.

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This presentation will account for 10 percent of your final grade.

A good presentation should have the following recommended presentation elements based on the suggested grading rubric:

Audience Analysis

 Situation analysis – consider the occasion, size, time, etc.

 The general and specific purpose of the presentation outlined

 Audience analysis – consider demographics and knowledge of the audience of the topic

Presentation Structure


 Define Purpose

 Main Points with supporting materials


Delivery strategies

 Show an effective way to gain attention

 Have good transitions

 Justify importance

 Show credibility in the topic

Quality of research

 A high degree of preparedness and quality of research

 Main points well supported by research

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