Practical connection assignment

Based on the below job duties we need to write the practical connection assignment for the Topic.

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Job Description

·Provide leadership and guidance for QA engineers in the creation of a dedicated test environment and test data management practices for automation and performance testing of web applications.

·QA Management practices for automation and penetration testing of web applications

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·Lead selection and standardization of automation tools and test environment, suggesting the best practices for automation which is to be implemented across the organization

·Lead the development of end-to-end test plans and processes to meet quality objectives and product requirements.

·Work on required documentation needed for the project adhering to existing process guidelines.

·Serve as an expert and knowledge source for the escalation of complex application design and development issues.

·Coordinate software installation/deployment activities and monitor the implementation verification process.

·Develop automated test scripts for the web interface and web services using Selenium WebDriver with Java.

·Ensure system performance by validating stability, scalability, reliability, latency, and response time of different products and applications.

·Participate in troubleshooting and triaging of issues with different teams to drive towards root cause identification and resolution.


Topic 1

How leadership theories can help in enhancing organizational success by influencing efforts directed at change management in information and technology management

Important note: The assignment should be of 500 words at least with proper citations and the Latest APA format. It should meet the rubric attached.

Practical Connection Assignment

Component Proficient (15 to 20 points) Competent (8 to 14 points) Novice (1 to 7 points) Score


Student completed all required
portions of the assignment

Completed portions of the


Did not complete the required


Writing Skills,
Grammar, and APA


Assignment strongly demonstrates

graduate-level proficiency in
organization, grammar, and style.

Assignment is well written, and ideas
are well developed and explained.
Demonstrates strong writing skills.

Student paid close attention to spelling
and punctuation. Sentences and

paragraphs are grammatically correct.

Proper use of APA formatting. Properly
and explicitly cited outside resources.

Reference list matches


Assignment demonstrates graduate-
level proficiency in organization,

grammar, and style.

Assignment is effectively
communicated, but some sections
lacking clarity. Student paid some

attention to spelling and
punctuation, but there are errors
within the writing. Needs attention

to proper

writing skills.

Use of APA formatting and citations
of outside resources, but has a few
instances in which proper citations

are missing.

Assignment does not demonstrate

graduate-level proficiency in
organization, grammar, and style.

Assignment is poorly written and

confusing. Ideas are not
communicated effectively. Student
paid no attention to spelling and
punctuation. Demonstrates poor

writing skills.

The assignment lacks the use of APA
formatting and does not provide
proper citations or includes no




Submission is well organized and has a

tight and cohesive focus that is
integrated throughout the document

Submissions has an organizational
structure and the focus is clear


Submission lacks focus or contains

major drifts in focus

Understanding of
Course Content

Student demonstrates understand of

course content and knowledge.

Student demonstrates some

understanding of course content
and knowledge.

Student does not demonstrate

understanding of course content and

Work Environment

Student strongly demonstrates the

practical application, or ability to apply,
of course objectives within a work


Student demonstrates some

practical application, or ability to
apply, of course objectives within a

work environment.

Student does not demonstrate the
practical application, or ability to
apply, of course objectives within a

work environment.

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