Philosophy assigment

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Our discussion board prompt for today assumes that you have read all of the lectures thus far. It’s a simple one, but in a way, its also complex.

Main Post Prompt: You main post is a short one this week. In a couple of sentences, give your definition of one of these important concepts:

· Justice

· Friendship

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· Good


· Courage

· Good

· Evil

· Fairness

Your definition can include an example that illustrates your definition.

Peer Response Prompt:

Your Peer Response Post is a longer one this week! For your peer response post, play the part of Socrates (gently!) and craft a question that attempts to undermine, or show the weaknesses, of your peer’s definition in their main post. This post should be about 100-150 words long. This question should be like Socrates question to Cephalus (you can read their exchange here) and describe a scenario in which your peer’s definition would fail to be what it claims (just, good, courageous, etc).


Greetings everyone!

For this week’s discussion post, I will be choosing justice. Justice means being fair or just to all races. Take for instance, the recent shooting of Jonathan Price, an African American man, who was shot to death while trying to stop a domestic violence incident. Price was seen in his neighborhood as a great man who was involved in his community. It was even seen that Price, himself supported blue lives but even though he supported blue lives; African Americans still are demanding justice for him. They are seeking that the officer responsible gets what he deserves in all fairness. 

As we have seen in the lectures, and in our last discussion board, one of the tasks of philosophy (as Socrates conceived of it) was trying to define things, to figure out what they really are, particularly abstracts like Justice, Love, Courage and Virtue.

Another important task of philosophy is trying to figure out what the best way to live is. What kinds of things should we pursue? Money and wealth? Political power? Wisdom? Socrates’ idea is that by continuously asking questions we can figure out what is truly valuable and what pursuits will help us live our best life.

For this week’s Main Post, choose an advertisement (from television, social media, etc). Link it or post it here in the message board. Examine it carefully and think about what kinds of things it assumes are valuable. What does the advertisement encourage you to value? Are its values the ‘right’ values? Why or why not?

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