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Your work this week will conclude with the submission of your Final Portfolio.

The Final Portfolio will contain copies of your work in all three genres (fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry). It is not just a collection of final drafts, but a representation of the level to which you engaged the writing process in each genre.

As such, you will be compiling all three drafts (initial draft, revised draft, and a portfolio draft) for each genre. Each subsequent draft must demonstrate substantial revision as you refine your work toward inclusion in the portfolio. This is your final opportunity to strengthen word choice, imagery, and thematic elements and correct mechanical errors, spelling, and punctuation.

In addition, building from the questions examined in this week’s module, you must compose and include as part of the portfolio a reflection in which you examine what creative writing means to you.

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Again, the Final Portfolio is an opportunity to showcase your most polished work from the term. The pieces you include here represent your best vision of fully realized and compelling creative work.

What Goes in a Final Portfolio?

Below is an outline of the portfolio contents. These eight sections should be organized as follows:

  1. Cover page that includes an original title for your portfolio, as well as your name.
  2. Dedication page that dedicates the writing you did during the term to someone who inspires you.
  3. Table of Contents, which lists the contents of your portfolio with page numbers.
  4. Introduction/Self-Assessment is an opportunity to reflect on the course, as well as what you believe your final grade should be based on the work you produced. Tell me what worked in the course for you, what you would change, etc. Most students write a paragraph or so for this part. 
  5. Fiction: Include your initial draft, revised draft, and final revision. The final revision you include will be a representation of your best work.
  6. Creative Nonfiction: Include your initial draft, revised draft, and final revision. The final revision you include will be a representation of your best work.
  7. Poetry Collection: Include your initial draft, revised draft, and final revision. The final revision you include will be a representation of your best work.
  8. Other Writing Assignments: Please pick four of your minor weekly assignments and include them in the final portfolio. These should be the submissions that you are most proud of, and believe represent some of your best work this term. Please revise these and make sure they are free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. Your discussion board prompts can be from any week and any assignment.

How should you think about revising your portfolio?

This is a creative class. You are the creator. For the portfolio, you will decide what needs revising and what should remain as is. But please, challenge yourself. Remember that writing is a process, so no work is ever really finished. But with the term lasting only seven weeks, we must present our work in whatever way we feel works best for our creative process. The copies included in the portfolio should be fresh copies without markings on them. 

How long should your portfolio be?

You may be wondering, “How long does this stuff have to be?” In reality, there is no page length requirement. As long as you have the necessary components in this portfolio, it will be as long as it needs to be. I know that may not be specific enough for some people, but use the feedback you received over the course of the term to help dictate what you may need to do to craft a final portfolio that represents your best work.

Final Thoughts

A portfolio is ONE document. I will not go looking for previously submitted work. It is your responsibility to compile everything as assigned.  As the directions outline, you should submit all pieces in the order written. You can simply write the name of the story or poem on the top of the page that your story or poem is written on.

Be sure to have proofread your final drafts. Make them as perfect as can be. You don’t want a silly typo distracting your readers from an otherwise wonderfully, fully developed piece of writing.

Portfolios will not be returned or commented on as final grades are due shortly after the portfolios are submitted. I will read through your work and determine final grades based on the evaluation of your work throughout the term.

Running head: FICTION STORY


Fiction Revision



Professor name

July 11, 2020


It is nine o’clock in the evening. In an evening dress, a beautiful young man of twenty has an opera hat and a bunch of flowers in his hands; as he approaches the room, the flowers are placed on the piano. The apartment is furnished and fashioned in the South Kensington flair; it is a showroom that demonstrates a racial position and the spending power of the owner. The woman walks into the room as she is dressed for the theatre, wearing so many diamonds to portray an image of a beautiful young woman, but the truth is she is 37. Jacob, the young man, kisses the hand of the woman!

The woman is panicking, and Jacob, the young man, is concerned about what is going on. The woman says, “Jacob, something dreadful happened. I have lost your poems.” Jacob insists that he will write more poems for him, and she refused to blame herself that she was imprudent. She is worried about who will access the lyrics of the poem because they articulate the intimate aspects and characteristics of the beautiful Aurora. She is concerned that her husband’s relatives will judge her the minute they get hold of the letters. The woman becomes fearful and paranoid. She is questioning Jacob about the worst that could happen if Rango was to find out her infidelity, and Jacob seems not to care about what other people might think of the situation.

Jacob explains to Aurora that “We love one another, and I am not ashamed of that. I am ready to go out and proclaim to the entire city as simply as I will declare it to your husband when you see, as soon as you will see that this is the only way honourable enough for your feet to tread.” He begs the woman to come with him to his own house without any shame or fear of being caught. Jacob has always insisted on simplicity because he cannot afford diamonds that Aurora puts on. He proposes that they go to Rango and inform him that they are leaving together, and she warns him that the husband would kill him. Jacob is willing to fight the husband to elope with his lover.

The woman tells him, “No! Stop! There is no need of saying all these Mr. Mason; I thought you were only a boy, a child, a dreamer. I thought you would be too much afraid to do anything. And now you want to beat Rango and to break up my home and disgrace me and make a horrible scandal in the papers.” Jacob flinches because, as a young man, he thought that happiness and blessings had knocked at his door. He breaks one of her fans in the room out of anger. She is convinced that the poems are in Christina’s possession, Rango’s sister, and confronts Jacob that he should be able to get her out of this mess because he is to blame.

The husband walks into the house, well-groomed wealthy man with no sign of displeasure quite the contrary. He asks Jacob if he can have a word with him, so Aurora left the room, and after a while, she heard an argument. Rango wants Jacob to admit that he admires his wife; so many men have tried swaying her in the past, and it was not the first time it was happening. Ironically, Jacob refutes ever writing poems to her. Suddenly, the two engage in a physical fight that forces Jacob to speak the truth about the poems he had written. The woman begs the lover at that moment, not to fight back. Rango turns to the wife in that heated moment to choose who she loves so much, and despite refusing to leave with the young man, she decided to go with Jacob because she felt young and beautiful again. One could assert that Aurora chose the young man because he was romantic, something that she had not felt for years with the husband, or some would conclude that the woman wanted to be freed from the marriage because she was unhappy.

The husband asked the young man to take care of his wife and work on the pieces of poems he had created because he is talented. Rango is unhappy about the decision she made; he wants to work on this young man’s gift expressed in the poems. The woman leaves her husband’s apartment; she walks out, crying, and remorseful; Jacob smiles as he walks out, holding her hand.

Upon reaching the stairs Aurora sat on one of the stairs with her head down filled with guilt. Behind her was Jacob who was all smiles and very confident since he was taking the price home. He felt like a champion since winning her from Rango was not an easy task. Actually, at the moment it was still unbelievable, and he really wanted to know why she had chosen him over her husband. Jacob followed her and sat on the staircase next to her. He could not bear to see the anguish on her face. In a low tone, Jacob asked “My dear what’s wrong” to anyone else especially someone who knows what had just happened this would have been a weird question but to Jacob it was not. He had always \known for a fact that Aurora had not been in love with her husband for several years now and the only thing that kept her in her marriage was lack of a proper way to leave. Jacob was patient enough not to push for an answer from her but instead, he embraced her in his arms and softly pat her back.

The air was filled with silence which was then broken by Aurora who seemed to better even though she was still whimpering. “I remember 2 years ago when I met Rango it was so magical it was love at first sight.” Said Aurora who now had finally decided to explain to Jacob why she was in so much pain. The two had met in a movie theatre where she was patiently waiting for her sister to finish watching her movie so that they could head home. The reason why she was standing outside was that she felt the movie was too childish for her to watch. A young handsome man hunky man approached her. “Excuse me please I was heading to the washrooms and now I am lost could you please direct me,” Rango asked but did not get an answer from Aurora who was gazing at him. At this particular moment the world was at a standstill she could not feel her face this was the first time a man and well in this case not just a man but a handsome man had approached her or even talked to her. To most people, she was not the type of girl to be admired. She had never felt any better than she was doing right now. “Hey, are you okay” Rango had to ask again. This was the statement that made Aurora finally come back to her senses “what was that again I didn’t quite get you” she said Stammering. “I was heading to the washrooms and now I am lost could you please direct me. She directed Rango to the washrooms but still, she was left feeling something she had never felt before. After some minutes, her sister later came out and they headed to the bus station where a spiffy black Mercedes with tinted windows pulled over. At the moment this had nothing to do with aurora since she did not know anyone who owned such an expensive vehicle. The windows dropped down and immediately Aurora noticed that the man she had earlier met was the driver. “Hey, you are the girl who helped me earlier right? Maybe I can pay back the favour by giving you a ride home. Aurora at fist hesitated but she later got into the vehicle where Jacob later introduced himself to her. After one and a half years they tied the knot.

“The first one years were amazing; he would always call me his angel and he would hardly do anything without me. Honestly, I was so happy that I never thought we would ever part ways” said Aurora. For all that time that they were together, Jacob had always known that aurora was not in love with her but he could not still comprehend why she was in so much pain yet she was not happy with her husband. “I am so sorry dear, I am here now and free to stay together without anyone judging us, you should be happy now that you are finally free from that beast. “Said, Jacob. The statement did not really bring relief to Aurora as Jacob had expected instead her heart was still heavy with emotions and Jacob did not understand why. He had been patient enough and it was now time to clear the air. “My dear I do not understand why you are still sad; you should be happy that you do not have to tolerate your husband anymore,” Jacob said. Aurora who seemed to be deep in thought leave alone replying she did not seem to even get the question asked. Jacob felt the need to ask the question again but before he would finish a word Aurora finally spoke. “Stop Jacob, just stop. I really do not know if I should ever trust a man ever again. Right now, we will be very close but later our love will still fade away the same thing that happened with Rango will happen to us, Jacob. I think I have made a great mistake” she yelped. Jacob could not believe what he hard and he only felt that he had triggered the bomb and if only he had not asked the question it would not have come to this! “But dear I am not like him I am here to stay, and I will never ever leave your side,” said Jacob. Without hesitating, Aurora gave a response to Jacob. “No, don’t try and promise anything he also did and look, he could not keep his promise. I think you should leave I need some time alone. I need some space.”

Running head: FICTION 1





Professor Morgan

July 7, 2020


It is nine o’clock in the evening. In an evening dress, a beautiful young man of twenty has an opera hat and a bunch of flowers in his hands; as he approaches the room, the flowers are placed on the piano. The apartment is furnished and fashioned in the South Kensington flair; it is a showroom that demonstrates a racial position and the spending power of the owner. The woman walks into the room as she is dressed for the theatre, wearing so many diamonds to portray an image of a beautiful young woman, but the truth is she is 37. Jacob, the young man, kisses the hand of the woman!

The woman is panicking, and Jacob, the young man, is concerned about what is going on. The woman says, “Jacob, something dreadful happened. I have lost your poems.” Jacob insists that he will write more poems for him, and she refused to blame herself that she was imprudent. She is worried about who will access the lyrics of the poem because they articulate the intimate aspects and characteristics of the beautiful Aurora. She is concerned that her husband’s relatives will judge her the minute they get hold of the letters. The woman becomes fearful and paranoid. She is questioning Jacob about the worst that could happen if Rango was to find out her infidelity, and Jacob seems not to care about what other people might think of the situation.

Jacob explains to Aurora that “We love one another, and I am not ashamed of that. I am ready to go out and proclaim to the entire city as simply as I will declare it to your husband when you see, as soon as you will see that this is the only way honourable enough for your feet to tread.” He begs the woman to come with him to his own house without any shame or fear of being caught. Jacob has always insisted on simplicity because he cannot afford diamonds that Aurora puts on. He proposes that they go to Rango and inform him that they are leaving together, and she warns him that the husband would kill him. Jacob is willing to fight the husband to elope with his lover.

The woman tells him, “No! Stop! There is no need of saying all these Mr. Mason; I thought you were only a boy, a child, a dreamer. I thought you would be too much afraid to do anything. And now you want to beat Rango and to break up my home and disgrace me and make a horrible scandal in the papers.” Jacob flinches because, as a young man, he thought that happiness and blessings had knocked at his door. He breaks one of her fans in the room out of anger. She is convinced that the poems are in Christina’s possession, Rango’s sister and confronts Jacob that he should be able to get her out of this mess because he is to blame.

The husband walks into the house, well-groomed wealthy man with no sign of displeasure quite the contrary. He asks Jacob if he can have a word with him, so Aurora left the room, and after a while, she heard an argument. Rango wants Jacob to admit that he admires his wife; so many men have tried swaying her in the past, and it was not the first time it was happening. Ironically, Jacob refutes ever writing poems to her. Suddenly, the two engage in a physical fight that forces Jacob to speak the truth about the poems he had written. The woman begs the lover at that moment, not to fight back. Rango turns to the wife in that heated moment to choose who she loves so much, and despite refusing to leave with the young man, she decided to go with Jacob because she felt young and beautiful again. One could assert that Aurora chose the young man because he was romantic, something that she had not felt for years with the husband, or some would conclude that the woman wanted to be freed from the marriage because she was unhappy.

The husband asked the young man to take care of his wife and work on the pieces of poems he had created because he is talented. Rango is unhappy about the decision she made; he wants to work on this young man’s gift expressed in the poems. The woman leaves her husband’s apartment; she walks out, crying, and remorseful; Jacob smiles as he walks out, holding her hand.

Running Head: THREE POEMS


Three Poems



Professor Morgan

August 2, 2020

Three Poems


Slithering beyond and by the river Thales

I crawled with majesty and clamor

With my in-genuine tongue-twisted tales


My witty words, hissing sound like tremor

Nourished by the earth dirt I eat daily

I shook nations with my skillful words

And yet I was degenerating mainly

And falling into the spider’s chords

Crying cross, my long youthful oldness 

But if any serpentine man turns around

And sheds off his oldness into the newness

He is restored back to original round

I pill off my worldly covering here, 

My very fig leaves, their sound I hear 


Seated in the midst of the garden, tall standing 

The gunman hides amongst the Citadel woods

The mist wafts by, cycling the surrounding

Like a cyclone he roved across the hoods

His motives barricaded in his sensuality

His inner intents, his very life overruled

Covered amongst roses his masculinity 

And his will pressed upon the trigger he just pulled

He lay beneath the oak-tress of Reagan 

Focused, counting seconds elapse, he cooled

And elaborate in his sight he pointed his weapon

His lenses spinning through the space like a comet

Burning beyond ages, he killed Jupon

His dearly friend with beauty, his death he met


I wondered by the streams of my way 

And I met this sunflower that I loved 

Evening and morning were the very first day

She spoke with words that in my soul still roved 

How could I let her go, how could this happen?

My love I write with paper and pen

Come home soon, your image I still await

More of you, I dreamed last night, I wept

Do not go so far love, please for me just wait

What love story in memorial books be kept?

Sundays and sacraments, I drink and eat

In clubs I roast and drink out my truest self

I like your image and sometimes retweet

Till the end I will live in your bookshelf 


Simpson 1


Professor Morgan


26 July 2020

Climate Justice

Today’s decisions will significantly impact tomorrow’s world, which the future generations will operate. This is to mean that the current man has a hand in the success or failure of the coming civilizations. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports establish our climate change actions’ long-run ramifications. The climate change operations of the people currently are estimated to jeopardize the privileges and the living of the coming generations and environmental sustainability. Most of the effects associated with climate change are regional, and others have catastrophic ramifications to the marine ecosystem, weather, and entire environment. The global climate summit agreements should acknowledge the essentiality of climate justice. Although pundits have criticized contemporary governments and agencies on their sluggishness and the futility of actions taken to conserve the environment, I choose to adopt a rather optimistic attitude on the interventions put in place with the hope that progressively, they will be absolutely observed.

In the past, up to the middle of the last century, man was not conscious on the almost indelible damages his actions have caused the environment. To be more specific, governments were naïve that the emissions by industries and the waste discharged on the surface of the earth would only last for a short while. Consequently, they went blind on the large volumes of greenhouse gases, ozone damaging fumes of gases as well as the discharges that were released on land and on water from the numerous industries that were set up before mid-last century. Lethal doses of pollution were released in the environment until weather changes gave the first warnings. These changes include global warming, the increase of respiratory diseases and the extinction of some aquatic organisms due to water pollution.

Even after the rise of environmental activists and the general public understanding on the damages of environmental pollution, extreme capitalism by some economies hindered the collective responsibility towards stopping the environmental problem (Gratzer et al., 3). In this ear most of the controls put on pollution depended on the goodwill of the subject nations and organizations. In many cases they would ignore please to practice responsible business. This necessitated the rise of international conventions and agencies such as International Union for Conservation of Nature and IPCC to establish globally binding laws and policies on the management of the pollution problem in its varied forms.

The creation of international organizations and government agencies to ensure safe climates in future have evoked the spirit of climate justice. These are principles that are aimed at enhancing fairness in industrial actions of man towards fellow man, towards the society, the globe and towards future generations. Consequently, climate justice touches the aspect of future justice. From the scientific literature, I attest that environmental justice has been the pivotal subject of the geographical debates since its disclosure through the United States’ exploration with environmental racism. Observantly, as the values and the norms of environmental justice get into international law and the civil society movements, the situations expand more (Fisher).

The flourishing of this spirit has resulted in three main changes that are characteristic of the today’s man objectives towards protecting the environment. They include the adoption of globally binding policies on pollution control, embarking on research and implementation of renewable sources of energy and advocacy toward adoption of pollution corrective measures by all men in the planet. The three-point approach embodies the principles of climate justice.

Ensuring that energy sources are sustainable and will be available for future civilizations is a way of enhancing climate justice to the people that will come after us. The use of renewable sources of energy is an important way to meeting this objective. Renewable sources of energy are those that cannot be depleted- those that get back even after usage. Energy experts have maintained that the usage of renewable sources of energy has no hazardous emissions to the environment whatsoever (Verma, 2). Some of these kinds of energy sources include wind energy and solar energy.

The application of the use of these sources of energy has one more contribution on climate justice. The sources will not be depleted and however much we use them, the generations to come will find them and use them in to meet the energy needs of their time. In fact, using them will lead to an established culture of responsible usage of energy. Hopefully, the people then will embrace the tradition and shun extreme capitalist tendency of only focusing on the short times products and services and the revenue the industries offer.

The whole transition to complete renewable energy plays a critical role in championing the health and privileges of the current and future generations with the opinion of climate action.

The holistic application of entirely renewable energy is firmly embedded in the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Renewable energy campaign contributes to the health and the overall well-being of the today and tomorrow’s generation. I have observed the imminent dangers and the continuous threats of global warming every day. The total global goal to create and maintain a sustainable 100% renewable energy is should no longer be treated lightly or a mere idea but a universal generational benefit urgency.

A 100% renewable energy mix is an essential element to achieve energy autonomy by 2030. Notably, attaining 100% renewable energy will involve several structural changes in electricity production (Selosse et al. 100). Reunion Island is vastly endowed with renewable energy sources like solar, geothermal, hydropower, sea energy, and biomass, which are powerful elements for the achievement of the global agenda 2030 and achieve climate justice.

Secondly, the spirit of climate justice has prompted today’s man with the task to obey the currently set energy use regulations. These laws are developed by all nations through a consensus especially from the international conventions on environment. Local justice systems have been rallied together to form a web of judicial officers which check on the compliance of each nation on these set regulations on drawing energy. Examples of regulations are minimal carbon emission reached at three years ago and the zero-waste discharge into water bodies that was formulated five years ago.

Some other nations have ratified international regulations and localized the administration of climate justice through local courts. This form of international compliance has been touted as the best as it creates a universal conception of pollution issues and a uniform address on violation. Environmental researchers have indicated that there is a tremendous that their interventions have led to tremendous positive growth of a clean planet and one which can sustain energy needs to years and times of infinity (Verma, 3).

The third way of achieving present and future climate justice is through advocacy to ensure that each human being is conscious on the need to protect the environment against our own negligence and that of fellow man. The adoption of this philosophy has been based on the fact that pollution is perverse, and its control requires that every man becomes part of the mission to conserve it (Lu et al., 11). Its adoption is aimed at making global citizens to pressure their governments towards the full compliance towards laws and regulations put forward through international consensus.

One specific strategy that the advocacy has adopted is persuading the public to boycott and avoid products of organizations that do not adhere to the set environmental laws. The effect of this initiative has seen industries and governments ensure they adopt these measures. The public advocacy has also managed to convince consumers of energy to shift towards safer and renewable sources of energy. In a research paper published last year, Judit and others, implied that six percent of energy consumers have shifted to the use of solar panels globally (Judit et al., 89).

Climate justice manifests the concerns of fair treatment and productive involvement of all persons regardless of color, gender, and race, among other descriptive factors, in the creations, establishment, and implementation of the environmental laws, policies, and regulations (Jenkins 118). Through the prospects of informing, educating, and mobilizing the global partners and the general public to uneven distribution, environmental perils, and benefits, ensuring productive participation of affected communities in critical decision making depicts a distributive and strategic justice concerns.

Initially, environmental justice focused on domestic, activist-led, and communal strategies for ensuring an equal and just distribution of the toxic burden. However, the federal governments devised policies to protect against any future inequality in climate justice decisions by acknowledging that local and other specific groups are affected, and the national ramifications of the noxious components are observable (Jenkins). Climate Justice establishes a proactive ideological plan to mitigate the growth rate to control climate change.

Additionally, there is a responsibility for climate justice in legal procedures. There is an emergence of atmospheric trust litigation in the United States, which targets the government agencies and utilizes public trust to oppose the government’s environmental servitude responsibilities.

As a result of environmental challenges that depict ecological and climate justice, participation in critical decision making is not adequate. Therefore, there is an increase in demand and an urge for more appropriate justice strategies such as energy centered approaches. As depicted earlier, energy justice majors with the energy system. Energy justice has the potentiality to mitigate the pitfalls of climate justice. It provides a lens through which scientists and corporates can initiate solutions on climate justice-related issues.

Climate justice between regions and states is achievable, and ideal has history has depicted. It is attainable by subsuming the countries with vast access to a stable climate and have a large share of climate advantage. Argumentatively, the states who enjoy more of the climate benefits should bear a higher percentage of the total climate change abatement. In this approach, it represents an effective climate justice among the global states (Puaschunder). Climate change costs should be shared and distributed among generations based on the current and the future. In this context, there are climate change losers and winners. The winners should collect the taxes from mitigating the adverse effects, and the losers should focus on raising the revenue to offset the costs associated with climate change.

Going forward optimism on the meeting of absolute climate justice requires action on three fundamental areas. First, there should be speedy migration from non-renewable sources to renewable sources of energy. Global environmental conventions should tighten terms towards meeting set deadlines. This should be accompanied by stronger regulation laws and smarter strategies towards adoption of the declarations b local states. Secondly, environmental authorities should embark on intensive research works identify more sources of population so as to carpet all sources of environmental degradation. Finally, the public must be made to appreciate these proposals for change to enhance easy adherence to collective declaration on environmental protection.

In conclusion, I have optimistically made an extensive exploration of climate justice from the past, current, and future to safeguard tomorrow’s generation’s ambitions. Importantly, climate justice has been attainable through a precise application of holistic renewable energy, observance of agreed upon laws and regulations. Additionally, it evident that climate change advocacy winners should play the tax collectors role, and the losers should raise the revenue to reduce further implications of climate change.

Work Cited

Fisher, Susannah. “The emerging geographies of climate justice.” The Geographical Journal 181.1 (2015): 73-82.

Gratzer, Georg, and William S. Keeton. “Mountain forests and sustainable development: The potential for achieving the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda.” Mountain research and development 37.3 (2017): 246-253.

Jenkins, Kirsten. “Setting energy justice apart from the crowd: lessons from environmental and climate justice.” Energy Research & Social Science 39 (2018): 117-121.

Lu, Yonglong, et al. “Addressing China’s grand challenge of achieving food security while ensuring environmental sustainability.” Science advances 1.1 (2015): e1400039.

Oláh, Judit, et al. “Achieving sustainable e-commerce in environmental, social and economic dimensions by taking possible trade-offs.” Sustainability 11.1 (2019): 89.

Puaschunder, Julia. “Mapping climate justice.” Governance & Climate Justice. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. 23-38.

Selosse, Sandrine, et al. “The renewable energy revolution of reunion island.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 89 (2018): 99-105.

Verma, Ashok Kumar. “Sustainable development and environmental ethics.” International Journal on Environmental Sciences. 2019d 10.1 (2019): 1-5.

Simpson 5



Professor Morgan

July 21, 2020

Climate Justice

Today’s decisions will significantly impact tomorrow’s world, which the future generations will operate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports establish our climate change actions’ long-run ramifications. The climate change operations of the people currently are estimated to jeopardize the privileges and the living of the coming generations and environmental sustainability. Most of the effects associated with climate change are regional, and others have catastrophic ramifications to the marine ecosystem, weather, and entire environment. The global climate summit agreements should acknowledge the essentiality of climate justice. Concurrently, climate justice touches the aspect of future justice. The whole transition to complete renewable energy plays a critical role in championing the health and privileges of the current and future generations with the opinion of climate action. In this assignment, I aim to explore the past, ongoing, and next global climate justice.

The holistic application of entirely renewable energy is firmly embedded in the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Renewable energy campaign contributes to the health and the overall well-being of the today and tomorrow’s generation. I have observed the imminent dangers and the continuous threats of global warming every day. The total global goal to create and maintain a sustainable 100% renewable energy is should no longer be treated lightly or a mere idea but a universal generational benefit urgency.

From the scientific literature, I attest that environmental justice has been the pivotal subject of the geographical debates since its disclosure through the United States’ exploration with environmental racism. Observantly, as the values and the norms of environmental justice get into international law and the civil society movements, the situations expand more (Fisher).

A 100% renewable energy mix is an essential element to achieve energy autonomy by 2030. Notably, attaining 100% renewable energy will involve several structural changes in electricity production (Selosse et al. 100). Reunion Island is vastly endowed with renewable energy sources like solar, geothermal, hydropower, sea energy, and biomass, which are powerful elements for the achievement of the global agenda 2030 and achieve climate justice.

Climate justice manifests the concerns of fair treatment and productive involvement of all persons regardless of color, gender, and race, among other descriptive factors, in the creations, establishment, and implementation of the environmental laws, policies, and regulations (Jenkins 118). Through the prospects of informing, educating, and mobilizing the global partners and the general public to uneven distribution, environmental perils, and benefits, ensuring productive participation of affected communities in critical decision making depicts a distributive and strategic justice concerns.

Initially, environmental justice focused on domestic, activist-led, and communal strategies for ensuring an equal and just distribution of the toxic burden. However, the federal governments devised policies to protect against any future inequality in climate justice decisions by acknowledging that local and other specific groups are affected, and also the national ramifications of the noxious components are observable (Jenkins). Climate Justice establishes a proactive ideological plan to mitigate the growth rate to control climate change.

Additionally, there is a responsibility for climate justice in legal procedures. There is an emergence of atmospheric trust litigation in the United States, which targets the government agencies and utilizes public trust to oppose the government’s environmental servitude responsibilities.

As a result of environmental challenges that depict ecological and climate justice, participation in critical decision making is not adequate. Therefore, there is an increase in demand and an urge for more appropriate justice strategies such as energy centered approaches. As depicted earlier, energy justice majors with the energy system. Energy justice has the potentiality to mitigate the pitfalls of climate justice. It provides a lens through which scientists and corporates can initiate solutions on climate justice-related issues.

Climate justice between regions and states is achievable, and ideal has history has depicted. It is attainable by subsuming the countries with vast access to a stable climate and have a large share of climate advantage. Argumentatively, the states who enjoy more of the climate benefits should bear a higher percentage of the total climate change abatement. In this approach, it represents an effective climate justice among the global states (Puaschunder). Climate change costs should be shared and distributed among generations based on the current and the future. In this context, there are climate change losers and winners. The winners should collect the taxes from mitigating the adverse effects, and the losers should focus on raising the revenue to offset the costs associated with climate change.

In conclusion, I have made an extensive exploration of climate justice from the past, current, and future to safeguard tomorrow’s generation’s ambitions. Importantly, climate justice has been attainable through a precise application of holistic renewable energy to mitigate climate change. Additionally, it evident that climate change advocacy winners should play the tax collectors role, and the losers should raise the revenue to reduce further implications of climate change.

Works Cited

Fisher, Susannah. “The emerging geographies of climate justice.” The Geographical Journal 181.1 (2015): 73-82.

Jenkins, Kirsten. “Setting energy justice apart from the crowd: lessons from environmental and climate justice.” Energy Research & Social Science 39 (2018): 117-121.

Puaschunder, Julia. “Mapping climate justice.” Governance & Climate Justice. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. 23-38.

Selosse, Sandrine, et al. “The renewable energy revolution of reunion island.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 89 (2018): 99-105.

Running Head: THREE POEMS


Revise Three Poems



Professor Morgan

August 9, 2020

Three Poems


Slithering beyond and by the river Thales

I crawled with majesty and clamor

With my bogus tongue-twisted tales


My witty words, hissing sound like tremor

Nourished by the earth dirt I eat daily

I shook nations with my skillful words

And yet I was degenerating mainly

And falling into the spider’s chords

Bawling cross, my long youthful oldness 

But if any serpentine man turns around

And sheds off his oldness into the newness

He is restored back to original round

And the older turned into junk

I pill off my worldly covering here, 

My very fig leaves, their sound I hear

More limpid than ever before



Seated in the midst of the garden, tall standing 

The gunman conceals amongst the Citadel woods

The mist wafts by, cycling the surrounding

Like a cyclone he roved across the hoods

But not with good motives at all

His motives barricaded in his sensuality

His inner intents, his very life overruled

Covered amongst roses his masculinity

Masculinity which was a symbol of internal toughness

And his will pressed upon the trigger he just pulled

He lay beneath the oak-tress of Reagan 

Focused, counting seconds elapse, he cooled

And elaborate in his sight he pointed his weapon

His lenses spinning through the space like a comet

Burning beyond ages, he killed Jupon

His dearly friend with beauty, his death he met

Never to see the sun ever again


I wondered by the streams of my way 

And I met this sunflower that I loved 

Evening and morning were the very first day

She spoke with words that in my soul still roved 

And her beauty was beyond compare

How could I let her go, how could this happen?

Nothing could replace my sunflower

My love I write with paper and pen

Come home soon, your image I still await

And my heart longs for your affection

More of you, I dreamed last night, I wept

Do not go so far love, please for me just wait

What love story in memorial books be kept?

Sundays and sacraments, I drink and eat

In clubs I roast and drink out my truest self

I like your image and sometimes retweet

Till the end I will live in your bookshelf 

With nothing to replace you my sunflower


Holmes, Vicki L., and Margaret R. Moulton. Writing simple poems: Pattern poetry for language acquisition. Ernst Klett Sprachen, 2004.

Piirto, Jane. “The question of quality and qualifications: Writing inferior poems as qualitative research.” Poetic inquiry. Brill Sense, 2009. 83-99.


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