phd Isaac Newton/musicpaper

I need two papers thank youPick a Musician and a song(s) or album that we have covered in class, there is a list below.-You may pick different songs from the ones listed below to discuss, but you must pick a musician or topic from the list.   -(30%)-Do some research on this musician and provide some background. What are they significant for doing? Are they a technological pioneer or a genre innovator? Are they both? Are there political or cultural issues attached to their life or work?-(30%)-Listen to 2 of the selections by the musician and use concepts and techniques we’ve learned about in class to analyze the music. For example if you write about Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles, you can discuss tape loops, or the Doppler effect on the vocals, or the Indian influenced drone that holds the piece together. You can talk about the inspiration for the song. In general tell us what is significant about this song and why come people regard it as important.-(40%)-Paper must be a minimum of 4-5 pages and use MLA format for any works cited.  The remaining points are will be awarded based on demonstration of critical listening skills and the ability to explain the subject matter in terms of the concepts we’ve learned in class.Students may also choose to discuss an inventor and their body of work or the music that was made with their invention (such as Raymond Scott or Leon Theremin or Bob Moog) or a genre innovator (such as Miles Davis or Steve Reich) and the musical innovations they created, these and other alternatives are listed below.Possible Topics for Paper-Les Paul LoverHow High the Moon-Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys                                                                                                                  a good approach would be to talk about the albums Pet Sounds and Smile.-The BeatlesTomorrow Never KnowsRainBeing for the Benefit of Mr. KiteBlue Jay Way-Steve ReichCome Out                                                                          Phase                                                                     for 18 Musicians                                                                                             RileyIn C                                                                                Rainbow in Curved Air                                                                                                                                                                             this would make for a good discussion of jazz and world music fusion                                           Music of Another Present Era                                                         Davis                                                                                                                                                           you may talk about Davis’s history as an innovator and specifically his pioneering work with jazz-fusion, then talk about the music on one of these albums.In a Silent WayBitches BrewOn the Corner-Soft Machine                                                                                                                                             you could discuss the history of this group as jazz-rock pioneers and make an analysis (using concepts and techniques we’ve learned about in class) of one of the pieces on Soft Machine ThirdFaceliftSlightly all the TimeMoon in JuneOut Bloody Rageous                                                                                                                                         -Peter Gabriel                                                                                                                                          talk about Gabriel’s background and innovations in the late 70s and early 80’s, then pick 2 songs from his album Security make an analysis (using concepts and techniques we’ve learned about in class).-Leon Theremin and Clara Rockmore                                                                                                                  Discuss Theremin’s invention, its history and influence on music after; you should listen to performance by Clara Rockmore and find another song that uses a Theremin                                                                                                 The Swan                                                                          Stockhausen                                                                                                                                                  talk about the background of Stockhausen and of this piece, discuss its influence on electronic music that followed. Examine the effect that the sounds in the piece have on you.                                                                                                             Gesang der Junlinge (Songs of Youth)(0:00 to 13:20 min)                                              Scott                                                                                                                                        talk about Scott’s background and his work creating electronic musical instruments. Listen to 2 of his song and make an analysis (using concepts and techniques we’ve learned about in class). Try and discuss his relevance to today’s music.-There is so much Raymond Scott on youtube you’ll have no trouble finding something–KraftwerkAutobahnTrans-Europe ExpressWe are the Robots-Parilament-Funkadelic and Africa Bambaataa                                                                                          talk about the development of synth driven funk music, try and find another funk artist who uses synthesizer from the late 70’s or early 80’s. Give some background on Africa Bambaataa and discuss his influences (Kraftwerk, etc.) and the development of electro music. Flash LightPlanet Rock

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