Personal branding assignment

Target Market

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I would love to work for a nonprofit organization whose goals are to help make communities a better place to be. I do not desire any particular position, but any position in which I can use my skills and knowledge gained through my education, I am willing to take.

Apart of my degree program is the opportunity to become certified to teach high school business education in the state of Texas. I feel that teaching is an excellent way to give back to the community. I think that anything that you can teach someone is beneficial, and I feel that business education will enrich our youth and allow them to be knowledgeable in a field that’s all around them every day.

The starting salary for secondary teachers in the state of Texas with no years of prior teaching experience is 27540.00 on a 10 month contract.

I couldn’t narrow down any particular position that I wanted to play in a nonprofit organization besides helping in fundraising.

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Web searches lead me to a job posting though, for a high school business teacher for Leander ISD on

The State Board for Educator Certification will require all first time applicants for an initial credential to be fingerprinted as part of a national criminal background check.


  A $50.20 fingerprinting fee will be charged once hired.

Primary Purpose:


Provide students with appropriate learning activities and experiences in the subject area assigned to help them fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth. Enable students to develop competencies and skills to be successful in an ever changing world.


Major Responsibilities and Duties:




· Develop and implement lesson plans that fulfill the requirements of district’s curriculum program and show written evidence of preparation as required.

· Prepare lessons that reflect accommodations for differentiation.

· Present subject matter according to guidelines established by Texas Education Agency, board policies, and administrative regulations.

· Plan and use appropriate instructional and learning strategies, activities, materials, and equipment that reflect understanding of the learning styles, interests and needs of students assigned.

· Conduct assessment of student progress and use results to plan instructional activities.

· Work cooperatively with special education teachers to modify curricula as needed for special education students according to guidelines established in Individual Education Plans (IEP).

· Work with other members of staff to determine instructional goals, objectives, and methods according to district requirements.

· Seek the assistance of district specialists as recommended to plan for instruction.

· Use technology to strengthen the teaching/learning process.

· Help students analyze and improve study methods and habits.

· Conduct ongoing assessment of student achievement through formal and informal testing.

· Seek assistance for students who are consistently performing below grade level.

· Assume responsibility for extracurricular activities as assigned. Sponsor outside activities approved by the campus principal.

· Be a positive role model for students, support mission of school district.

· Create classroom environment conducive to learning and appropriate for the physical, social, and emotional development of students.

· Manage student behavior in accordance with Student Code of Conduct and student handbook.

· Take all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities.

· Assist in selection of books, equipment, and other instructional materials.

· Encourage students to set and maintain standards of classroom behavior.

· Establish and maintain open communication by conducting conferences with parents, students, principals, and teachers.

· Maintain a professional relationship with colleagues, students, parents, and community members.

· Use effective communication skills to present information accurately and clearly.

· Participate in staff development activities to improve job-related skills.

· Keep informed of and comply with state, district, and school regulations and policies for classroom teachers.

· Compile, maintain, and file all physical and computerized reports, records, and other documents required.

· Attend and participate in faculty meetings and serve on staff committees as required.


Supervisory Responsibilities:


· Supervise assigned teacher aide(s) and volunteer(s), student teacher(s), intern(s), beginning teacher(s) and evaluate their job performance when needed.





· Bachelor’s degree from accredited university.

· Valid Texas teaching certificate with required endorsements or required training for subject and level assigned.

· Student teaching, internship, fieldwork, observation and all other placements required by universities or state approved programs fore certification.





· Knowledge of subject assigned; curriculum and instruction.

· Ability to instruct students and manage their behavior; organize, communicate, and have interpersonal skills.


Equal Opportunity Employer1


The table was a good tool that allowed to me actually separate what makes me marketable to an organization and what doesn’t. I can assume that using the table will help me write a better resume, by showing me what I need to cut out and what I need to be including in my resume. I realized that I have a good amount of process knowledge that I can use in my skills section, which I initially left blank. For the industry that I want to work in I don’t really have any relevant experience. From this I have concluded that I will most likely benefit from an internship in either a non-profit or a school. The myPlan assessment identified my personality characteristics there are many but I choice to include the ones that seemed favorable in an organization. The myPlan assessment only affirmed a previous assessment that identified my Jungian 16-type personality which is INFJ, this personality type can be described favorably as idealistic, committed, insightful, creative, conscientious, moral, decisive, and passionate. Unfavorable characteristics include not particularly being a “teams” type of person, having trouble with presentation making, being too intuitive in decision making, overextending, and sometimes being a control freak. What the myPlan assessment did that the previous did not was it helped me closely identify my weaknesses, giving me personal goals to work on.


27540.00 Entry Level Teacher in Texas

“As a teacher in the state of Texas, you qualify for an all-inclusive benefits package that includes both retirement and health insurance planning, allowing you to make these preparations confidently.”2

I find myself negotiable in working for a non-profit since I do not care about what position I hold, salary is no big deal.


In my quest for non-profit work unfortunately, I am not really a heavy social media type of person. I don’t have a Twitter or Facebook account. Maybe this is a weakness, looking for a cause that interest me has resulted in countless hours watching documentaries and web/blog searches. Perhaps what I simply need to do is start networking searching for something I could find myself interested in. I don’t know how non-profits go about recruiting either, that is something else that I am going to invest some time in. In the meantime, while I am searching for job opportunities in education I will mostly be attending teacher job fairs to get familiar with some of the districts, since I am not originally from Texas. I am already registered with several job boards like and I am going to take full advantage of the Hire a Lion feature that the school offers.


(Resume removed to protect the identity of the student.)

myPlan Table








Personal Characteristics

Content Knowledge

Process Knowledge

Industry Knowledge


Subjects studied

Work, internships, class

Work or internships

· Idealistic

· Committed

· Insightful

· Creative

· Conscientious

· Moral

· Decisive

· Reserved

· Caring

· Organized

· Passionate

· Principles of Accounting

· Principles of Macro Economics

· The Legal Environment of Business

· Introductory Marketing

· Intro Microbiology

· Intro Sociology

· Basic and complex cash register operations.

· Microsoft Office 2007-2010 software proficient

· Financial Statement preparation.

· Familiarity. With Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.

· Taking Inventory.

· Processing economic information to study macro-economic trends.

· Understand the implications of legal and ethical responsibility within an organization.

· Familiarity with the marketing mix.

· Basic laboratory processing skills.

· Customer Service Lead at Babies r Us for two years.

· Enrichment Aide for almost 2 years.

· Sales Associate for Payless



Personal Brand Assignment, due by midnight Sunday of Week 8.

TAMUC and the College of Business have several resources that will help you with this assignment.

Step 1: To get started, you will take a brief online assessment called Personality Pathways, which helps you understand yourself as a product. This assessment is shortened version of the Myers-Briggs personality inventory that classifies individuals into one of sixteen personality profiles.


Personality Pathways

Profiles consist of 4 letters, such as ISFP or ENTJ.  Save these letters that describe you.  For more information on your profile, I will upload a Myers-Briggs Test Overview this weekend.  When you find your profile, print it and circle the descriptions that you think fit you the best.

Step 2: Using the Myers-Briggs profile as a starting point, the next step is to fill in additional characteristics about yourself, including things you have learned (courses specific to your major, for example), skills you can do (learned from work, volunteering, internships, etc.), and work environments you know something about.   

Below is a sample of the table you will include.  Tell me something about personality in the first box.  List courses or areas of knowledge that are relevant to your target job in the second column.  List thing you know how to do (from jobs, internships or other experiences) in the third column.  This could include fluency in a second language, provable tasks you have accomplished, skills learned from campus activities, such as keeping books for a fraternity as treasurer or organizing a fund-raising activity for a club.  Finally, you might know something about how an industry works because you have a family business you grew up helping, or internship or summer jobs.  Even if you plan to work in a different business, knowledge of these industries can be helpful to potential employers. 

Personal Characteristics

Content Knowledge

Process Knowledge and Skills

Industry Knowledge

ENFJ  (Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)

Marketing Major

Operate cash register, customer service skills

Family grocery store

Exceptional people skills

Retail Management

Open and Close restaurant; schedule shifts

Fast food restaurant (summer job)

Organizational abilities

Certified in Excel, SAP

Conduct inventory, order merchandise

Boutique (internship)

Creative and imaginative

Step 3: The next step is to begin researching a career field that you want to pursue.  If you are a traditional student with limited work experience, you should be looking for entry-level jobs.  You will apply the steps in CH 7 as you (1) segment the market of potential employers by industry, geographic location or specific skills needed), (2) select a target position/industry/location/size company that you want to work for and then (3) try to position yourself to fit the job.  Find a specific job description via a job search website and see how you match up to what they are looking for. is one website where you might find an appropriate job description.  You may also find descriptions on the College of Business Career Services website.  
Step 4: When you research possible salaries, be sure you look for average STARTING salaries in the field, not just at average salaries.  You will also want to look at potential salaries and benefits as you move up in the field, but realize that it may take 10 to 15 years to reach the average. Information on opportunities and salaries can be found using YouScience, the new career software that the Career Services office is using at TAMUC.
Note:  If you are not a traditional student, and you have substantial work experience, you probably see the value in reexamining your goals and researching your next opportunity.  You also have likely survived layoffs in your company and realize the benefits of keeping your resume up to date, and continuing to add value through education, in-company training, and learning new skills.  Pitch your target market accordingly, or consider what might interest you if you wanted to move in a different career direction.

Step 5: Layout of assignment

Leo A. Lion, Jr.

Personal Brand Assignment Sample Layout

Target Market

Write a couple of paragraphs narrowing your potential employer using appropriate segmentation variables.  These variables might be geographic (looking for a job in a specific city, state, region) or demographic (size company, industry, etc.).  Explain the type of job you think you would be a fit for you after graduation. 


Find a job description similar to what you want to do after graduation to see how you compare with the qualifications they are seeking.  Include a copy of the job description or include a web link.  Go to

 and see what percentage match you find comparing your resume with the job description.  Report the match percentage.



Describe your qualifications and what you can offer a company.  This will include personality characteristics (from the Myers Briggs test), knowledge learned from your university education (such as courses in your major), work skills and any industries you know something about (through work or internships or family businesses).  At the end of your description, insert a table like the one in the assignment.  Think of this table as a menu of attributes or benefits that you can use to customize a resume when you apply for a job.  To create the table, lick on insert, then select table, then highlight the four boxes across and 5 or 6 boxes down.


Personal Characteristics

Content Knowledge

Process Knowledge and Skills

Industry Knowledge























Research the typical starting salary for jobs you would qualify for in your target market.  If you are just entering the field, look for average entry-level jobs.  If you have a lot of professional experience already, research mid-level jobs.  Also see what additional benefits would be included.



Where will you find your job?  Will you use online job search sites, campus career services, or professional organizations in your field?  Networking? 



Summarize how you would add value to your prospective company in a sentence or two.  Then attach your revised resume at the end of your document.  Be sure you avoid the common mistakes found in the document under Week 7.  Resume inserted here at the end of the document.  (Copy and paste at the end of the document)

Step 6 Be sure to include you resume with the assignment when you submit. Make sure you have followed the tips in the sources provided by the TAMUC Career Services.

Personal Branding


(Name Removed to protect the identity of the student)

Texas A&M Commerce

Target Market

My personal target is business administration. I will be using this target market, since that is the degree I am currently working towards. The definition of business administration is a process of managing a business so that it remains stable and continues to grow. It includes decision making, organization, and other resources to reach the company’s common goal. It is considered a broader management function. Some duties of a business administrator are organizing, staffing, planning, controlling an organization, and leading or directing. The starting salary for business administration according to is $44,000. These fields have prospective employees. The global economy plays a huge part in business administration jobs, when the economy grows the demand for individuals in this field grows also. Jobs are expected to keep growing in the coming years. Possessing a Bachelor’s degree in this field gets individuals ready to work in a variety of different high-level management positions.

L-3 Communications is the organization I am interested in working in. As an entry-level job, I have found interest in Production Support B. Individuals in this position are responsible for ordering, receiving, and handling inventory along with other various duties. It is a top secret clearance government job, and I am hoping to one day become a supervisor over this department.



The results I received from my personality test on MyPlan opened my eyes to various job fields I would have never previously considered. It also showed me many aspects of myself and my personality. The first part of my results stated I was an introvert; introverts tend to be able to concentrate for long periods of time. They also are considered independent, very effective, and self-guided when it comes to projects. We are able to motivate ourselves, and we do not rely on affirmation from others. Some weaknesses my results stated introverts possess are that they particularly do not enjoy working in teams or in groups. I would have to disagree with this, I spend eight years in the army and I enjoy working in teams. One weakness I do agree with is the trouble of public speaking.

The second portions of my results were sensor. Sensor people tend to have great honor in their work, and work diligently. They excel at hands-on activities and enjoy solving tangible problems. They possess excellent attention to detail and can remain focused on the issue at hand. I agree with each one of these example, I tend to do well with hands-on and I make sure everything I do is done right. One weakness sensors tend to possess is seeing the bigger picture.

The third portion stated I was a feeler. Feelers are very moral people and tend to be guided by compassion. They understand all sides of situations, and points on certain views. They are considerate and caring individuals. Some weaknesses they have are they can be soft in situations. Here is another I do not agree with I am a very tough-minded individual. A weakness I do agree with is I can sometimes overexert myself in order to meet the need of others.

The last part of the test stated I was a judger. Judgers make excellent managers; they are very delegate and follow through on things. I bring issues to closure and make deadlines. Judgers tend to be organized and methodical. Some weaknesses are they are being control freaks, and they can jump too quickly to judgements. My target market is in the field of business administration, management, or any type of hands on job. These fields require attention to detail and dedication. Having a degree can also help your chances of receiving the job you want.


The starting salary for an entry level Production Support B employee is between $35,235 and $55,667 depending on previous experiences. The company has amazing benefits for its employees. For full-time employees the company offers life insurance, an employee assistance program, Total healthcare packages including vision, a 401(k) plan, stock purchase plan, and saving bonds. Employees receive raises every six months and career advancement is high in this company. The company also offers tuition reimbursement and encourages its employees to continue their education. There are extensive online training opportunities and career opportunity programs. The Company has an onsite cafeteria, a gym equipped with lockers and showers, and personal training instructors. It also has clubs and sports teams. All employees receive a minimum of three week vacations after their first year of employment. You will also receive holiday pay consisting of eight paid days off, along with two floater holidays.


After I graduate with my Bachelor’s degree, I plan on taking a year off to travel all 49 states in the U.S., and Canada. Traveling around the world has always been my dream, and I want to experience that before I settle into a career. Once I return I will apply for a Production Support B positions within the company. I plan on attending the job fairs Texas A&M Commerce provides to its students, and having an open mind on other job opportunities that could present themselves.


Possessing a well written resume along with a creative cover sheet, helps the company see the qualifications and skills you possess for the specific job you are applying for. Presenting yourself in a professional manner in the interview while showing confidence in yourself also helps the company see you’re potential. Improving you’re communication skills and knowledge of your specific department you’re applying for will also help your chances of receiving the job. Most of the time having a letter of recommendation can put you ahead of others that are applying for the position. I have obtained many skills throughout my various jobs, and military training and career, that will help promote my skills to the company.

(Resume removed to protect the identity of the student).

Personal Characteristics

Content Knowledge

Process Knowledge

Industry Knowledge


Subjects studied

Work, internships, class

Work on internships

Introvert, sensor, feeler, judger

Business Administration

Inventory, organizing, managing, leading

Army, G&R Plumbing and air, home depot

Diligent, practical, considerate, organized, sensible, decisive


Team leader, delivery and will-call coordinator


Considerate of others emotions, moral, honorable, dignified



Supervisor, team leader

Myers Briggs Test Overview

Excerpted with permission from the MBTI® Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

Favorite world: Do you prefer to focus on the outer world or on your own inner world? This is called

Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I)


Information: Do you prefer to focus on the basic information you take in or do you prefer to interpret and add meaning? This is called

Sensing (S) or Intuition (N)


Decisions: When making decisions, do you prefer to first look at logic and consistency or first look at the people and special circumstances? This is called

Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)


Structure: In dealing with the outside world, do you prefer to get things decided or do you prefer to stay open to new information and options? This is called

Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)


Your Personality Type: When you decide on your preference in each category, you have

your own personality type

, which can be expressed as a code with four letters.

















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