Practical Connection IT


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Please write a practical connection from PhD-IT Job Title: DevOps Cloud Engineer at TRAC Intermodal a Logistics and trucking company.

 PhD-IT  Subject:  

InfoTech in a Global Economy

– IT Policies.

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* APA Format

* 2 -3 Pages

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Attached a Sample of Practical connection to Healthcare IT for reference.

Likewise, would like to relate my work.



ITS-832 Personal Connection Assignment: Reflections in Healthcare IT

PhD-IT Candidate

University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, KY



ITS-832 Personal Connection Assignment: Reflections of a Healthcare IT

In this paper, I reflect upon my time as an IT manager at a private medical practice and

reimagine it in light of skills, knowledge, or theories learned in ITS-832, InfoTech In a Global

Economy. I was recruited in 2002 to manage the transformation from paper-based processes to

an electronic health records (EHR) system. The primary drivers that influenced the company to

begin the EHR adoption journey were increasing efficiency and accuracy of medical records and

billing, and compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

As a newly minted IT manager, I did not have a “broad view” of IT management in a

corporate setting and was primarily focused on performing my duties on a very technical level

(hardware, software, networking, and applications). I never gave thought to how new technology

and policies could shape organizational changes or how the development of new technologies

brought about issues that warranted research and policy changes affecting the public. Therefore,

I was never prepared to do any type of professional research outside of my technical IT support


In ITS-832, the focus is on the effects that public policies have on information

technology organizations. The classroom discussions included topics such as cloud computing,

artificial intelligence, social media, big data, and other disruptive technologies, and their

implications in regard to international, national, regional, or local policies. Emerging

technologies such as these were not fully developed during that time, but if I were to reprise my

role in a healthcare environment now, my job responsibilities as a healthcare IT manager would

indeed involve many of these developing technologies. ITS-832 would have equipped me to

more readily confront the challenges they bring.



A valuable skill that I have improved on from this course is performing literature reviews

for researching IT and policy issues. At the beginning of the course, I looked at research papers

with a bit of reluctance because they seemed so long and technical making it difficult for me to

digest. From searching and reading many articles, I became more comfortable analyzing and

absorbing peer-reviewed works. On the job as a healthcare IT professional, I could have used

this skill before and during the EHR implementation process to research technologies, processes,

and issues and enhance the performance of my duties.

Though I wasn’t part of the decision to adopt the technology, or even the vendor/product

selection process, I feel I could have been a valuable contributor. One thing that ITS-832 has

taught me while researching IT policy issues and organization change is that researchers ask a lot

of questions, develop models, conduct surveys, and construct hypothetical scenarios in seek of

solutions (a research methodology). The learning objectives of the course asked me to be aware

of how researchers were conducting their research, who they were speaking to, how it relates to

other researchers’ works, and what the recommendations were to advance the current body of

knowledge or policy. I feel that this builds upon my experience of reviewing literature and

prepares me for higher-level responsibilities.

One of the most important policies that affected the medical practice was HIPAA, which

protects the personal health information of patients. Compliance with HIPAA was critical to the

success of the practice and is a regulation that influenced how the business operated

(transforming processes via an EHR system). Applied to my IT manager role, the lessons learned

in ITS-832 may have enabled me to be part of the vendor selection process where I could have

researched HIPAA regulations and evaluated whether a vendor’s solution would allow us to

meet compliance and guarantee our purchase was the correct one. I could have also provided



recommendations during the implementation of the EHR system to encounter fewer obstacles

and anticipate unknown issues. As a basic example, nobody predicted how challenging it would

be for employees who had little to no experience with computer technologies to become

proficient using a fully digital medical records system. Knowing what I do now from this course,

I likely would have performed research on EHR implementation strategies, challenges, and

experiences, which go beyond the vendor’s instructions and proposed to management that

technology training was needed for nearly all of the employees (double-clicking, locking screens,

strong passwords, encryption, etc. was foreign). Having trained users can help support HIPAA

compliance, too.

This personal connection assignment has helped me realize that with just a few weeks

into the course several useful skills, knowledge, and theories could have been very useful to me

during my previous IT manager role in a medical practice. ITS-832’s focus on how public policy

influences change in IT-driven organizations and its course objectives have helped me view the

role in a broader lens. The assignments are teaching me to search for cited works, confidently

analyze the methods used and findings, and generate questions regarding the recommendations

for future activities. This will be very beneficial for future doctoral courses and in the work


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