PowerPoint ONLY 2 SLIDES

I am on a team. I am only responsible for my part. My part only consists of 2 slides. Below is the full PowerPoint information:

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Imagine you and your team have been asked to give a presentation at a health care expo about consumers and their health care choices. To accomplish this presentation, your team has decided to select a health care company or product to use as an example during your presentation.

Choose 1 of the following companies or products to use in your presentation:

  • Health spa launching a new weight loss treatment
  • Insurance company launching a new medical product for the exchange
  • Hospital system launching a new diabetes program
  • Medical device manufacturer launching a new metal alloy prosthesis
  • Select your own company and product with approval from your instructor

Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation with speaker notes that includes the following:

Section 1: General Company or Product Information

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  • Describe the health care company or product.
  • Describe the value of the services offered by your health care company or product.

Section 2: Consumer Information

  • Analyze how consumers share health information through the company or the product.
  • Analyze the implications of communication methods used when sharing health information. 
  • Consider communication from physicians, pharmacies, and consumers when information is shared.  

Section 3: Impact of Outside Agencies

  • Analyze the impact government agencies have on services companies offer or products that are available to the health care consumer.

Section 4: Impact of Regulations

  • Analyze the effect of health care reform on the health care consumer who uses the selected company or product.

Section 5: Anticipating the Changing Market

  • Explain how consumers’ options for health care are changing.
  • Consider if it will have an impact on the use of the company or product selected.
  • Explain how you will ensure the selected health care company or product will be relevant and engaging to the consumer over time.
  • Discuss how advances in technology and medicine may influence the use of the company or product over time.


-Explain how consumers’ options for health care are changing.

-Consider if it will have an impact on the use of the company or product selected.


Health spa launching a new weight loss treatment.

SPEAKER NOTES ON EACH SLIDE. Minimum of 40 words.

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