Position Paper

 2. Introduction 

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 a. Describe the ethical issue 

 b. Describe the 2 positions (ethical and unethical) 

 c. Describe why ethical and unethical positions exist. 

 d. Describe why the ethical issue is important. 

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 3. Background on the ethical issue including: 

 a. Background on the ethical issue, the 2 positions, and the individuals who have the opposing positions. 

 a. Background on operations, i.e. accounting, financial reporting, as an electrical power supplier, information technology (IT), emissions testing, human resources, and any other operational area that is pertinent to each position. 

 b. Background on leaders, i.e. Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer, and any other leader who is pertinent to your position. 

 4. Operations: Ethical or Unethical Actions and Decisions 

 a. Describe at least 3 areas of operations from an ethical position (using the ethics theories). Present at least 3 arguments for each position you take, explain each argument, and support each argument with 3 research sources. 

 b. Describe counter arguments (or arguments in disagreement with your argument), support the counter arguments with research, explain why you disagree with the counter argument, support your disagreement with the counter argument with research.  

 c. Answer Question 1: Explain “what went wrong”? 

 5. Leadership: Ethical or Unethical Actions and Decisions 

 a. Describe at least 3 leaders from an ethical position (using the ethics theories). Present at least 3 arguments for each position you take, explain each argument, and support each argument with 3 research sources 

 b. Describe counter arguments (or arguments in disagreement with your argument), support the counter arguments with research, explain why you disagree with the counter argument, support your disagreement with the counter argument with research.  

 c. Answer Question 2: Is myopic (narrow minded) thinking responsible for the issue? 

 6. Lessons Learned 

 a. Answer Question 3: What lessons can one learn from this scandal with regard to ‘ethics and leadership’, and the role of government in corporate America?  

 7. Conclusion 

 a. Describe the positions of the members of the group and close the paper 

 8. References Page 

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