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Module 06 Reflection and Written Assignment – You are the Boss

Step 1: Case Scenario

Read the following case first; then proceed to the next steps.

Jim and Mary work in the same department for a company. Mary is a new employee. Jim has worked at the company for 11 years. Both employees have the same job title and do the same job. The nature of their work dictates that they have to work together.

Jim believes if something works or if a procedure has been successful then it should not be altered. Jim likes to do things the way they have always been done. His personality is such that he is very outspoken. Because he’s been with the company 11 years, he ”free lances” at times when it comes to company policy is comfortable with his performance. Simply put, Jim thinks he knows how to do things better. He will share his opinion on the best way to complete a task, even if his coworkers do not ask for his input.

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Mary tries hard to follow company rules. Mary is a very quiet person and doesn’t say much at work. Mary has conservative and traditional values. So when the policy is that employees must clock in within 5 minutes of the start of their shifts, Mary always adheres to the rule.

Employees are supposed to clock in at their own buildings, but there isn’t any way to check this as the company has employees working at multiple sites.

Jim has developed the habit of clocking in at another building when he is running behind so he won’t be docked for being late. Jim has begun getting late to his work station at least 10 minutes on most days.

At least a couple of times each week, somebody asks Mary where Jim is because they are supposed to be working together.

Mary has been covering for Jim for a long time; however, she now feels that she is being taken advantage of rather than just being a good coworker. She is tired of covering for Jim.

Finally, one morning, Jim is 20 minutes late. Mary has to cover for Jim twice that day. When Jim finally arrives at work, Mary tells him she will not make excuses for him anymore.

Jim says, “Hey, I clocked in at the other building. I’ve been doing that for years so what is your problem? As long as you don’t say anything, nobody will ever know. Just shut the %&# up and do your job.”


Mary feels betrayed and she and Jim start shouting at each other. You are the supervisor and you walk in just as it looks like Jim is going to hit Mary.

Step 2: Reflection Part

Ask yourself:

  • As team supervisor for this company, what would you do?

After you have thought through your position on this scenario, apply your thinking to this week’s philosophers and complete Step 3 – the writing part of this assignment.

Step 3: Writing Part

For the Module 06 Assignment, in 2-3 pages share your insights and support as you address the following areas in your paper:

  1. In the introduction (1-2 paragraphs), explain how Rawls might suggest that he would respond to the scenario of Jim and Mary if he was the supervisor and confronted with this situation.
  2. In the analysis section (2-3 paragraphs), explain how Rawls might apply consensus and public reason to this issue to illustrate his philosophy? Support your analysis with quotes or paraphrases from the philosophers.
  3. In the application of the philosophy (1-2 paragraphs), share your recommendations for how this case could be solved. Use APA format and citation when writing your assignment and incorporate research/support from credible sources.

Remember to read everything

APA format with in-text citation

Focus on philosopher Rawls

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