
My topic –   how children in the inner city, which is largely segregated and disproportionately non-white, don’t have equal access to green spaces. “Urban green spaces” is a topic you can find in your research, and you could compare 2-3 major US cities and look at how much fresh air access they have in low-income areas, and what govt efforts exist to make these happen.

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For the power point assignment, each student (individually) is to research an issue related to environmental justice that was not elaborated in great depth this semester. In the power point assignment, students should provide a detailed description of the topic, as well as a discussion of how it fits into the context of research discussed throughout the semester. Because each student must research a different topic, issues must be approved in advance by the professor, and are approved on a first come, first serve basis. 

Read the in-depth instructions for the completion of this assignment in the “Important Documents” Module.

Be advised that your power point should be much more than simply a descriptive presentation of the issue you choose. There is the expectation that you will demonstrate critical thinking, and link the topic clearly to material we have covered this semester.

some readings from class you may wanna use 

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Burns, Shirley Stewart. (2007). Bringing Down the Mountains: The Impact of Mountaintop

            Removal on Southern West Virginia Communities. West Virginia University Press.

Gunter, Valerie & Kroll-Smith, Steve. (2007). Volatile places: A sociology of communities and

environmental controversies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

Layzer, Judith A. (2016). The environmental case: Translating values into policy (4th ed.).

Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Running head: URBAN GREEN SPACES 1


How Children in the Inner City Lack Equal Access to Green Spaces

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

How Children in the Inner City Lack Equal Access to Green Spaces


I. Introduction

II. Description of inner cities

III. Segregation in inner cities.

IV. Definition of green spaces

V. Equality of access to green spaces.

VI. Comparison of 2 major US cities in terms of fresh air

VII. Government efforts


Taylor, A. F., Wiley, A., Kuo, F. E., & Sullivan, W. C. (2018). Growing up in the inner city: Green spaces as places to grow. Environment and Behavior, 30(1), 3-27.

This article will describe the real definition of inner cities. It will also address the various features that can make a place fit the description of an inner city.

Hamnett, C. (2016). Social change and social segregation in Inner Cities, 1961-71. Urban Studies, 13(3), 261-271.

This book will address the segregation and disproportionality of inner cities.

Miller, R. W., Hauer, R. J., & Werner, L. P. (2015). Urban forestry: planning and managing urban greenspaces. Waveland press.

This book will discuss the meaning of urban green spaces, their features, and their benefits as well.

Markevych, I., & Heinrich, J. (2015). Access to urban green spaces and behavioural problems in children. Environment international, 71, 29-35.

This journal will discuss the challenges that children in inner cities go through in accessing green spaces.

Žlender, V., & Thompson, C. W. (2017). Accessibility and use of urban green space for inner-city children. Landscape and urban planning, 165, 193-205.

This book will discuss the equality and lack thereof faced by children coming from inner cities in experiencing the full services of the green spaces.

Kim, Y., & Bentley, M. (2020). Green spaces in the US. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 49, 126637.

This book will compare two US cities and look at the amount of fresh air access in areas of low-income.

Green, O. O., & Shuster, W. D. (2016). Adaptive governance to promote urban green spaces. Urban ecosystems, 19(1), 77-93.

This article will dig into the government efforts that are being applied to the issues discussed in the research.

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