Polynomial Interpolation

CharlesDarwin University

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SMA104- Concepts of Mathematic

Project part B

Polynomial Interpolation

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Note: Please submit your project part B solutions as a single .m file by 11:59 pm on 31

January 2021 in Learnline. Show all workings in detail, else you will lose marks.

An important problem in various science and engineering application is to find a polynomial

whose graph passes through a specified set of points in the plane; this is called an

interpolating polynomial for the points. Interpolating polynomial help scientist and engineers

to design solution to problems or understand the mechanisms of the systems they study. A

key skill for quantitative data analysis involves fitting models to data. A good model can be

used to predict the behaviour of the system in conditions not originally measured in


In this project the lifting force on an aircraft wing measured in a wind tunnel at various wind

velocities is shown in the table below.

Velocity (100 ft/s) 1 2 4 8 16 32

Lifting force (100 lb) 0.00 3.12 15.86 33.70 81.50 123.00

Project Part B (Marks: 20)

a. Solve the augmented matrix from part A of the project to find the coefficients π‘Ž0, π‘Ž1,

β€¦π‘Ž5. Model the data in the table above with your interpolating polynomial of degree

5. (Marks: 7)

b. Use the polynomial obtained in (a) to estimate the lifting force at 140 ft/s. (Marks: 3)

c. Show that the result from the interpolation is reasonable by graphing the polynomial

of degree 5 and the measured data in the same x-y coordinate. (Marks: 7)

d. Is the polynomial of degree 5 a good fit for the measured data? Are there any

distortions between the graph of the polynomial and the data? Explain (Type your

answer in the m.file). (Marks: 3)


Note: Use the rref() function in MATLAB to perform Gauss-Jordan elimination and reduce

the augmented matrix to reduced row echelon form. From the reduced row echelon form,

extract the unknown coefficient π‘Ž0, π‘Ž1, π‘Ž2β€¦π‘Ž5 for the interpolating polynomial.

MATLAB access: Students can check that they have virtual access to MATLAB via these

Link to the VMware Horizon client on the web page https://desktop.cdu.edu.au/.

Alternatively, VMware provides all the links to client for the different OS types below

(includes MacOS, Linux, Windows, iOS and Android versions):



The server address is the same as the URL: https://desktop.cdu.edu.au





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