PHP assignment

Requires simple SQL database table, preferably using XAMMP

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ISIT307 S3, 2020
Assignment #3 – Individual
Due: 12nn Monday 17 August, 2020 (full-time students)
Due: 12nn Friday 21 August, 2020 (part-time students)
Marks: 24 marks (24%)

The purpose of this assignment is to create interactive web site by using Object-
oriented PHP and MySQL Database.


In this assignment, you will need to develop a dynamic web site “My B&B”.

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The web site is offering short stay rentals (apartments, cabins, hotel/hostel rooms) –
properties. It has two types of users: Administrator and Regular user (renter). Both type of
users should have options to register or login into the system.

The Administrator can: Insert property into the system; View the properties; Search for a
property; Record the payment; and Change the status of the property. The Administrator
should also be able to list all rented properties, all extended rentals, and all available

The Renter can: List all available properties in the system; List the properties that he/she
has rented and is currently renting; Search for a property. When the user check-in, he/she
should get notification with the date when the rental ends and the total cost of the rental.
When the user check-out, he/she should get notification with note that the payment was on
time, or if overdue (payment not paid before the check-out) note with the total cost that
needs to be paid.

For every user (Administrator or Renter) there should be information about: ID, Name,
Surname, Phone, e-mail and Type (administrator or renter).

For every property there should be information about: UniqueID, Type (apartment, cabin,
hotel room, hostel room), City, Address, Status (available/not available), Cost per day, Cost
per day for extended renting.

The properties can be rented up to 5 days for regular cost per day, after that a cost for
extended renting apply.

When searching the properties (for both types of users) there should be options to search by
combination of City, Type and Status. The user can enter only part of the City and choose
Type and Status, with option for “all”.

The payment for renting is only indication inserted/recorded by the administrator – the
rental is paid/not paid.

1. Design Requirements
The website should have interfaces for:

– Registering/Login the users;
– Insert properties;
– Search properties (by combination of City, Type and Status);
– List all properties;
– List all rented/extended/available properties;
– Check-in (with indication for the length of stay, and notice of the date when the

rental ends and overall costs);
– Check-out (with notice for overdue payment).

2. Functionalities

− All users should be able to register into the system;
− All users should be able to login into the system;
− All users should be able to logout;
− The Administrator should be able to insert properties into the system;
− The Administrator should be able to list: all, available, extended or rented

− The Administrator should be able to change the status of the properties;
− The Administrator should be able to record payment (paid/not paid);
− The Renter should be able to list: all available properties, all properties that he/she

has rented or is currently renting;
− The Renter should be able to check-in;
− The Renter should be able to check-out.

3. Other Expectations

− The students should create classes and database with tables based on the
requirements of the assignment;

− The web site should have good interfaces and navigation thru the given options.

1. Prepare a report that has: header

My name:

My student number:
My email address:
Assignment number:

any requirements, remarks or readme for your web site. The report should also include
the list of web site’s files, brief description for each file and class, short description of
the database tables.

2. Submit a ZIP file containing all assignment’s files and your report (in ) over Moodle
submission link. Named your zip file as A3-UOWID(Name).

3. You are not required to submit a hardcopy of the report, nor copy out all the source
code. Make sure you have included all information need, so your solution can be run in
a browser.

4. The students should present their solution to the tutor during next lab session –
Presentation & quiz: 17/08/2020 or 19/08/2020 (full time students), 22/08/2020 (part
time students).

1. Submit your assignment before the due date. Penalties apply to all late work, except if

student academic consideration has been granted. Late submissions will attract a penalty
of 25% of the assessment mark. This amount is per day including weekends. Work more
than 4 days late will be awarded a mark of zero.

2. Submission via email is not acceptable.
3. Assignments without reports will not be marked.
4. Not being able to answer to tutor’s questions (regarding the web site) or not being able

to change your program, based on tutor’s requests may result in the deduction of marks
for the assignment.

5. Enquiries about the marks can only be made within a maximum of 1 week after the
assignment results are published.

6. By submitting this assignment, you declare that this assignment is Your own work and
you did not collaborate with or copy from others.

Assessment Criteria Total Marks Given Marks
1. Structure/Documentation 2
2. Interface 5
3. Functionality 7
4. Presentation and answers to tutor’s questions 5
5. Moodle Quiz 1 (individual) 5


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