Powerpoint Touch-up

Please see attachment. The powerpoint attached is pretty much completed. I did most of the work.Need to add a few more slides and touch it up, make it presentable, get rid of grammatical errors and etc. 

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due sunday POWERPOINT

GDP information and what are the biggest sources of revenue in their economy:

Provide detailed GDP information for your country, including:

-Total GDP (Usually nominal only is available)

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-How big their economy is (RANK if available)

– What their GDP growth rate is (%)

-GDP Per Capita (Usually nominal only is available)

– What is the biggest sector of their GDP (GDP by sector) and what % does it make up

· ex. Agriculture, industry, services…

-Top exports and imports

– The biggest sources of revenue, ex. Investment and exports, and if their net exports are + or – (if information available)

Economic Growth:

-What is their economic growth rate? (see guide below)

· ex. Italy’s economy shrank 0.1 percent on quarter in the last three months of 2018. GDP Growth Rate in Italy averaged 0.59 percent from 1960 until 2018.

-What has been done lately to stimulate their economy? Where are they headed? Are they stagnant or do they see growth? What concerns have been expressed about their future?

-Feel free to include any other information that explains a bit about the country’s economy and what drives its growth or lack of.

· Ex. Interesting facts about their economy (inventions, culture), how their culture affects their consumption, what are priorities to their people.

· This is the area where you can focus on “tourism.” What makes it such a great country to live in, work in, etc.

-What their current inflation rate? What is it usually?

Unemployment information:

-Discuss rate and changes. Where there any major recent events that caused dramatic changes?

-What is the biggest employment sector, and where are jobs headed?


-GDP: Wikipedia uses the CIA world factbook. Both resources can be used, if it comes from that source.


-GDP/Econ growth/Unemployment:



-This list is the BARE MINIMUM of what is expected. Your public speaking ability, knowledge on the subject (not just reading off the slides, so please read articles on your topic), and the quality of your presentation (slides that simple to read and understand and included graphs, pictures, etc.) are important.

-This will be worked on in class AND on your free time. It is a midterm, so please treat it like so.



1. Humble Beginnings

“Colombia” is derived from the last name of the Italian navigator Christopher Columbus (Italian: Cristoforo Colombo, Spanish: Cristóbal Colón).
To refer to this country, the Colombian government uses the terms Colombia and República de Colombia
Indigenous people inhabited the territory that is now Colombia by 12,500 BCE.
Bogota was founded in 1538. In 1564 Colombia was made a captaincy-general. The colony thrived and many African slaves were taken there.

In 1810 most of Colombia declared independence. It did not last long. The Spanish re-conquered the area in 1815-16.
in 1819 Simon Bolivar defeated the Spanish at the battle of Boyaca. Subsequently a new nation was formed consisting of Colombia, Panama, Venezuela and Ecuador. The new nation was called the Republic of Colombia and Colombia (including what is now Panama) became separate from Ecuador and Venezuela.
However regional differences caused the new country to break up. Bolivar became dictator in 1828 but he resigned in 1830
Political instability continued through the late 19th century and in 1899 a terrible civil war called the War of a Thousand Days was fought.
in 1903 Panama broke away and became an independent nation.


Formed after the dissolution of Gran Colombia in 1830
In 1990s , long-term conflict between government forces, paramilitaries and anti-government insurgent groups .
By 2006, more than 31,000 Colombia paramilitaries were demobilized
Collapse of the AUC as a public organization
In 2016, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and Colombian Government signed a final peace accord 
Today, Colombia maintains a robust democratic institutions featured by nonviolent, transparent elections and the preservation of civil liberties.
Power of Geography
Total area:  1,138,910 sq miles
Pop: est. 50.37 million
3,208 km (Caribbean Sea 1,760 km, North Pacific Ocean 1,448 km) of coastline


The Numbers and their Understanding
GDP and the Economy
2019, GDP worth 370.billion U.S. dollars, repre. 0.31 % of world economy
GDP per capita: 6642 U.S. dollars
GDP growth rate: 0.5% (4th quarter of 2019)
Foreign trade represented 36.8% of the country’s GDP in 2018
Colombia mainly exports petroleum oils (39.9%), coal (15.7%), coffee (5.6%), flowers (3.5%), and gold (3.4%).

Breakdown Agriculture Industry Services
Employment By Sector (in % of Total Employment) 16.0 19.2 64.5
Value Added (in % of GDP) 6.3 26.6 55.7
Value Added (Annual % Change) 5.6 -2.1 2.8

GDP/Econ growth/Unemployment: https://tradingeconomics.com/

2. Economic Growth

GDP Annual Growth Rate
Slightly above market expectations of a 2.5 percent expansion

Scarcity & Growth
Natural resources and raw goods (which they import)
Growth :
Biggest and the fastest growing sector of Colombian economy is:
Services- (53% GDP). Manufacturing, mining and quarrying create – 20% of wealth
Government -10%
Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing (6.3 percent);
Construction – 6%
Electricity, gas and water distribution – 4%

How is Life In Colombia?
***The Longer bars illustrate better outcomes , while shorter bars always indicate worse outcomes

Tourism in Columbia
Conributes to about 9.3% of the country’s GDP
Generated $4.8bn in 2017 from $3.3 bn in 2016
Received 3.3M visitors in 2018
Travel and tourism policies enable 10 million international visitors annually. 
Accounts for approximately 4 percent of total economy
Colombia revised its visa-free access policy in 2015 to attract more foreign visitors


Ethnic groups – mestizo and white 87.6%, Afro-Colombian (includes mulatto, Raizal, and Palenquero) 6.8%, Amerindian 4.3%, Others 1.4% 
Demographic profile – Undergoing economic transformation because of stable drops in its fertility, mortality, and population growth rates.
Experiences huge legal and illegal economic expatriation and outflow of refugees
Prevalence in forced displacements as a result of violence among the guerrillas, paramilitary groups, and Colombian security forces
Ranked #72 in the world in terms of overall Prosperity Index rankings
More about Colombia…

Colombia is 72nd in the overall Prosperity Index rankings.
Has moved four positions since 2009,
Preforms best in Natural Environment and Health, but weaker in Safety & Security.
More about Colombia…

3. Unemployment ( 1999-2019).

-Discuss rate and changes. Where there any major recent events that caused dramatic
-What is the biggest employment sector, and where are jobs headed?

Colombia: Unemployment rate from 1999 to 2019



Youth Employment Rate ( 15-24 years)
Colombia total: 18.7%
male: 14.7%
female: 24.1% 

The prevalence rate of unemployed youths in Columbia is approximately 19% (18.7%)

Biggest Employment Sectors

-What is the biggest employment sector, and where are jobs headed?



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