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Unit III Scholarly Activity  Want to use the Power Point Presentation 

Mission Statement PresentationIn this assignment, select a public sector organization or nonprofit organization that you currently work for or with, have previously worked for or with, or have a special interest in, and assume that you are involved with the strategic planning process for that organization. You are still in the initial stages; however, your team has been tentatively assembled, and you have agreed upon resource allocations, performance measures, and short-term goals. At this point, you want to develop or update the organization’s mission statement. Assume that you have not conducted a stakeholder analysis yet, which you may want to do as you draft the mission statement.

For this assignment, you have the option to create a PowerPoint presentation (with accompanying audio components/portions) or a YouTube video to address each aspect of the finalized mission statement (e.g., organization’s purpose, citizen interest, and stakeholder needs), and you will need to provide your rationale for why each aspect was added to the mission statement. You should include at least four distinct components in the mission statement, and the rationale for each of these four portions should include a recorded oral explanation (no less than 25 seconds each).

If you choose to create a PowerPoint presentation, you will utilize the slide notes function to elaborate on the information on each slide. Additionally, your PowerPoint presentation must also include the previously mentioned audio components to correspond with each mission statement component. 

Please use at least three scholarly sources (one being the textbook) in the development of your presentation 

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