Persuasive Speech Delivery

 Refer to the outline you did last week and deliver a 3–4 minutes speech. 

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Should Children Under the Age of 10 Own Cell Phones?

February 10, 2021

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Should Children Under the Age of 10 Own Cell Phones?

I. Introduction

A. “Depending on whom you ask, the technology is either beneficial or has negative effects on health and environment.”

B. We live in a world where dependence or use of technology is increasing day by day regardless of the user’s age.

C. Children at the age of 10 are in their developing stage where cell phone use might restrict their average growth and development.


No, children under the age of 10 should not own cell phones because it could bring cognitive and physical development challenges.

2. Cell phones will make people unsocialized, and they will end up introverts far from society.

3. Children will show academic malpractice from a very early age that will impact their future.

II. Cognitive and physical development challenges

A. Children will be unable to develop critical thinking habits because of depending on technology.

B. Their body and mind will stop growing because of excessive use of the mobile phone.

C. Researchers say that excessive use of cell phones is a reason for low self-esteem among 37% of children (Pellissier, 2014).

III. Unsocialized and Introverts

A. Lack of interaction with society will affect the social behavior of children.

B. At the age of 10, children are in the learning phase, and cell phone involvement will not teach them ethics and morals.

C. They develop introverted personality traits that affect their tolerance level (Hardell, 2017).

IV. Academic Malpractice

A. Spending 24/7 hours on the cell phone will cause academic failure and low absorption.

B. Children having cell phones in their hands cannot focus on their studies that affect their academic foundations.

C. Poor academic performance and lack of appreciation from parents and school affect the contribution towards studies.

V. Conclusion

A. The use of cell phones poses cognitive development challenges for children under ten years.

B. Children develop introverted personalities that affect their role in society.

C. The use of cell phones results in academic malpractice.

D. All these effects are enormous, leading to the development of lo esteemed and poor skill children who will suffer in the future.

E. Technology is not a good thing for everyone; thus, parents should keep check and balance on their children and restrict them from using these technologies to compromise their future.

Hardell, L. (2017). Effects of Mobile Phones on Children’s and Adolescents’ Health: A Commentary. ResearchGate,’s_and_Adolescents’_Health_A_Commentary.
Pellissier, H. (2014). Your child’s brain on technology: cell phones.

Self Review Questionnaire

1. Is a simple, clear visual aid presented with the speech? Is it used effectively? If not, note those problems here.

2. Does the speech introduction gain the attention and interest of listeners? Does it preview the main points of the speech? If not, describe how the introduction could be improved.

3. Does the speech cite at least two credible sources that support the main points? If not, note those problems here.

4. Are one or more methods of persuasion used? Are they used effectively? If not, note those problems here.

5. Does the speech conclusion reinforce the central idea and use a strong closing? If not, describe how the conclusion could be improved.

6. Is the speech well organized? Does it follow a logical structure? If not, how could the speech organization be improved?

7. Does the speech meet the time requirement set by the assignment details? If not, what could have been done differently to meet the time requirement?

8. Is the speech delivered with strong eye contact, an expressive voice, and good nonverbal communication (including gestures or other physical movements)? If so, celebrate it here. If not, describe what changes could be made in future speeches to improve the delivery.

9. How clear and consistent is the speech quality? How clear and consistent is the visual quality of the speech? Note any problems here.

10. Overall, how effective is the speech? Does it connect well with the audience and achieve its purpose? Why or why not?

11. Add any additional comments here:

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