pp 8-10 slides))) american juvenile system.

In this assignment, you will analyze factors influencing the development of the American juvenile justice system. Understanding the factors that have influenced the juvenile justice system will give you a better idea of where the juvenile system is today and why.

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In an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation:

  • Analyze factors influencing the development of the American juvenile justice system.
  • Summarize the beginning of the juvenile era. Include information detailing the earliest known juvenile laws.
  • Discuss the Illinois Juvenile Court Act of 1899 and elaborate how this legislation impacted the juvenile justice system.
  • Define and discuss how parens patriae relates to the juvenile justice system.
  • Summarize the original intent of the juvenile justice courts’ treatment aspect and discuss the social changes that began to impact the system in the 1960s.

In regard to the task instructions use the Notes section of the presentation to provide additional content or explanation.

Support your responses with examples.

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