please follow strictly the guidelines on the assignment

follow strictly the guidelines on the assignment and provide examples as it is asked, this will need to be turned in with turnitin so please provide a low percentage of similarity paper 

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BCO125 BUSINESS LAW – Midterm & Rubrics

• Individual written task.
• Questions answered in order, numbered (1.a.) and in essay format. No bullet points.
• Answer the following questions in a single document using the information given to you throughout the course and additional

• Your answers are to be based on laws in the USA, you must choose a particular state. IE. California, Illinois, etc
• You must research and find the laws or regulations that correspond to the questions that you are answering from the USA.
• Remember to use Harvard citations in the document. Use in-text citations to indicate your sources.

1. James has asked you to help him identify and analyze what company formation options he has available in a particular state.
(Cite the Laws)

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a. Please advise him on what it means to be a sole trader and the advantages and disadvantages.
b. Then explain to him the significance of opening an incorporated business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of

this type of business?
c. Then explain to him what is a Limited Liability Partnership? What responsibilities and liabilities do the partners have for

themselves individually, to the firm/to each other in the firm and to the public?

2. James realizes a few years later that he has several competitors, and he would like to have an advantage over them. James
is interested in the idea of merging with one of his competitors. Cite your sources.

a. Explain to James what it means to merge with another company in the chosen state.
b. Then identify and explain the steps that he and the other party would need to take to merge their businesses together –

remember to cite the laws from your chosen state.
c. James was able to convince Mike, a competitor, to merge their companies together, explain to James what three separate

groups of professionals are recommended to be consulted to assist him with this merger. What are their purposes?

3. Unable to merger with one of his competitors James would like to know how he can acquire one of his competitor’s
business even though his competitor does not want to sell it to him. Cite your sources.

a. Explain to James what it means to acquire another company in the chosen state and the laws that govern.
b. Then identify and explain the steps that he would need to take to acquire a company when the owner does not want to

sell – remember to cite laws from your chosen state.

4. Imagine James merged with Mike’s company and they had signed a formal agreement merging the two companies and this
arrangement worked well for a few years but then James and Mike began to have serious problems inside the new company
and James is threatening to sue Mike in court. Cite your sources.

a. Explain to James what is means to sue for breach of contract in your chosen state and what James must prove to win a
breach of contract lawsuit.

b. Explain to James what it would mean if he wins the breach of contract case, what is the legal significance to their original

c. Explain to James what it would mean if their original contract contains an Arbitration clause, how would that affect a
potential lawsuit?

• Word count: 1000 to 1500
• PDF Format
• Cover page, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total word count.
• Font: Arial 11 pts.
• Text alignment: Justified.
• You are encouraged to quote, laws, regulations, relevant publications, such as academic journals and books, case studies or

business reports to support your arguments.
• To find relevant publications, you may browse through EBSCO (link is on Moodle) and/or Google Scholar, where you’ll find access

to many publications.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography must be in Harvard’s citation style.

Submission: Week 7 – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Submission is due Week 7, 14 March before 23:59 (Barcelona’s time).

Weight: This task is a 30% of your total grade for this subject.

Outcomes: This task assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Understand the role of law as a business and management tool.
• Identify different issues and laws applicable in the context of doing business.
• Examine the different legal approaches and legal tools available for the conduct of business.




Marginal fail

of main Issues/



Identifies and demonstrates
a sophisticated
understanding of the main
issues / problems in the
case study

Identifies and demonstrates
an accomplished
understanding of most of the

Identifies and demonstrates
acceptable understanding of
some of the issues/problems
in the case study

Does not identify or
demonstrate an acceptable
understanding of the issues/
problems in the case study

Analysis and
Evaluation of

Issues /


Presents an insightful and
thorough analysis of all
identified issues/problems

Presents a thorough analysis
of most of the issues

Presents a superficial
analysis of some of the
identified issues.

Presents an incomplete
analysis of the identified

of Ideas

and Opinions


Supports diagnosis and
opinions with strong
arguments and well-
documented evidence;
presents a balanced and
critical view;
interpretation is both
reasonable and

Supports diagnosis and
opinions with limited
reasoning and evidence;
presents a somewhat one-
sided argument; demonstrates
little engagement with ideas

Little action suggested
and/or inappropriate
solutions proposed to the
issues in the case study.

No action suggested and/or
inappropriate solutions
proposed to the issues in the
case study

Link to Legal
Theories and



Makes appropriate and
powerful connections
between identified issues/
problems and strategic
concepts studied in the
course readings and
lectures; supplements legal
cases with relevant and
thoughtful research and
cites all sources of

Makes appropriate but
somewhat vague connections
between identified issues/
problems and concepts
studied in readings and
lectures; demonstrates
limited command of the
analytical tools studied;
supplements legal cases with
limited research.

Makes inappropriate or little
connection between issues
identified and the concepts
studied in the readings;
supplements case study, if at
all, with incomplete research
and documentation.

Makes no connection between
issues identified and the
concepts studied in the
readings; supplements case
study, if at all, with
incomplete research and

  • James has asked you to help him identify and analyze what company formation options he has available in a particular state. (Cite the Laws)
  • James realizes a few years later that he has several competitors, and he would like to have an advantage over them. James is interested in the idea of merging with one of his competitors. Cite your sources.

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