Personal Statement on Nursing


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. Describe what drew you to pursue nursing as a career, and how you see yourself contributing to the nursing profession over the next 5-10 years. (approximately 200 words)
2. Describe how your values align with the mission of Creighton University. (approximately 200 words)
3. Describe an uncomfortable situation or ethical dilemma you encountered. What was your response in the situation, and what (if anything) would you do differently and why? (approximately 200 words)
4. The 12-month Accelerated BSN is an academically rigorous program during which much of a student’s time is occupied with school obligations. Describe the strategies you plan to use to successfully complete this challenging program given the competing demands on your time. (approximately 200 words)
5. If applicable, provide a rationale for any of the following discrepancies on your transcripts. Part of this rationale should provide an explanation of what has changed to promote success in this program.

  • Grades that are lower than a C
  • Courses with a W (withdrawals)
  • Semesters in which you were not a full-time student
  • Other considerations (extended leaves, previous enrollment in professional programs, misconducts, dismissals)

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