Predatory Lending

argument essay

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2 pages Argument

Rickenbacker 1

Edward Rickenbacker

English 101 PXX

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Argument Assignment



Predatory Lending

Thesis sample:

Payday loan centers should be investigated by the state government to protect minorities and lower-income persons from payday loan scams.

Sources: (optional/not required)

Alternatives to Payday Loans for Non-Prime Borrowers

Sample Citation: (optional/not required)

“Alternatives to Payday Loans for Non-Prime Borrowers.” Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2017. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed Date.

English 101

Los Angeles Pierce College

Assignment: Intro to Argument

Supplement Strategies to Argument

1. Identify one-to-three (1, 2, or 3) possible thesis strategies.

2. Identify the main (controlling) argument point you wish to state,
and 2 or 3 supplemental arguments.

a. This becomes your Thesis Statement.

3. Identify two or three (2-3) points of opposition.
a. Identify rebuttal responses to these.

4. Identify areas of research. What sources back you up?
a. Support your argument!

5. Rough outline your paper modeling these areas.
Estimate how many paragraphs in:

1.) your main and supporting arguments,

2.) countering opposition,

3.) descriptive and analytical paragraphs that give breadth to

the arguments,

3.) areas of research, and, of course,

4.) include a logical conclusion that summarizes your paper.

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