
No one should ever consider aging a pathology. Aging is a normal part of the life cycle, and as such is a part of normal anatomy and physiology. However, aging can also bring an increase in certain pathological conditions as well as an increase in certain accident-related pathologies such as occurs with falls. It is important to have an understanding on what is normal and what is not, as well as to appreciate the fact that many elders live long, healthful lives with very few pathologies. Navigate to the

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National Council on Aging (NCOA)


Implement an “aging well” plan.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

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·  Explore the

NCOA site

·  Access the five subtopics under Healthy Living

·  Create a plan using what you learn under each of the five subtopics for age healthfully

·  Your plan may have a heading for each, with bullet points sharing actions

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