Presentation assignm

Capstone Project
B.S. in Healthcare Management

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Title of Project

Name; Date; Term

Learning Outcomes 1 and 2

Explain your topic and the rationale for your project.

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Provide a few researched facts about your chosen healthcare issue.

Specifically discuss how it impacts the context and quality of healthcare delivery inside and outside of the United States.

How does this health issue transcend borders? In other words, explain how this issue impacts the global society—not just your local community, state, or country.

Make sure that all data and research are properly cited within your PowerPoint slides.  

Learning Outcomes 1 and 2 Continued

Explain your topic and the rationale for your project.
Provide a few researched facts about your chosen healthcare issue.
Specifically discuss how it impacts the context and quality of healthcare delivery inside and outside of the United States.
How does this health issue transcend borders? In other words, explain how this issue impacts the global society—not just your local community, state, or country.
Make sure that all data and research are properly cited within your PowerPoint slides.  

Learning Outcome 3

Explain how behavioral, demographic, and cultural factors impact your selected healthcare issue.

Which groups are most impacted?

What are some of the cultural biases of this healthcare issue?

Give at least 2 examples of culturally and linguistically appropriate health services to avoid unequal treatment when delivering healthcare to your chosen group.

Learning Outcome 3 Continued

Explain how behavioral, demographic, and cultural factors impact your selected healthcare issue.
Which groups are most impacted?
What are some of the cultural biases of this healthcare issue?
Give at least 2 examples of culturally and linguistically appropriate health services to avoid unequal treatment when delivering healthcare to your chosen group.

Learning Outcomes 5 and 6

Describe the critical issues in acute and long-term care from patient and provider perspectives in order to reduce this problem, and give an example of how an inter-professional “team” approach can be used to address this problem.

Learning Outcomes 5 and 6 Continued

Describe the critical issues in acute and long-term care from patient and provider perspectives in order to reduce this problem, and give an example how an inter-professional “team” approach can be used to address this problem.

Learning Outcomes 4 and 7

Describe one technological, one legal, and one ethical issue related to your chosen healthcare issue.

Give an evidence-based example of how a healthcare organization’s performance, quality, and safety can be improved to overcome the technological/legal/ethical issue.

Learning Outcomes 4 and 7 Continued

Describe one technological, one legal, and one ethical issue related to your chosen healthcare issue.
Give an evidence-based example of how a healthcare organization’s performance, quality, and safety can be improved to overcome the technological/legal/ethical issue.

Learning Outcomes 8 and 10

What are some of the healthcare costs, specific to economic evaluation and financial management associated with this issue, and how do they impact the quality of health service delivery?

Give an example of how human resource methods of managing healthcare employees could lead to cost-effective care and improved outcomes for patients.

Learning Outcomes 8 and 10 Continued

What are some of the healthcare costs, specific to economic evaluation and financial management associated with this issue, and how do they impact the quality of health service delivery?
Give an example of how human resource methods of managing healthcare employees could lead to cost-effective care and improved outcomes for patients.

Learning Outcomes 8 and 11

Explain how your healthcare issue impacts, or is impacted by, insurance, reimbursement, prospective payment, and value-based purchasing.

Give evidence-based examples of how fraud and abuse impact delivery and access to care.

Learning Outcomes 8 and 11 Continued

Explain how your healthcare issue impacts, or is impacted by, insurance, reimbursement, prospective payment, and value-based purchasing.
Give evidence-based examples of how fraud and abuse impact delivery and access to care.

Learning Outcomes 2 and 9

Research and list one healthcare organization addressing your health issue.

Apply strategic planning methods by describing the organization’s mission, vision, and values, and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the healthcare organization.

Learning Outcomes 2 and 9 Continued

Research and list one healthcare organization addressing your health issue.
Apply strategic planning methods by describing the organization’s mission, vision, and values, and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the healthcare organization.

Learning Outcomes and Walden’s Mission

Provide 2–3 examples of what you’ve learned in your program to advance social change by addressing this healthcare issue as an effective healthcare administrator as it relates to the areas of strategic planning, budgeting and fiscal evaluation, management, human resources, or leadership.

Learning Outcomes and Walden’s Mission Continued

Provide 2–3 examples of what you’ve learned in your program to advance social change by addressing this healthcare issue as an effective healthcare administrator as it relates to the areas of strategic planning, budgeting and fiscal evaluation, management, human resources, or leadership.


Make sure all of your references follow APA formatting.

You may use additional slides for references as needed.

Capstone Project: Assignment #6—Capstone Project Presentation

For this Assignment, you will create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation based off your Final Literature Review that analyzes a health-related topic or issue. Each slide of your presentation will address one of your Program Learning Outcomes per the outlines below.

To prepare:

Review the requirements in the Capstone Project Guide (this document).

Download the Capstone Presentation Template that aligns to your Program of Study (found in the weekly resource section).

Review the Capstone Project Presentation Rubric.

To complete:

Create your Capstone Presentation using the Presentation template that applies to your program (B.S. in Healthcare Management). The requirements for each slide are detailed on that document. This Assignment requires two submissions:

Submission 1: PowerPoint Document

Submit the PowerPoint presentation by Day 2 to the Week 6 Project link. Note that this is the PPT document only, not the Kaltura narrated presentation.

Submission 2: Narrated Presentation

Go to the Week 5/6 Capstone Project Discussion Forum and use the Kaltura Screen Recorder to create a narrated presentation for upload. For assistance in creating and uploading your narrated presentation, see the Kaltura Media Uploader area in the Blackboard navigation bar.

Your two submissions for the Capstone Project Presentation are due by Day 2 of Week 6.

B.S. in Healthcare Management

Program Learning Outcomes

Critically appraise the context and quality of healthcare delivery inside and outside of the United States.

Evaluate health-related research and research methods.

Analyze how population health impacts healthcare (including behavioral, demographic, and cultural factors).

Explain how different factors impact the delivery of healthcare services (including technology, legal, and ethical factors).

Evaluate the inter-professional approach to healthcare delivery.

Articulate critical issues in acute and long-term care from the perspective of patient and practitioner.

Analyze evidence-based factors that impact a health care organization’s performance, quality, and safety.

Apply foundational healthcare economic evaluation and financial management skills.

Apply strategic planning methods to healthcare organizations (including planning, implementing, and marketing).

Evaluate human resource methods of managing healthcare employees.

Demonstrate an understanding of healthcare financial issues (including insurance, reimbursement, and prospective payment).

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