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Adversity and Depression Treatment Disparities

Discussion related to early life adversity’s impact on the development of depression in later life. Student will research methods to improve treatment disparities among children and young adults who experience early adversity. 

Read Stern, K. R. & Thayer, Z. M. (2019). Adversity in childhood and young adulthood predicts young adult depression. This is Module 8.

Research on your own to uncover methods to improve statistics found in the attached literature. Post for your peers what you find that could be useful to close the gap and offer potential improvement in the treatment disparity of adversity and its impact on development of depression.

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For the Discussion (Include the corresponding number below as you respond in your initial post):

1. What did you take from the literature attached to the discussion board?

2. What literature did you find on your own that might be helpful for this population?

3. What resources and tools would you need to help implement helpful interventions in the primary care setting?


Adversity in childhood and young adulthood predicts young adult

Kaija R. Stern1 • Zaneta M. Thayer1

Received: 7 September 2018 / Accepted: 15 June 2019 / Published online: 28 June 2019
� Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+) 2019

Objectives Adversity experience, in both childhood and adulthood, has been associated with the development of
depression. However, it is currently unclear how variation in timing and duration of adversity across childhood and young

adulthood affects the extent of depression symptomology.

Methods Data were analyzed from 2610 individuals from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health
in the USA. Adversity in childhood and adulthood was evaluated using instruments similar to the adverse childhood

experiences questionnaire, and associations were assessed by Poisson regression.

Results Any adversity experience was associated with significantly elevated depression symptoms in young adulthood.
Individuals who experienced adversity during both childhood and adulthood had significantly higher depression symptoms

than those experiencing adversity during only childhood or adulthood, suggesting a potential dose–response relationship

between duration of adversity experience and depression symptomology.

Conclusions These results suggest that any adversity experience increases depression symptoms in young adulthood and
that cumulative adversity is particularly detrimental. While long-term interventions to reduce adversity exposure would be

most efficacious, interventions to reduce adversity at any period would still be beneficial.

Keywords Adverse childhood experiences � Cumulative load � Developmental programming � Allostatic load �
Mental health


Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are known to

contribute to poor health outcomes in later life (Choi et al.

2017; Felitti et al. 1998; Sheikh 2018a, b, c; Thayer et al.

2017). These adversities include distinct traumas such as

abuse or the incarceration of a parent (Anda et al. 2004;

Felitti et al. 1998) or can be part of everyday life, such as

living in poverty or in an area of high neighborhood

violence (Metzler et al. 2017; Wade et al. 2014). ACEs

have been associated with the development of conditions

ranging from diabetes mellitus (Sheikh 2018a, b, c) to

autoimmune diseases (Dube et al. 2009) and frequent

headaches (Anda et al. 2010), among others. One outcome

that has been repeatedly associated with ACEs, and that is

of potential interest from the perspective of public health,

is depression (Chapman et al. 2004; Cheong et al. 2017;

Kim 2017; Remigio-Baker et al. 2014). Factors that influ-

ence depression are important to understand because this

condition often precedes the development of physical

health conditions such as chronic pain (Currie and Wang

2005), ischemic heart disease (Hippisley-Cox et al. 1998),

and type II diabetes (Engum 2007). Understanding how

and why ACEs influence depression could therefore help to

reduce not only depression symptomology, but other health

conditions as well.

Importantly, those who experience ACEs may also be at

risk for trauma exposure in later life (Burke et al. 2011).

Individuals with high ACE scores are more likely to report

Major revision: 27 April 2019.

Minor revision: 04 June 2019.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article ( con-
tains supplementary material, which is available to autho-
rized users.

& Zaneta M. Thayer

Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA


International Journal of Public Health (2019) 64:1069–1074,-volV)(0123456789().,- volV)

unemployment, economic stress, psychological distress,

and incompletion of high school than those with lower

ACE scores, and these components can increase the risk of

subsequent trauma exposure and adversity in adulthood

(Metzler et al. 2017; Sheikh 2018a, b, c). The correlation

between childhood and adult adversity exposure is impor-

tant to consider because adult exposure to trauma has been

independently associated with mental and physical health

conditions that have been similarly reported in response to

ACEs (Brumley et al. 2017; Cheval et al. 2019).

Accounting for experiences of adversity in both child-

hood and adulthood is therefore necessary in order to

determine whether increased depression is the result of

adversity experienced during early life, as suggested by

ACE studies, or whether it instead results from cumulative

exposure to adversity in both childhood and adulthood. The

purpose of this study is therefore to determine how varia-

tion in timing and duration of adversity experience relates

to depression symptomology in young adulthood using data

from a nationally representative sample in the USA.


Data come from Wave I and Wave IV of the National

Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add

Health). Add Health participants (grades 7–12) were orig-

inally selected from 132 nationally representative schools

across the USA. A classroom questionnaire was adminis-

tered to an original set of 90,000 students between 1994

and 1995, and approximately 17 students from each school

were randomly selected for an at-home interview, which

occurred in 1995. The current study utilized the publicly

available version of the data sets that includes 6504 indi-

viduals from Wave I (completed in 1998), Wave II, Wave

III, and Wave IV. Of the Wave I respondents, 92.5% were

contacted during Wave IV data collection; 80.3% of these

participants completed the Wave IV questionnaire. Data for

Wave IV, which includes 5114 individuals in the public

data set, were collected in 2008 as an in-home survey. Data

collection was carried out by RTI International, using

computer-assisted self-interviewing instruments. The cur-

rent secondary analysis of data from Add Health was

approved by the Institutional Review Board of Dartmouth

College (Study #30900).


Adverse childhood experiences

Following a coding scheme created by Brumley et al.

(2017), the following variables extracted from Waves I and

IV were coded to represent either the absence (0 = no

exposure) or presence (1 = exposure) during childhood of:

physical abuse (Wave IV), sexual abuse (Wave IV), par-

ental incarceration (Wave IV), poverty status (Wave I),

community violence (Wave I), neglect (Wave IV), and

parental alcoholism (Wave I) (see Online Resource

Table 1). Individuals were then categorized as having been

exposed to none versus any of those adverse childhood


Adverse adulthood experiences

In order to make a direct comparison between adversities in

childhood and adulthood, a similar metric for adverse

adulthood experiences was developed for the Add Health

data set using data from Wave IV (Brumley et al. 2017).

Like ACEs, the following variables were coded to repre-

sent either the absence (0 = no exposure) or presence

(1 = exposure) of: physical abuse, sexual abuse, incarcer-

ation, poverty status, community violence, neglect, and

alcoholism. Individuals were then categorized as having

been exposed to none versus any of those adverse adult-

hood experiences (see Online Resource Table 1).


Add Health assesses depression symptoms using a modi-

fied version (9 questions) of the Center for Epidemiological

Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). The CES-D is widely

used to measure depression symptoms in population-based

studies. It has been demonstrated to be both consistent and

reliable (Radloff 1977; Zhang et al. 2012). The CES-D

version used in Add Health Wave IV asked individuals to

report the frequency of particular sentiments over a given

period of time (either a month or a week). Each item

ranged from 1 (never) to 4 (always/everyday). These

statements included: ‘‘You felt depressed’’, ‘‘You felt sad’’,

‘‘You felt that people disliked you’’, ‘‘You could not shake

off the blues, even with the help of your family and

friends’’, ‘‘You felt that you were too tired to do things’’,

‘‘You had trouble keeping your mind on what you were

doing,’’ and ‘‘You were bothered by things that don’t

usually bother you’’. In addition, scores for the following

statements were reverse-scored and added to the composite

depressive score: ‘‘You enjoyed life’’ and ‘‘You felt you

were just as good as other people’’. As this study looked at

depression as an outcome in adulthood, only depressive

symptoms from Wave IV were included in this study

(mean participant age 27.7 years). Each depressive symp-

tom was given a dichotomous score (0 = never, 1 = once

or more than once), and these scores were summed to yield

a depression scale ranging from 0 to 9.

1070 K. R. Stern, Z. M. Thayer



Previous research has found significant associations

between depression and age, sex, self-reported ethnicity,

and education level (Riolo et al. 2005). Thus, these vari-

ables were considered as possible covariates in our model.

Ages (years), sex (male/female), and race/ethnicity (White,

Hispanic, Black, or African-American, American Indian or

Native American, Asian or Pacific Islander, or other) were

extracted from Wave I of the survey. Education level

(college/no college) was assessed during Wave IV.

Data analysis

Statistical analysis was performed in STATA 15.0. We first

investigated bivariate associations between participant

characteristics and exposure to ACEs with Chi-squared

tests (categorical variables) and t-tests (continuous vari-

ables). Adversity categories were then constructed by

separating individuals into four groups: those that had

experienced adversity in neither childhood nor adulthood,

those that experienced adversity only in childhood, those

that experienced adversity only in adulthood, and those that

experienced adversity in both childhood and adulthood. We

then used Poisson regression to predict depression scores

for the adversity categories, with no adversity experience

as the reference group. We calculated both unadjusted and

adjusted models, with the adjusted model controlling for

age, sex, self-reported ethnicity, and education level.

Conventional statistical thresholds were observed

(p \ 0.05).


Sample characteristics and bivariate analysis results are

provided in Table 1. Among individuals included in the

sample, approximately half were female, two-thirds were

White, and approximately one-third had a college degree

by time of the Wave IV questionnaire. Men and college

graduates were significantly less likely to experience

ACEs. Those who experienced ACEs were significantly

more likely to experience adversity in adulthood, and to

have higher depression symptomology. African-Ameri-

cans, American Indians, and Asian Americans were sig-

nificantly more likely to experience ACEs than Whites.

Individuals who experienced adversity in childhood

only, adulthood only, or who experienced cumulative

adversity, had significantly higher depression scores than

those who experienced no adversity at both time points

(Table 2). When comparing differences in depression

scores among the three adversity groups, we found that

individuals in the cumulative adversity group had signifi-

cantly higher depression symptoms relative to childhood-

and adulthood-only adversity groups (Online Resource

Table 2). Although members of the childhood-only

adversity group appeared to have higher depression

symptoms than members of the adulthood-only


group, this difference was not statistically significant

(Online Resource Table 3).


Here, we have assessed whether timing or duration of

adversity exposure in childhood and early adulthood pre-

dicts depression symptoms among young adults from a

nationally representative sample in the USA. Individuals

who experienced adversity in childhood were significantly

more likely to experience adversity in adulthood. Consis-

tent with prior ACEs research, we found that childhood

adversity was associated with significantly higher depres-

sion symptoms in adulthood (Chapman et al. 2004; Cheong

et al. 2017; Honkalampi et al. 2005; Remigio-Baker et al.

2014). However, this work adds to these prior studies by

also assessing adverse experiences in young adulthood.

Similar to those experiencing adversity only in childhood,

those individuals who experienced adversity only in

adulthood had higher depression symptoms than those who

experienced no adversity. Finally, we found that individ-

uals that experienced cumulative adversity had the highest

depression scores, suggesting a potential dose–response

relationship between duration of adversity experience and

depression symptoms.

This study is notable for assessing adversity in both

childhood and early adulthood in relation to depression,

rather than evaluating adversity during childhood or early

adulthood in isolation. In addition, it was conducted among

a nationally representative sample from the USA.

Nonetheless, there are several limitations that must be

acknowledged. First, the included sample size is relatively

small (N = 2610), compared to the entire Add Health study

(N = 5114). There are also several potential issues with a

secondary data analysis. The questions that assessed

adversity during childhood were not entirely consistent in

wording with those assessed during adulthood. That said,

the manner in which ACE questions were paired with

similar, although not always identical, adult adversity

questions is consistent with prior studies that looked at both

childhood and adulthood adversities in this data set

(Brumley et al. 2017). In addition, some variables that

would ideally be controlled for, including parental

depression and childhood depression, were not collected.

Individuals surveyed in Wave IV are young adults (mean

age 27.7 years), and therefore, different patterns of

  • Adversity in childhood and young adulthood predicts young adult depression
  • 1071


    depression could manifest at older ages. However,

    depression scores are often correlated across time (Nolen-

    Hoeksema and Ahrens 2002), suggesting that individuals

    with high depression scores in young adulthood are likely

    to exhibit higher depression scores in later life as well.

    Finally, our ACE measure is based on one that was

    previously published and developed specifically for

    assessing ACEs in the Add Health study (Brumley et al.

    2017). In this measure, four ACE variables were collected

    in Wave IV, simultaneously with adult adversity and

    Table 1 Sample characteristics of study participants, comparing those who did and did not have adverse childhood experiences. (United States

    Variables Total sample

    (N = 2610)



    (N = 1595)


    (N = 1015)

    p value

    Age (at Wave I); mean (standard deviation) 14.69 (1.76) 14.66 (1.78) 14.74 (1.74) 0.27

    Female; n (%) 1462 (56%) 925 (58%) 528 (52%) 0.001

    College graduates; n (%) 940 (36%) 702 (44%) 254 (25%) \ 0.001

    White; n (%) 1723 (66%) 1117 (70%) 619 (61%) Reference

    African-American; n (%) 548 (21%) 287 (18%) 254 (25%) \ 0.001
    American Indian; n (%) 104 (4%) 48 (3%) 51 (5%) 0.001

    Asian; n (%) 78 (3%) 64 (4%) 30 (3%) \ 0.001
    Other; n (%) 131 (5%) 80 (5%) 61 (6%) 0.008

    Experienced adversity in adulthood; n (%) 1253 (48%) 622 (39%) 619 (61%) \ 0.001
    Adult depression score (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale);

    mean (standard deviation)

    5.31 (3.86) 4.76 (3.46) 6.17 (4.27) \ 0.001

    Mean (standard deviation) values reported for continuous variables, while percentages are presented for categorical variables. Two-tailed t-tests

    (continuous variables) and Pearson Chi-squared tests (categorical variables) were used to evaluate differences between individuals with and

    without adverse childhood experiences

    Table 2 Poisson regression model predicting depression score in adulthood among participants varying in timing and duration of exposure to
    adversity. (United States 2018)

    Unadjusted model


    Unadjusted model 95% confidence


    Adjusted model


    Adjusted model 95% confidence


    No adversity Reference Reference


    adversity only

    0.311 0.259, 0.362 0.292 0.240, 0.344


    adversity only

    0.250 0.205, 0.295 0.242 0.195, 0.289



    0.426 0.382, 0.469 0.400 0.355, 0.446

    Female 0.229 0.195, 0.263

    Age – 0.004 – 0.034, 0.005

    College graduate 2 0.137 – 0.175, – 0.099

    Hispanic 0.054 – 0.332, 0.456

    African-American 0.103 0.062, 0.144

    American Indian 0.130 0.040, 0.212

    Asian 0.249 0.163, 0.334

    Other ethnicity 0.106 0.036, 0.180

    Adjusted model R

    0.0234 0.0401

    Adjusted model controls for gender, age, education level, and ethnicity, with White, male, and no college graduation used as reference categories

    for categorical variables. Bold = p \ 0.01

    1072 K. R. Stern, Z. M. Thayer


    depression scores, as opposed to during Wave I. These

    cross-sectionally obtained data are therefore potentially

    subject to both recall and mood congruency bias (Zupan

    et al. 2017). Mood congruency bias suggests that a par-

    ticipant’s current mood will determine the affective

    memory being recalled (Elliott et al. 2004). However, the

    ACE questions that were asked retrospectively involved

    explicit recall, such as parental incarceration, physical

    abuse, and sexual abuse, potentially minimizing bias.

    Experimental evidence also suggests that individuals with

    depression are not more prone to mood congruency (Cheng

    et al. 2015). Additional research from an older sample is

    needed to verify these results, ideally with questions that

    were asked prospectively and identically over multiple



    Studies that assess adversity in both childhood and adult-

    hood are needed in order to understand whether timing and

    duration of adversity are important in predicting the

    development of adverse health outcomes. In this analysis,

    we found that individuals who experienced adversity in

    childhood, in early adulthood, or at both time points had

    significantly higher depression scores in adulthood com-

    pared to those who never experienced adversity. In addi-

    tion, there was a dose–response relationship between

    duration of adversity experience and depression sympto-

    mology, with those experiencing adversity in both child-

    hood and young adulthood having significantly higher

    depression symptoms than those who experienced adver-

    sity at only one time point. Additional research among a

    sample including middle-aged and elderly adults is needed

    to fully understand the effects that adverse experiences

    across the life course have on depression.

    Compliance with ethical standards

    Conflict of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.

    Informed consent Written informed consent was obtained from all
    individuals included in this study.


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    1074 K. R. Stern, Z. M. Thayer


      Adversity in childhood and young adulthood predicts young adult depression
      Adverse childhood experiences
      Adverse adulthood experiences
      Data analysis

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