Prejudice has traditionally been assumed to be the product of some form of malice

   A minimum of  3 scholarly peered reviewed article  each DQ must be sited using APA format 600 words for each topic 4 DQ 1 and 2    Note: Please see reading references below 

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Topic 4 DQ1

Prejudice has traditionally been assumed to be the product of some form of malice, brought about by social or emotional forces. In recent years, there has been increasing research on how prejudice can result from cognitive processes, without malicious intent. Discuss how and why cognitive processes can produce prejudice. What is the impact of culture on prejudice? Once stereotypes and prejudices are formed, how do they come to be self-perpetuating?

Topic 4 DQ2

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Describe institutional bias. Provide some examples of institutional biases? What roles do attitudes, stereotypes, and prejudices play in institutional biases? What impact does cultural influence have on institutional biases? 


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