Police Technology Research Paper-

The research paper shall consist of a 7-page research narrative and written in APA format i.e. cover page, abstract, research narrative, and reference page. Note the cover page, abstract and reference page does not count towards the requisite 7-page narrative requirement. The student is to research a current event police related technological issue of their choice (possible ideas include body cameras and legislation surrounding their use; data privacy issues in light of advancing technologies; or any other police technology related topic of interest to the student). The student shall cite at least two references in their research and shall ensure that paper is actually a research document and not an opinion paper. A research paper includes all relevant viewpoints on a given subject and relies on primary and secondary data (existing research data or newly created data such as student created surveys or student initiated case studies, etc) whereas an opinion paper seeks to influence the reader to a given solution using limited and preferential data.

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