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Slide #1​​Describe the organization (Profile)

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Slide #2​​Summary of Leadership Criteria Findings

Slide #3​​Summary of Strategy Criteria Findings

Slide #4​​Summary of Customer Focus Findings

Slide #5​​Summary of Measurement, Analysis, and 

Knowledge Management Findings

Slide #6​​Summary of Workforce Findings

Slide #7 ​​Summary of Operations Findings

Slide #8​​Summary of Results

Slide #9​Self-Analysis Worksheet – Major Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement

Slide #10​​Recommendations

Reference Slide

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Leadership Recommendations


Student’s Name


Leadership Recommendations


Leadership is essential in the management of organizations. It is the instrument used to instigate and implement policies formulated in an organization, thereby critical in determining an organization’s success. Effective leaders lead to the effective management of institutions. This should be the case of the United States Navy, which belongs to the department of defense. Typically, the United States Navy has a robust leadership and staff whose main aim is to maintain and sustain the status quo. For effective management of its arsenals, the unit ought to employ effective management st


gies. This discussion will conduct a narrative summary of recommendations to the United States Navy (USN), which will be based on the Self Analysis Worksheet.

Competent leadership and credible staff are the hallmarks of USN, and their lasting desire to maintain their global status quo has given them a global advantage. The unit has over 400,000


ly trained staff and deadly weapons (Russell et al., 2015). The Navy is considered to be the best in the world. Still, the Navy’s field is very dynamic, with other forces ranging from developed countries (UK, France, Canada, Russia) to emerging economies such as India, South Korea, and China. It seems that. Competitors. Besides, recent technological advances have strengthened the USN and improved the vocational capabilities of foreign navies. This sophisticated feature means that the enemy’s attack strategy is extremely flexible. Therefore, continuous evaluation of departmental strategies directly from management, personnel, resources, operations, and performance is essential to initiate continuous improvement.

The leadership Self-Assessment Worksheet

Rating areas

This section evaluates the various achievements in different departments. In this case, they comprise leadership areas. The benefits of the leadership style on the achievement of the various goals are evaluated. The






tags are used in the classification of the effectiveness.

The second section is based on


ing, whereby the significance of each leadership aspect is evaluated. The ranking of all aspects is based on priority. The priority is based on low, medium, and high modalities. In the leadership strategies of the United States Navy, various methodologies are used.













key leadership area

management description

rate rank

Human Resource

the unit has more than 400,000 well-trained staff offering different expertise.



use of technology

the USN has effectively adopted technology I the running of operation and management


leadership structure

the USN has a leadership structure used in managing the operation and offering guidance to the various niches.



the organization focusses on serving the interest of the nation

operation resiliency

the various risks and vulnerabilities that might affect the operation of the organization are not considered


operational optimization

the unit fails to evaluate the utilization of the various resources


financial ability

the unit, in collaboration with the United States department, evaluates the allocation of the various resources.

leadership training

the unit acknowledges the need for leadership development. The team is always taken through leadership training, which enhances their ability

Research and Development

augment its development and operational activities across the global naval field.

Step 3




-human resource

· UoT-Use of Technology

· FA-financial Ability

· OO-operation optimization



-Leadership Training

· LS-leadership structure

· OR- operation resiliency

· M-Mission

· RD- Research development






High LT HR

UoT, M, FA, LS






Step iv: analysis of the results

Leadership is essential in the management of organizational operations. Based on the United States Army’s self-analysis, it is evident that operational optimization and optimization resiliency are of greater demand. They should be improved as negligence is more likely to lead to operational glitches. For instance, every unit should be aware of all the risks associated with their operations. These are the urgent elements that need immediate improvements. They will facilitate the effectiveness of the Unit is achieving its ultimate goal. That is becoming the best naval system. Research and Development are also highly needed as it is the platform through which operational and development activities will be augmented. This will promote the development of the unit globally, as the various needs will be identified. The research unit will also make improvements to the arsenals. The Navy is encouraged to establish research and development (R & D) units to expand its development and operational activities globally. The military already has intelligence units that collect military intelligence from many countries, but research and development will significantly improve its arsenal. R & D support the concept of ideology and improves incubation for creating new assets through the launch and successful implementation of new weapons projects. Such assets improve operations, facilitate work, increase personnel safety, or contribute to strategic efficiency.

Other leadership aspects call for long-term improvements, leaders through the long process more so in the military services. This is due to the variety of skills they should have. In this case, gradual or long-term developments are needed for the mission, which stipulates the Unit’s role. As a military organization, USN does not serve the market but serves the interests of the country. Interactions with the state occur through various forms of communication between the federal government and the Navy. For example, downward communications are initiated to transfer target information from the commander to naval personnel, and upward communications occur to provide feedback (Russell et al., 2015). In many cases, the number of battles determines the performance metrics earned on the battlefield and the success of projects carried out for the national interest. This department relies on information technology to store knowledge, collect and distribute military intelligence.

The Navy’s operational strategy has shifted from traditional Navy tactics to a cooperative strategy to achieve the power of the sea in the 21st century. Transformation is driven by the corresponding changes in global security dynamics and the United States’ ever-changing political and economic interests, which require long-term foreign policy changes to maintain the status quo (Lea & Polski, 2015). Year). The Navy’s ability to successfully implement development strategies is effectively supported by its credible leadership and adequate government funding. USN has well-trained, success-oriented professionals who ensure access to the necessary human and financial capital that is already free to add to a wide range of infrastructure assets.

As far as the leadership structure is concerned, minimal improvements are needed. This is based on the structure which has been efficient in performing different roles. The Navy department is made up of various departments responsible for protecting the state and the performance of other public affairs. The three major operational components are the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, with very different disciplines. For example, Navy Command is primarily based in Washington DC and is made up entirely of senior officers. The other two components (Marines and Coast Guard) are operational units, helping to keep the country safe in times of peace. Competent leadership and reliable staff are the hallmarks of USN, and their lasting desire to maintain their global status quo has given them a global advantage. The unit has over 400,000 highly trained staff and deadly weapons (Russell et al., 2015).


Based on the Self-Assessment, the United States Navy requires minimal improvements as far as leadership is controlled. The leaders should be focused on Operational optimization and resiliency, which in the red mark. They are critical aspects of leadership management, more so in the military field as the various vulnerabilities and risks should be evaluated. The research and development unit’s development is essential as far as bolstering the unit’s arsenals is concerned. This will make it easy for the unit to have a suitable mitigation strategy to manage the crisis in case they occur. Other aspects of leadership call for long term developments.


Russell, J. A. et al. (2015). Navy strategic development: Strategy in the 21st century. Naval Postgraduate School. [Research Program].

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