philosophy paper based on Donald Palmer’s Does The Center Hold; An Introduction to Western Philosophy

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Determinism and Morality Suggestions

Reminders: 1) Please remember that there is no reason to rely on “research” beyond the information that has been presented (and theoretically learned) in class to complete this essay well. 2) Be sure to fully understand and address all requirements of the assignment. 3) Pay attention to the grading rubric (located on the syllabus). 4) Submit on time. 5) Submit in the proper format. 6) If using citation (preferably only from course material) make sure to explain concepts in your own words to better demonstrate understanding. 7) Refer to any “notes to student” from Paper 1 for more individualized guidance. 8) If any concern about plagiarism or citation was expressed regarding Paper 1, get it fixed. 9) Remember to proofread. 10). Start early and do your best please.

I. Introduction:

General: This is where one should include general information that “sets up” the paper and prepares the reader for what they can expect to encounter. Generally, introductions should include: 1) a hook – draw the reader in, 2) an explanation of why this subject should interest the reader, 3) a preview – what will be covered in the paper and 4) What argument(s) will you defend (thesis).

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a. Hook: I would recommend something related to the general nature of accountability and morality. There are instances (create a hypothetical preferred) of a “but he was raised that way and could not do otherwise” defense.

An alternative: explain how we assume freedom and how/why metaphysical materialism (in particular) raises that question (for example: by eliminating the mind, we eliminate volition (the will) so it must be explained).

Another alternative: blah, blah, blah did such and such which is generally regarding as immoral (wrong). But what if they had to? (for example: rob the bank or I will kill your family). Be sure if following this alternative to at least mention how metaphysical freedom is a broader question than acting out of a sense of duty.

b. Why it might be (okay, probably should be) of interest: possibilities: 1) What might be at stake? – understanding of criminal and moral accountability, 2) An opportunity to take a critical look at the basis of morality and its implications, 3) An opportunity to consider whether contemporary science (metaphysical materialism) has led us to a position of rejecting all moral claims, 4) to provide a defense of free-will that is consistent with contemporary science, or 5) etc.

c. Preview: What will you do in this paper more specifically?: (1) briefly define metaphysical materialism and the implications for free-will (optional, but useful), (2) explain the challenge of determinism -v- free will (not optional) (3) Identify and consider the implications of each determinist and libertarian position as they relate to accountability (4) identify (ideally, but not required) which position makes more sense. Note: this is a different question in some respects: In other words, even if you conclude that moral accountability is not possible, the rest of the assignment still needs to be addressed. (5) Identify the three moral traditions which you will address and (6) that you will consider which is the better of the three moral traditions.

d. Thesis: Example: After demonstrating that moral accountability is (or is not – be decisive based on your best reasoning) possible and reviewing three currently influential moral traditions, I will argue that XXX is the better of the traditions considered.

II. Explanation of Freedom and Determinism:

a. Transition from Introduction: A quick treatment of metaphysics (Cpt. 4) may not hurt here. For example, Cartesian dualism is common and allows for free-will, but cannot address the mind-body problem. Metaphysical Idealism can by eliminating minds, but is not a well regarded tradition. Metaphysical materialism resolves the mind/body problem, but creates a problem in addressing free will. These challenges are addressed by: XXX, XXA, and LLLL.

b. Determinism:

i. In some detail explain determinism -v- indeterminism. What are the two types of determinism.


Hard determinism: what is it? Who supports it (from the class material!)? What are the arguments? Do the arguments work? Are there critiques that should be introduced here? What are the implications of hard determinism on accountability (moral and criminal responsibility)?

iii. Soft determinism: [Transition – differs from hard because…has an advantage over hard determinism because…]. what is it? Who supports it (from the class material!)? What are the arguments? Do the arguments work? What is the role of Frankfurt Type Cases? What are they? How do they relate to topic? Do they work? Are there critiques that should be introduced here (perhaps, is there really a difference between hard and soft – Strawson)? What are the implications of soft determinism of accountability (moral and criminal responsibility)?

iv. Final thoughts on determinism? [Transition to Indeterminism and Metaphysical Libertarianism]. What are they (indeterminism and libertarianism)? How are they similar and different from one another?

c. Indeterminism and Metaphysical Libertarianism:

i. Indeterminism: Who supports it (from the class material!)? What are the arguments? What is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle? What are the implications of the principle related to determinism and the causal model of science? Does the principle prove free-will or randomness or accident or something else? What are the implications of Indeterminacy on arguments related to accountability?

ii. Metaphysical Libertarianism (free-will defenders): How does it relate to indeterminacy? Who supports the position? (from the text – I would address Sartre and Dostoevsky in this section please. What are the arguments? Is a reliance on subjective experience sufficient? Is this what we ultimately desire most? Do the arguments work or are there real constraints that do limit our freedom? What are the implications for accountability (moral and criminal responsibility)?

d. Concluding thoughts particularly about these positions on accountability (moral responsibility) and transition to the discussion of how moral requirements and accountability have been considered. One organizing principle related to the moral traditions to be considered might be: consequentialism (EE and/or Utilitarianism), non-consequentialism/reason focus (Kant and/or Contractualism), and a focus on moral character (Virtue Ethics).

III. Ethical Traditions

Remember in this section, students are to select three ethical traditions, identify them by name, discuss them in a way that demonstrates substantial understanding, and critique them in a way that demonstrates a real breadth on consideration. Any cited material should be explained (correctly) in the student’s own words to demonstrate understanding. Use course material.

We have two chapters (7 and 8) related to individual morality (Cpts. 7 & 8). Students may use 1 or 2 of their three traditions from Chapter 8. Students must use as least 1 tradition from Chapter 7, but can use 1, 2, or 3 moral traditions from Chapter 7. Make sure there are a total of three.

Note of importance not explicit elsewhere: Here is the list of the moral traditions that you are to select from:

1) Ethical Egoism (Cpt 7) 2) Utilitarianism (Act and Rule) (Cpt. 7)

3) Deontology (Kant) (Cpt. 7) 4) Contractualism (Cpt. 7)

5) Virtue Ethics (Cpt 7) 6) One of the relativist positions (Cpt. 8)

7) Feminism (Cpt. 8) or 8) Deep Ecology (Cpt. 8).

a. First ethical tradition:

i. What is the tradition? – name it and briefly define it

ii. What are the arguments for the tradition and defenses of its key claims?

iii. What is the source of morality (hedonism, reason, trying to become a better human, etc)?

iv. What are some of the concerns or critiques of the approach?

v. What does the tradition have to say about how moral accountability is established – what does it take for an action to be moral?

vi. Where does one look to determine if an action was moral (consequences, principles – intentions, the moral character of the person, etc)

vii. Transition to next moral tradition

b. Same as “a” but for your second moral tradition

c. Same as “b” but for your last moral tradition. Transition (probably a new paragraph) to your reasoned argument about the better reasoned moral tradition.

IV. Reasoned moral argument:

a. Re-affirm your thesis statement: XXXX is the better moral tradition of those considered.

b. Construct a well-reasoned argument in support of your claim. Development of an argument (not opinion or avoiding the question) is required for credit in this section

V. Summary/ Conclusion of Paper:

a. No new concepts or arguments should be introduced here.

b. This is however a good place to tie everything together. IE: How much are we really responsible for our actions? In view of that, what (if any) moral theory is a better reasoned model? Naturally, this summary should be unified (consistent) with the rest of your essay.

This is a model for a well-done paper. The basic requirements for a passing submission are identified in the grading rubric and other instruction in this course. Best wishes.

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