powerpoint presentation

 Investigate daylighting, level of energy consumptions…

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CSMT350: Green Building Design and Construction

Fieldwork (40 points)

As a sustainability professional, your company has asked you to conduct a survey of a project and provide feedback through PowerPoint presentation to the building sustainability team.

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Your role is to conduct a compressive investigation of the building towards meeting green building design and construction goals. In this investigation, you will inspect many aspects of the building including, daylighting, level of energy consumptions (whether it is metered or not and the related impact, etc.)

Investigate these in the light of meeting sustainability principles (triple bottom-line approach: social, economic and environmental) and/or goals using LEED assessment criteria Feel free to develop and administer a short survey questionnaire (or interview) to the occupants of the building (which may include students or workers in the building) in order to get some data or information pertinent to meeting sustainability goals-you could share the question items. In your analysis (and presentation), state the number of LEED points accumulated by meeting some of the sustainability initiatives you found from your investigation.

Feel free to recommend possible innovative ways to make the building greener by getting more points towards higher LEED rating. Use pictures, links, citations/references and/or any other form of supporting information for your report.

You are to provide a presentation of this project fieldwork. This will help the building sustainability team who are involved in the operation and maintenance to find better ways to improve the building towards LEED certification. Make it as exciting and original as you can.

Bonus: 5 points for creativity and providing an outstanding presentation

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