This is the last piece of your class project. Imagine the presentation has been approved by the president and will be publicly published to sell the president’s ideas.
Take your research from the essays and present it in a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint.

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  • A title slide and reference slide.
  • Each topic will have a four-slide minimum to explain the problem, illustrate the competing solutions, and explain why one is better. 
  • At least one use of animation and one sound should be used within the final product. 
  • Be sure graphics are readable.
  • For detailed grading criteria, read through the presentation rubric. 
    After submitting the presentation, please upload it also to the Week 8 ungraded forum to show it off and comment on the work of your classmates. (Optional).
    210 Essay and Presentation Overview  



    Government Branches and Policy

    Tierra Fussman (Henry)

    American Military University

    Government Branches and Policy

    The three levels of government (federal, state, and local), play a critical role in collectively formulating universal healthcare policies. While the federal government mainly provides financial support and indirect support to states and overall the healthcare system, it plays a limited role in service delivery. Formulation of healthcare policies poses complex legal, social, and ethical issues. The goal of health policy is to promote and protect the health of individuals and communities. Officials in the various government branches can achieve this objective in ways that protect human rights.

    An example of a healthcare issue under debate by the government is the provision of medical care for the poor. American Liberals are of the view that the health of the poor should be an obligation of the government. On the other hand, the American Medical Association insists that having such a policy would lead to socialism and endanger the relationship between patients and doctors. In the USA, there are no plans for socialized medicine or “panel doctor” that exist in most European countries (Sharpe, 2019). In theory, a more significant percentage of physicians are in private practice. Their financially stable patients pay large enough fees capable of covering the proportion of time that the physicians devote to free service among the poor (Chatwin, Arku & Cleave, 2019). The main problem with this scheme is that the poor are never assured that they will get quality service, or in some instances, any at all. Further, numerous people in the lower middle class earn sufficient incomes that can prevent them from relying on free service, yet they bear the financial burden of serious illnesses, a disaster from which it takes several years or decades to recover from.

    Over the past few years, several schemes have come up that are on a border-line between private and public medical practice. There are public health facilities that undertake to give unlimited medical, nursing-home, and dental services upon the payment of a fixed figure per annum. These facilities retain their dentists, physicians, and other staff members on a fixed yearly salary (Kraft & Furlong, 2020). They may not engage in private practice and are required to take care of as many patients as possible. Such facilities have experienced tremendous support in many cities. Members of a cooperative, retain their own physicians at the end of the year and have unlimited right to consult him.

    The American Medical Society has fiercely fought against such types of procedures. It has blatantly refused to allow its members to engage in such practices and has even expelled any member who defied their orders. Expulsion from the society is a serious issue since it brings into question the professional standing and competence of the physician (Chatwin, Arku & Cleave, 2019). Recently, The United States Department of Justice took action against the District of Columbia facet of the American Medical Association due to similar conduct. This conduct was described as a conspiracy to restrain trade.

    Under the US federalist system, the governing of the health care system is allocated between federal and state governments. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) expands the coverage options for Americans, among other changes in the health care system (Sharpe, 2019). Though the federal government provides much of the funding for subsidized coverage and sets the platform for the regulation of the insurance market, state and local governments have the flexibility to implement the law. Currently, proposed healthcare reforms by the political right are aimed at giving greater responsibility to state and local governments (Kraft & Furlong, 2020). To review the balance between federal, state, and local governments regarding health care, Democrats and Republicans are coming up with proposals that alter the balance. Further, the two political sides are assessing policies that affect access to care and insurance coverage.

    For decades, America’s medical and political leaders have promised to fix the health care system. Critics opine that nothing much has changed until now. In their view, over the years, healthcare been growing increasingly unaffordable and avoidable deaths keep wiping out thousands of patients each year (Chatwin, Arku & Cleave, 2019). Critics argue that universal health insurance may not necessarily lead to universal access to health services. In practice, the model rations care and leads to extremely long waiting lists for treatment. The system has not entirely been able to solve the seemingly irresistible and universal problem of the rising cost of health care.

    However, the arguments fronted by critics against universal health are wrong. Universal health care is critical since it enables people and communities to access the services that they require without having to pay exorbitant prices. UHC also leads to more inclusive and faster growth for economies. It has a direct impact on the welfare and health of the population. Use and access of health services makes it possible for people to be more active and productive contributors to their communities and families. Thus, it is a critical component of poverty reduction and sustainable development. In addition to this, universal health care is the hallmark of the commitment of governments at all levels to improve the health of the people.


    Chatwin, M., Arku, G., & Cleave, E. (2019). Defining subnational open government: does local context influence policy and practice?. Policy Sciences, 52(3), 451-479.

    Kraft, M. E., & Furlong, S. R. (2020). Public policy: Politics, analysis, and alternatives. Cq Press.

    Sharpe, L. (2019). Policy implementation. and PolitiCs A Nurse’s Guide, 101.

    American Healthcare Issues

    Tierra Fussman-Henry
    American Military University

    American Healthcare Issues

    Lack of Insurance is depriving citizens with their Healthcare Rights

    The American healthcare system has been the talk for quite some time ever since the recession took place. Healthcare is something that should not be dependent upon the economy of the country because getting sick or unwell is not in anyone’s hand. Every human whether rich or poor is bound to get sick and then, healthcare facilities should be there to treat them equally. Healthcare facilities should be equal for everyone but unfortunately, this is not happening in the system of American healthcare.
    Some glaring issues need to solve on an urgent basis in the American healthcare system but the one which is being pointed out more than others is affordable insurance. Due to the expensive cost nature of health insurance, millions of people tend to avoid it. and in return, they deprived themselves of the healthcare that is rightfully theirs. “The cost of health insurance and health care is rising at a pace faster than wages and inflation.” (unknown, 2020).  Due to the increasing rate of insurance, the system of healthcare is dying slowly and it is high time for the authorities to look into this matter.
    For the matters sake, two simple solutions are designed to overcome the expensive insurance policies. Solution no.01 would be that the system of healthcare and health insurance must be handled by the state because it is their responsibility that they should provide affordable healthcare and affordable is not in the card then, insurance must be there. It falls within the responsibilities of state, federal and local governments to think over it and launch innovative programs. “An important reason is the US system of private health insurance. As discussed earlier, other Western nations have national systems of health care and health insurance.” (unknown, n.d.).
    Without the state’s support and consideration, the cost of healthcare is reaching the sky and whenever someone has tried to work over it, the system has been harsh to them. Every new government says that they will be working on the healthcare system and making it more affordable and within everyone’s reach but nothing has ever happened. In an interview, PwC was recorded saying that states are developing different strategical plans to counteract the healthcare situations. “States will be taking more direct action to secure their insurance markets in 2019, even as the methods for doing so become more variate, creating challenges for regulatory compliance,” PwC said.” (Siwicki, 2019). But it has been proved through time again and again that leaders don’t come with new schemes or if they do come up, then they are not as supportive as they ought to be.
    Another solution would be the development of such a system where either healthcare cost is affordable or insurances are affordable. Like the plan that ex-President Obama launched, Obamacare. But critics have been harsh to this solution as well because they have not been able to change the system. “After promising for seven years and voting more than fifty times in the last four years to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Republican majority in the House of Representatives could not agree on a replacement plan. As a consequence, the ACA – with all of its strengths and weaknesses – will continue.” (Lewis, n.d.)
     Furthermore, critics also viewed it as a system that made people lose insurance in the name of quality healthcare. “The ACA has widened the gap between providing patients the mechanism of paying for healthcare and receiving it. The ACA is applauded for increasing the number of insured, quite appropriately as that has occurred for over 20 million people. Less frequently mentioned are the 6 million who have lost their insurance.” (Center, Woods, Manchikanti & Purdue, 2017).
    Therefore, it is believed that critics might be right up to some extent but years-long damaged systems cannot be corrected in a snap of fingers. It will take time, patience and some sensible talk. My solutions hold their grounds because insurance is a life-long treat that will provide the health service one plan for. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the State to develop such plans in which everyone has easy access to health insurance and affordability is the priority. What state can do is stay in connection with the legal three branches of the federal government (executive, legislative and judicial) and design a strategy in which easy access to insurance in the minimum period with the cost being moderate or less. Such innovation would be appreciated at Local, Federal and State Level of governmental institutions so normal people can enjoy the facility of medical health whenever they need.


    Center, H., Woods, C. A., Manchikanti, L., & Purdue Pharma, L. P. (2017). A critical analysis of Obamacare: Affordable care or insurance for many and coverage for few. Pain Physician, 20, 111-138.
    Gologorsky, Beverly. (2019). Health care in the US should be affordable and accessible. Retrieved on 6th February 2020.

    Lewis, Michael. (n.d.). can the US health care system be fixed? History, problems, and solutions. Retrieved on 6th February 2020. https://www.moneycrashers.com/fix-us-healthcare-system-history-problems-solutions/
    Siwicki, Bill. (2019). Here are 6 major issues facing healthcare in 2019, according to PwC. Retrieved o 6th February 2020.

    Unknown. (2020). Health care issues. Retrieved on 6th February 2020.

    Unknown. (n.d.). the problem of health care in the United States. Retrieved on 6th February 2020. https://saylordotorg.github.io/text_social-problems-continuity-and-change/s16-04-problems-of-health-care-in-the.html

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