
To enrich your knowledge of Lifespan Developmental Psychology, you will complete a Powerpoint Presentation on a topic that interests you in the course. Any topic from the course textbook is eligible for the Powerpoint Presentation. It is acceptable for you to pursue a topic that has not yet been covered in the course. Topics might include: a developmental period (e.g., early childhood), a biography of a famous developmental psychologist (e.g., Jean Piaget), or bullying. If you are unsure of a topic, please contact Dr. Wright to discuss. There are two parts to this assignment, which are detailed below:

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Part I: Submit Powerpoint Presentation Topic

To fulfill this part of the Powerpoint Presentation Assignment, students must write a one-paragraph summary of the topic for the Powerpoint Presentation. The following should be included in the one-paragraph summary:

  • One sentence statement of the topic of the Powerpoint Presentation
  • Three pieces of information related to the topic
  • Describe two images that you will consider including in the presentation
  • Include three resources, referenced in APA style, that will be used for the presentation

The “Powerpoint Presentation Topic” should be submitted to the “Powerpoint Presentation Topic” dropbox. This portion of the assignment is worth 10 points and accounts for 5% of your total grade.

Due date: 2/7/2021 by 11:59pm EST 

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Part II: Submit Powerpoint Presentation

To fulfill this part of the Powerpoint Presentation Assignment, you must create a 15 slide Powerpoint Presentation that addresses the following key points:

  • Provide one slide with an introduction to the topic, including relevant background details
  • Include a minimum of 12 information slides

    A slide should have less than 25 words to prevent the slide from looking cluttered
    Additional text should be included in the notes section at the bottom of the slide

  • Include a minimum of four images related to your topic or that illustrate it; be sure to include information related to these images on slide.
  • Include one slide which applies the topic to your personal or professional life
  • Include a reference slide, with four resources, referenced in APA style, that were used for the presentation (not counted toward slide total)

human development POWERPOINT

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