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Group 2: Health Fair Educator

You are a health professional working at a health fair. Review the questions that have been posted by the “Group 1 attendees. Choose at least one disease-related question that was posted to the Discussion by a Group 1 attendee to research. Provide at least one Group 1 attendee with useful information about the disease that they asked about. Some things you may consider as you discuss this topic with the Group 1 attendee: What are the best data sources to use for your own understanding of the topic, so that you can answer questions correctly? What are the best data sources to direct your Group 1 attendee to for their own understanding? Did you answer all of their questions clearly and accurately? As you present the information regarding the disease process, keep your audience in mind to ensure your explanation is clear, accurate, and helpful. Your goal is to evaluate the sources available to answer your Group 1 colleagues’ questions, interpret the data, and provide clear and accurate information that you can validate.

( This is the question you respond to below )

Hi, my name is Dionne. I am a 39 years old woman interested in information on the prevention of osteoporosis. 

My grandmother was diagnosed with osteoporosis in her early sixties and she is on a variety of medications including Alendronate Sodium (more commonly known as Fosamax). Her condition has lead to scoliosis, loss of height, difficulty walking and pain. 

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I would not like this to happen to me and I would like some guidance. Is there a particular diet that I need to follow or supplements that I can take to prevent this chronic condition? Is it hereditary? What age do you suggest getting screened? Does a high weight increase my chances of getting this disease? Does ethnicity or race increase a person’s chances?

Thank you for looking into resolving some of the questions that I have. It is greatly appreciated!

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