Patients’ Bill of Rights


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Journal Instructions

Purpose: Conduct a Web search for “Patient Care Partnership”.  This document, published by the American Hospital Association, replaces the previous Patient’s Bill of Rights, which was never actually a law. 

Directions: After reviewing the Patient care partnership, answer the below questions.

1. From the Patient Care Partnership, what six points are listed under “What you can expect?”

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2. A patient is in clinic to get the results from his biopsy.  He is told he has cancer and the physician is recommending he undergo chemotherapy, radiation and surgery with a 75% survival rate expected.  However, due to personal beliefs, the patient chooses to use homeopathic medicines and natural alternatives.  When the patient asks you, the MA, “What do you think about my decision?”  How do you respond to his question?

3. A patient is in preop for her upcoming cardiac surgery next week.  Part of her appointment today is to review the consent form, ask questions and consent for surgery.  After the physician leaves the room, you go over the final details and attempt to obtain the consent.  She tells you that her religion forbids her from receiving blood products.  She will not sign the consent form.  How do you respond to her refusal to consent for treatment?

4. Your physician requires vitals on each of his clinic patients (Temp, HR, Pulse, BP, height, weight).  Your morbidly obese patient refuses to have his weight taken.  How would you inform the provider and demonstrate respect for a patient who asks to not have their vital signs assessed at their clinic visit?

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