Practical connection assigment

 You are working with your manager on a project. You are attempting to determine the best approach for securing inbound traffic from the

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  • to various application servers on the client’s local area network (LAN). You would like to select a strategy that gives the client significant control over user accessibility. You would also like to ensure that all data passing into your client’s network is properly evaluated before access is granted. Integrity of data is the top priority; however, your client has a limited budget for deployment. Using the information presented above, discuss which of the following firewall security strategies would be a good fit for your client’s network environment. Firewall Security StrategiesSecurity through obscurityBy configuring systems in a way that does not follow normal patterns and is not easily understandable, security through obscurity can be obtained. By utilizing abnormal configurations, the probability of exploitation is reduced and a level of protection is obtained. Administrators seek security through obscurity by performing one or more of the following actions:

    • Modification of default ports
    • Spoofing of banners or headers
    • Utilization of extraordinary long Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
    • Utilizing uncommon protocols or operating systems

    Keep in mind that this strategy may instill a false sense of security. Because attackers have multiple methods to scan against system configurations, utilizing this as the only security mechanism is like using nothing at all. Least privilegeThis strategy requires that each user or group that requires access to resources be explicitly granted permission. Because all resource access would be denied by default, each individual access need would have to be individually addressed. When least privilege is employed, there is often a dramatic increase in administrative overhead as a direct result. Least privilege is preferred for administrative scenarios.  SimplicityThis strategy reinforces that the selected solution should remain simple. By retaining a simple solution, the potential for error in configuration, bugs, or other problems is reduced. Defense in DepthThis strategy emphasizes on a layered approach. The use of multiple safeguards ensures that no system that represents a single point of failure could be breached. The characteristics of a defense-in-depth strategy are:

    • Public networks are separate from private networks
    • Multiple security controls are implemented
    • Redundant security controls are implemented
    • Consists of multiple tiers or layers

    Diversity of DefenseDiversity of defense is similar to defense in depth in terms of layered approach. The distinction is that diversity in defense represents each of those layers with a different technology. ChokepointA chokepoint forces all traffic through a single pathway to ensure that security checks take place. This strategy is only valuable if the chokepoint is hard to bypass or skip around. Additionally, because all traffic is funneled into the single pathway, issues regarding bandwidth constraints or performance problems may arise.     Weakest LinkBecause all environments have a weakest link, this strategy subscribes to the continuous process of identifying the weakest link and eradicating it. Fail-safeFailure is destined to occur on security systems, and when it does a strategy for handling the failure should already be in place. When a failure occurs and a fail-safe is triggered, there are two possible reactive choices:

    • Fail-open: Security systems fail, but in order to maintain availability network communications are allowed to continue.
    • Fail-closed: When security fails in order to retain security and integrity, the network pathway is closed and traffic flow does not continue.

    Fail-safe is a strategy that is most often used in conjunction with other strategies. Forced Universal ParticipationWhen it comes to selecting a security strategy it is important that all users and groups involved in its execution are supportive. End users are a potentially exploitable key for an attacker to utilize in order to gain unauthorized access to a network environment. When end users intentionally or inadvertently do not follow security principals, an attacker can more readily cause a breach in the security systems. A good example of this is when users write down their user name and password information and store them in plain sight. Without buy-in to the selected security strategy and a commitment to following protocol, there is a higher probability for breach. Selecting and following through with the implementation of a forced universal participation strategy will ensure that security policies are observed. Required Resources

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    Submission Requirements

    • Format: Microsoft Word
    • Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
    • Citation Style: Follow your school’s preferred style guide
    • Length: 2 pages
    • Citation Style:  APA with at least 2 Refferences

    Self-Assessment ChecklistUse the following checklist to support your work on the assignment:

    • I have raised questions and solicited instructor input on the topics discussed.
    • I have articulated my position clearly and logically.
    • I have supported my argument with data and factual information.
    • I have provided relevant citations and references to support my position on the issue discussed.
    • I have followed the submission requirements.

    Executive Program Practical Connection Assignment


    Proficient (15 to 20 points)

    Competent (8 to 14 points)

    Novice (1 to 7 points)


    Assignment Requirements

    Student completed all required portions of the assignment

    Completed portions of the assignment

    Did not complete the required assignment.

    Writing Skills, Grammar, and APA Formatting

    Assignment strongly demonstrates graduate-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style.
    Assignment is well written, and ideas are well developed and explained. Demonstrates strong writing skills. Student paid close attention to spelling and punctuation. Sentences and paragraphs are grammatically correct.
    Proper use of APA formatting. Properly and explicitly cited outside resources. Reference list matches citations.

    Assignment demonstrates graduate-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style.
    Assignment is effectively communicated, but some sections lacking clarity. Student paid some attention to spelling and punctuation, but there are errors within the writing. Needs attention to proper writing skills.
    Use of APA formatting and citations of outside resources, but has a few instances in which proper citations are missing.

    Assignment does not demonstrate graduate-level proficiency in organization, grammar, and style.
    Assignment is poorly written and confusing. Ideas are not communicated effectively. Student paid no attention to spelling and punctuation. Demonstrates poor writing skills.
    The assignment lacks the use of APA formatting and does not provide proper citations or includes no citations.

    Maintains purpose/focus

    Submission is well organized and has a tight and cohesive focus that is integrated throughout the document

    Submissions has an organizational structure and the focus is clear throughout.

    Submission lacks focus or contains major drifts in focus

    Understanding of Course Content

    Student demonstrates understand of course content and knowledge.

    Student demonstrates some understanding of course content and knowledge.

    Student does not demonstrate understanding of course content and knowledge.

    Work Environment Application

    Student strongly demonstrates the practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment.

    Student demonstrates some practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment.

    Student does not demonstrate the practical application, or ability to apply, of course objectives within a work environment.

    Firewall Security Strategies

    You are working with your manager on a project. You are attempting to determine the best approach for securing inbound traffic from the Internet to various application servers on the client’s local area network (LAN). You would like to select a strategy that gives the client significant control over user accessibility. You would also like to ensure that all data passing into your client’s network is properly evaluated before access is granted. Integrity of data is the top priority; however, your client has a limited budget for deployment.

    Using the information presented above, discuss which of the following firewall security strategies would be a good fit for your client’s network environment.

    Firewall Security Strategies

    Security through obscurity

    By configuring systems in a way that does not follow normal patterns and is not easily understandable, security through obscurity can be obtained. By utilizing abnormal configurations, the probability of exploitation is reduced and a level of protection is obtained. Administrators seek security through obscurity by performing one or more of the following actions:

    · Modification of default ports

    · Spoofing of banners or headers

    · Utilization of extraordinary long Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

    · Utilizing uncommon protocols or operating systems

    Keep in mind that this strategy may instill a false sense of security. Because attackers have multiple methods to scan against system configurations, utilizing this as the only security mechanism is like using nothing at all.

    Least privilege

    This strategy requires that each user or group that requires access to resources be explicitly granted permission. Because all resource access would be denied by default, each individual access need would have to be individually addressed. When least privilege is employed, there is often a dramatic increase in administrative overhead as a direct result. Least privilege is preferred for administrative scenarios.


    This strategy reinforces that the selected solution should remain simple. By retaining a simple solution, the potential for error in configuration, bugs, or other problems is reduced.

    Defense in Depth

    This strategy emphasizes on a layered approach. The use of multiple safeguards ensures that no system that represents a single point of failure could be breached. The characteristics of a defense-in-depth strategy are:

    · Public networks are separate from private networks

    · Multiple security controls are implemented

    · Redundant security controls are implemented

    · Consists of multiple tiers or layers

    Diversity of Defense

    Diversity of defense is similar to defense in depth in terms of layered approach. The distinction is that diversity in defense represents each of those layers with a different technology.


    A chokepoint forces all traffic through a single pathway to ensure that security checks take place. This strategy is only valuable if the chokepoint is hard to bypass or skip around. Additionally, because all traffic is funneled into the single pathway, issues regarding bandwidth constraints or performance problems may arise.

    Weakest Link

    Because all environments have a weakest link, this strategy subscribes to the continuous process of identifying the weakest link and eradicating it.


    Failure is destined to occur on security systems, and when it does a strategy for handling the failure should already be in place. When a failure occurs and a fail-safe is triggered, there are two possible reactive choices:

    · Fail-open: Security systems fail, but in order to maintain availability network communications are allowed to continue.

    · Fail-closed: When security fails in order to retain security and integrity, the network pathway is closed and traffic flow does not continue.

    Fail-safe is a strategy that is most often used in conjunction with other strategies.

    Forced Universal Participation

    When it comes to selecting a security strategy it is important that all users and groups involved in its execution are supportive. End users are a potentially exploitable key for an attacker to utilize in order to gain unauthorized access to a network environment. When end users intentionally or inadvertently do not follow security principals, an attacker can more readily cause a breach in the security systems. A good example of this is when users write down their user name and password information and store them in plain sight. Without buy-in to the selected security strategy and a commitment to following protocol, there is a higher probability for breach. Selecting and following through with the implementation of a forced universal participation strategy will ensure that security policies are observed.

    © 2014 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company. All rights reserved. Page 2

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