Practical connection assignment


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Subject : Business Intelligence

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it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.

Provide a reflection of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. 

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Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
If supporting evidence from outside resources is used, they must be properly referenced and cited.
Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. 

You should NOT provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect on how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

9/20/2020 Originality Report… 1/







SafeAssign Originality Report
Fall 2020 – Business Intelligence (ITS-531-M22) – Full Term • Practical Connections assignment

%43Total Score: High riskPoornima Devi Potula
Submission UUID: f221662d-bab5-5e3f-1267-ca3172b5d6a8

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43 %
BusinessIntelligence x

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43 %
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Highest: BusinessIntelligence x

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Word Count: 629
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Business Intelligence

Name: Poornima Devi Potula

Date: 09/20/2020

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI), is inclusive of all the technologies and strategies that are used by enterprises for the business information data analysis. Business

Intelligence technologies provide predictive, historical, and current views on the operations of a particular business. The knowledge that comes with business
intelligence technologies includes data mining, business performance management, benchmarking, and analytics among others (Alpar &Schulz 2016). The significance
of this knowledge is that it helps one to well manage large amounts of both structured and unstructured data in ways of identifying, developing, and even at times
coming up with strategic business opportunities. The BI technologies aim to ease the interpretation of big data as well as identifying and implementing new
opportunities into effective strategies that have the basis of having potential that have the capability of providing business together with a ‘competitive market
advantage and long-term stability.’ BI is important to enterprises who manipulate to get the advantage of supporting a wide range of business decisions that range
from operational to strategic. Product positional or rather pricing strategic business is one of the examples of basic operating decisions and it involves

directions, priorities, and goals at the broadest level. In many cases, business intelligence has proved to be the most effective in terms of data combination

directly derived from the market in which a company operates from, external data, with data which is derived from a company’s internal sources such as operational
and financial data. When the two sets of data are finally combined they provide a full picture that in effect, establishes an “intelligence” that is impossible to derive
from ordinary singular data. Among the many uses of that, there are the tools of business intelligence most significantly empower organizations to gain insight

and venture into new markets and assess the demand as well as the suitability of services and products for the segments of various markets and also gauge the
marketing efforts impact. Business Intelligence can be applied to many business purposes including the following; Analytics where it can be manipulated to

quantify the processes for a business to come in terms with its optimal decisions and also perform the discovery of business knowledge. At times, analytics may
involve process mining, data mining, predictive analysis, statistical analysis, and prescriptive analysis among others. The second application is knowledge
management where it focuses majorly on the creation, distribution, and management of both business knowledge and business intelligence in general. The

significance of business management is that it leads to the regulatory compliance and management of learning in a particular organization. The other application of
business intelligence is that it facilitates the collaboration of both internal and external business by making the interchange of electronic data and data sharing
possible. The last application is ‘business process management’ where benchmarking and performance metrics are applied to give business leaders information on
the current progress that is made towards the objectives of the business. “The business intelligence industry has grown and is still rapidly evolving showing no sign of
slowing down. As with any term as important as business intelligence, there is a lot of confusion about what is and how it may apply to your business (Larson & Chang
2016).” In simpler terms, Business Intelligence examples are the software tools that make it possible to establish values from a huge amount of data and aid in the
development of new opportunities.

REFERENCE Alpar, P., & Schulz, M. (2016). Self-service business intelligence. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 58(2), 151-155.

Larson, D., & Chang, V.

(2016). A review and future direction of agile, business intelligence, analytics, and data science. International Journal of Information Management, 36(5), 700-710.

1 2



Student paper

Business Intelligence (BI), is inclusive of
all the technologies and strategies that
are used by enterprises for the business
information data analysis.

Original source

Business intelligence (BI) comprises the
strategies and technologies used by
enterprises for the data analysis of
business information

Student paper

Business Intelligence technologies
provide predictive, historical, and current
views on the operations of a particular

Original source

Business Intelligence technologies
provide historical, current and predictive
views of business operations

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raptorpos 64%

wikipedia 71%

Student paper 78%

wikipedia 77%

wikipedia 66%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 100%
Student paper

Product positional or rather pricing
strategic business is one of the examples
of basic operating decisions and it
involves directions, priorities, and goals
at the broadest level.

Original source

Strategic business decisions include
priorities, goals and directions at the
broadest level

Student paper

In many cases, business intelligence has
proved to be the most effective in terms
of data combination directly derived
from the market in which a company
operates from, external data, with data
which is derived from a company’s
internal sources such as operational and
financial data.

Original source

In all cases, BI is most effective when it
combines data derived from the market
in which a company operates (external
data) with data from company sources
internal to the business such as financial
and operations data (internal data)

Student paper

Among the many uses of that, there are
the tools of business intelligence most
significantly empower organizations to
gain insight and venture into new
markets and assess the demand as well
as the suitability of services and products
for the segments of various markets and
also gauge the marketing efforts impact.

Original source

Business intelligence tools empower
organizations to gain insight into new
markets, to assess demand and
suitability of products and services for
different market segments and to gauge
the impact of marketing efforts

Student paper

Business Intelligence can be applied to
many business purposes including the
following; Analytics where it can be
manipulated to quantify the processes
for a business to come in terms with its
optimal decisions and also perform the
discovery of business knowledge.

Original source

Business intelligence can be applied to
the following business purposes:[23]
Analytics quantify processes for a
business to arrive at optimal decisions,
and to perform business knowledge

Student paper

The significance of business
management is that it leads to the
regulatory compliance and management
of learning in a particular organization.

Original source

Knowledge management leads to
learning management and regulatory

Student paper
Larson, D., & Chang, V.
Original source

Larson, D., & Chang, V

Student paper

A review and future direction of agile,
business intelligence, analytics, and data
science. International Journal of
Information Management, 36(5), 700-

Original source

A review and future direction of agile,
business intelligence, analytics and data
science International Journal of
Information Management, 36(5), 700-710

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