Phase 1 IP

Library Research AssignmentYour supervisor has just met with a potential new client. You and two of your coworkers will be working directly with this client in helping to create and execute contracts. To refresh your skills and memory on contracts, your supervisor has asked you to write a memo of 600–800 words to provide to your coworkers and supervisor that discusses the following information:Identify, define, and discuss the six elements of a contract, providing examples to help further the understanding of each element.Conduct research online or in the library to find a case involving a contract dispute regarding one or more of the elements of a contract, and provide the following:A citationA summary analysis of the case, including information on the specific elements involved in the dispute as well as the outcome of the caseDiscuss your opinion on the outcome of the case. Do you agree with the court’s decision?Additionally, to help prepare for the Phases 4 and 5 Individual Projects, briefly define (1-2 sentences) a contractual concern related to the business that you would like to start.Please submit your assignment.

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