pattern discovery in Data mining

1.  Discuss some of the applications of clustering in data mining.  (130 Words)

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2.  please view the following video, then prepare a one page paper on eigenvalues. You may research the internet for more information. ( 320 Words)

Introduction to Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors – Part 1

3.  Discuss the comparison between traditional and one-to-one marketing.  See table 1-1 in chapter 1.  You may research the internet for more information.  (320 Words)

4.  What is a decision tree?  create a decision tree and discuss it. (1 to 2 pages)

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5.  After observing the TED Talk on Big Data, discuss and prepare a one page paper on the TED Talk  ( 320 Words)

6.  after viewing the following Ted Talk on Big Data and privacy, prepare a one page paper on this Ted Talk topic “The Future of your Personal Data“.

The Future of Your Personal Data – Privacy vs Monetization | Stuart Lacey | TEDxBermuda

What are some steps that you can do to protect yourself online? ( 320 Words)

7.  prepare a one page (minimum) paper on cluster analysis. You may research the internet for more information. Please double space your paper and cite your sources. ( 320 Words)

8.  Prepare a one page paper on associative analysis. You may research the internet for more information. Please double space your paper and cite your sources. ( 320 Words)

9.  For your Course Project, you will type a 3 to 5 page research paper on a topic of your choice that deals with Data Mining based one of the chapters from your textbook. You may research the internet for more information. Please check the attached document for topic details. (3 to 5 Pages)

Data Mining in Banking/Finance

With the help of data mining, customer behavior is not what they’re buying, they’re in any kind of activity again and again, their previous actions, by making the process a lot of information that we can get to business analytics. To evaluate their plans they offer to customers, what is the response of the client, they are mine, and the amount of data to get the information. Credit card users are using data mining cost (they will have to purchase) to get the information.

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