power points

Create a PowerPoint presentation that your manager could use to teach new employees how to differentiate various types of legal paperwork.

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  1. Your PowerPoint should describe each of the seven (7) documents listed below and explain how each relates to release of information (ROI). 

    Advance Directives
    Healthcare Directives
    Medical Power of Attorney (POAs)
    Living Wills
    Paperwork for Guardianship
    Executor of the Estate
    5 Wishes

  2. Your manager advised that the PowerPoint presentation should: 

    have a title slide
    have at least seven (7) content slides
    be well-organized
    be written using proper spelling and grammar
    reflect professional tone and vocabulary
    include APA formatted in-text citations and have a References slide

When developing a PowerPoint slideshow, you should be mindful of how you layout your content. The slides should present key points, arranged logically, without extraneous information contributing to a cluttered look.

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