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Stage 2 – Business Analysis and System Recommendation x
Stage 2: Process Analysis

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Before you begin work on this assignment, be sure you have read the Case Study and reviewed the feedback received on your Stage 1 assignment.


As the business analyst in the CIO’s department of Maryland Technology Consulting (MTC), your next task in developing your Business Analysis and System Recommendation (BA&SR) Report is toconduct a process analysis. This will identify how the current manual process is working and what improvements could be made to the process that would be supported by a technology solution.

Assignment – BA&SR: Section II.Process Analysis

The first step is to review any feedback from Stage 1 to help improve the effectiveness of your overall report and then add the new section to your report. Only content for Stage 2 will be graded for this submission. Part of the grading criteria for Stage 4 includes evaluating if the document is a very effective and cohesive assemblage of the four sections, is well formatted and flows smoothly from one section to the next. For this assignment, you will add Section II of the Business Analysis and System Recommendation (BA&SR) Report to Section I. You will conduct an analysis of the current hiring process and present information on expected business improvements. This analysis lays the ground work for Section III. Requirements of the BA&SR Report (Stage 3 assignment) which will identify MTC’s requirements for a system.

Using the case study, assignment instructions, Content readings, and external research, develop your Section II. Process Analysis. The case study tells you that the executives and employees at MTC have identified a need for an effective and efficient hiring system. As you review the case study, use the assignment instructions to take notes to assist in your analysis. As the stakeholders provide their needs and expectations to improve the process, identify steps that could be improved with the support of a hiring system. Also look for examples of issues and problems that can be improved with a technology solution.

Use the outline format, headings and tables provided and follow all formatting instructions below.

Begin with your Section I (Stage 1 assignment) and add Section II. Apply specific information from the case study to address each area along with relevant supporting research.

II. Process Analysis

A. Hiring Process

At the beginning of this section, write an introductory opening sentence for this section that addresses what the complete table provides. Refer to Week 3 and 4 content on processes and analyzing process improvements. Additional research can expand your knowledge of these areas.

The first step in analyzing the process is to document what the current process steps are and who is responsible for doing them. Therefore, the table provides the current steps in the manual hiring process provided by the case study. Remember, a process is a series of steps to perform a task; therefore, think about what the users are doing as part of the hiring process. Retain the as-is process steps provided; do not remove or revise these. Complete the second column by identifying the stakeholder responsible for this step based on the interviews in the MTC Case.

The next step is to identify how a hiring or applicant tracking systemcould improve each step in the process and how the business will benefit from that improvement. For each of the as-is process steps provided, complete the To-Be Process column in the table.indicating how this step in the process will be done using the hiring or applicant tracking system.For each process step, the statement should be concise and include an action verb and align with improving or replacing the current manual, as-is process step provided. Then complete the Business Benefits of the Improved Process column by explaining how this part of the process can contribute to the overall business strategy– think at a higher level than the specific process step. Review the examples provided in the Hiring Process table. For each to-be process step, identify the result of using the system, as shown in the two examples. While it is truethat the system will speed up each step of the process, think about how MTCwould benefit more strategically from using an automated system to perform that step.

The first row and last rows have been completed for you as an example and must be retained and not revised.Be sure your table contains a total of 12 steps. Use the examples to help you provide clear to-be process steps and business benefits. Your responses should be written in complete sentences.

MTC Hiring Process

As-Is Process

Responsible MTC Position

To-Be Process – How the system Will Support and Improvethe hiring process

Business Benefits of Improved Process (Align with MTC’s overall business strategy and needs.)

1. Recruiter receives application from job hunter via Postal Service Mail.


EXAMPLE PROVIDED – (Retain text as #1 but remove this label and gray shading in your report)

System will receive application via on-line submission through MTC Employment Website and store in the applicant database within the hiring system.

A more efficient submission process decreases time needed to receive and begin processing applications. This will present a positive image to potential employees and help MTC compete for top IT talent.

2. Recruiter screens resumes to identify top candidates by matching with job requirements from job description.

3. Recruiter forwards top candidates to Administrative Assistant via interoffice mail

4. Administrative Assistant forwards candidates’ resumes and applications to hiring manager for the position via interoffice mail.

5. Hiring Manager reviews applications and selects who he/she wants to interview.

6. Hiring Manager sends email to Administrative Assistant on who he/she has selected to interview and identifies members of the interview team.

7. AA schedules interviews by contacting interview team members and hiring manager to identify possible time slots

8. AA emails candidates to schedule interviews.

9. Interview is conducted with candidate, hiring manager and other members of the interview team.

Hiring Manager and Interview Team

Interview is conducted with candidate, hiring manager and other members of the interview team. (Hiring System is not used for this step.)


10. AA collects feedback from interviews and status of candidates

11. Hiring manager informs the AA on his top candidate for hiring

12. Administrative Assistant prepares offer letter based on information from recruiter and puts in the mail to the chosen candidate.

Administrative Assistant

EXAMPLE PROVIDED – (Retain text as #12 but remove this label and gray shading in your report)

System enables AA to prepare job offer letter by storing the offer letter template and information on each candidate; allows AA to select information to go into letter and put it into the template, which can then be reviewed and emailed to the candidate.

More efficient offer process presents positive image to applicants and decreases time needed to prepare offer letter, and enablesMTC to hire in advance of the competition.

B. Expected Improvements – As noted in the case study, there are a lot of manual processes, overwhelming paperwork, difficulty scheduling interviews, etc. related to MTC’s current manual hiring process. A technology solution can address many of these issues. For each of the areas listed in the table below, provide an example of an issue from the case study and how a technology solution could be used to improve that area. Issues and improvements should be addressed in 1-2 clear, complete sentences with information incorporated from the case study. The first one is provided as an example.Note: This is not about the stakeholders’ wishes or expectations for the new system but identifying the current issues they have. Some may be explicitly stated in the interviews and for others you may need to apply some critical thinking. (Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.) For explanations of these areas, refer to Week 4 content on analyzing process improvements.Additional research can expand your knowledge of these areas.


Current Issues

(from the Case Study)


(due to use of technology)



(Retain text but remove this label and gray shading in your report)

The Hiring Manager states that recruiting is only one area he is responsible for and he isn’t as responsive to HR as he could be. Therefore, he counts on the Recruiters to help manage the process and keep him informed.
Current manual system causes considerable communication breakdowns and takes additional effort and time to stay on top of the hiring process.

An efficient system with all information in one place, easily accessible via a dashboard, and updated in real time could make his recruiting job easier; and he could devote time to effectively working collaboratively and proactively with HR on his staffing needs.

Communications: Explain how a hiring system could improve internal and external communications

Workflow: Explain how a hiring system could improve the MTC hiring process by providing a consistent structure for each participant to perform his/her part in the hiring process.

Relationships: Explain how implementing an enterprise hiring system could foster stronger relationships withapplicants/potential employees.

Formatting Your Assignment

Consider your audience – you are writing in the role of anMTC business analyst and your audience is MTC and your boss, the CIO. Don’t discuss MTC as if the reader has no knowledge of the organization. Use third person consistently throughout the report.In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for effective business writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed.

· In Stage 2, you are preparing the second part of a 4-stage report. Use the structure, headings, and outline format provided here for your report. Use the numbering/lettering in the assignment instructions as shown below.
II. Process Analysis
A. Hiring Process
B. Expected Improvements

· Begin with Section I, considering any feedback received, and add to it Section II.
· Write a short concise paper: Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response. It’s important to value quality over quantity. Section II should not exceed 3 pages.
· Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced.
· To
copy a table
: Move your cursor to the table, then click on the small box that appears at the upper left corner of the table to highlight the table; right click and COPY the table; put the cursor in your paper where you want the table and right click and PASTE the table.
· Ensure that each of the tables is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.
· Continue to use thetitle pagecreated in Stage 1 that includes: The title of report, company name, your name, Course and Section Number, and date of this submission.
Use at least two resources with APA formatted citation and reference for this Stage 2 assignment. Use at least one external reference and one from the course content. Course content should be from the class reading content, not the assignment instructions or case study itself. For information on APA format, refer to Content>Course Resources>Writing Resources.
· Add the references required for this assignment to the Reference Page. Additional research in the next stages will be added to this as you build the report.The final document should contain all references from all stages appropriately formatted and alphabetized.
· Running headers are not required for this report.
· Compare your work to the Grading Rubric below to be sure you have met content and quality criteria.
· Submit your paper as a Word document, or a document that can be read in Word. Keep tables in Word format – do not paste in graphics.
· Your submission should include
your last name first in the filename:Lastname_firstname_Stage_2




Far Above Standards


Above Standards


Meets Standards


Below Standards

< 60% Well Below Standards Possible Points Stakeholder Identification Identification of a logical stakeholder based on the case study Generally,1 point per stakeholder. 9-10 Points 10 stakeholders correctly identified as derived from the Case Study. 8.5 Points 10 stakeholders correctly identified as derived from the case study or logical assumption. 7.5 Points Minimum of 8 stakeholders correctly identified as derived from the case study or logical assumption. 6-7 Points Fewer than 8 stakeholders correctly identified as derived from the case study or logical assumptions; and/or contains significant incorrect information. 0-5 Points Content missing or extremely incomplete, did not reflect the assignment instructions, demonstrated little effort, is not supported with information from the Case Study; and/or is not original work for this class section. 10 To-Be Process Analysis Analysis describes how the system will supportand improve the hiring process Generally, 0-3 points per to-be process step. Both quantity and quality evaluated. 27-30 Points To-Be Process step improvements clearly relate to corresponding As-Is Process step and fully explain how the system will support it; demonstrates sophisticated analysis. 24-26 Points To-Be Process step improvements relate to corresponding As-Is Process step and explains how the system will support it; demonstrates effective analysis. 21-23 Points To-Be Process step improvement is provided for each As-Is Process step and an explanation is provided for each. 18-20 Points Fewer than 10 To-Be Process step improvements and/or explanations are provided; and/or contains significant incorrect information. 0-17 Points Content missing or extremely incomplete, did not reflect the assignment instructions, showed little or no originality, demonstrated little effort, is not supported with information from the Case Study; and/or is not original work for this class section. 30 Business Benefits of Improved Process Explains how each step in the process can contribute to the overall business strategy Generally, 0-2 points per improved process step. Both quantity and quality evaluated. 18-20 Points Business benefits for all 10 process steps are fully explained; demonstrates sophisticated analysis. 16-17 Points Business benefits for all 10 process steps are explained; demonstrates effective analysis. 14-15 Points Business benefits for all 10 process steps are included. 12-13 Points Business benefits for fewer than 10 process steps are provided; and/or contains significant incorrect information. 0-11 Points Content missing or extremely incomplete, did not reflect the assignment instructions, showed little or no originality, demonstrated little effort, is not supported with information from the Case Study; and/or is not original work for this class section. 20 Expected Improvements Issues from case study and improvements due to technology in areas of Communication, Workflow, and Relationships Generally, 0-7 points per area. Both quantity and quality evaluated. 18-20 Points Issues and improvements for all 3 areas are fully and correctly explained; demonstrates sophisticated analysis. 16-17 Points Issues and improvements for all 3 areas are explained; demonstrates effective analysis. 14-15 Points Issues and improvements for all 3 areas are provided. 12-13 Points Issues and improvements for fewer than 3 areas are provided; and/or contains significant incorrect information. 0-11 Points Content missing or extremely incomplete, did not reflect the assignment instructions, showed little or no originality, demonstrated little effort, is not supported with information from the Case Study; and/or is not original work for this class section. 20 Research Two or more sources--one source from within the IFSM 300 course content and one external (other than the course materials) 9-10 Points Required resources are incorporated and used effectively. Sources used are relevant and timely and contribute strongly to the analysis. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style. 8.5 Points At least two sources are incorporated and are relevant and somewhat support the analysis. References are appropriately incorporated and cited using APA style. 7.5 Points Only one resource is used and properly incorporated and/or reference(s) lack correct APA style. 6.5 Points A source may be used, but is not properly incorporated or used, and/or is not effective or appropriate; and/or does not follow APA style for references and citations. 0-5 Points No course content or external research incorporated; or reference listed is not cited within the text. 10 Format Uses outline format provided; includes Title Page and Reference Page 9-10 Points Well organized and easy to read. Very few or no errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; double-spaced, written in third person and presented in a professional format. 8.5 Points Effective organization; has few errors in sentence structure, grammar, and spelling; double-spaced, written in third person and presented in a professional format. 7.5 Points Some organization; may have some errors in sentence structure, grammar and spelling. Report is double spaced and written in third person. 6.5 Points Not well organized, and/or contains several grammar and/or spelling errors; and/or is not double-spaced and written in third person. 0-5 Points Extremely poorly written, has many grammar and/or spelling errors, or does not convey the information. 10 TOTAL Points Possible 100 Stage 2: Process Analysis03/17/2020 3

Stage 1:


Use of Technology

Maryland Technology Consultants (MTC)


Course and Section #

February 21, 2021


Maryland Technology Consultants (MTC) is an IT consulting firm that uses proven IT and management methodologies for achieving measurable results for the clients. Its headquarters are in Baltimore, Maryland. The firm was founded in May 2008 and has around 450 employees. It provides consulting services in business process, IT, and IT Outsourcing Consulting. The purpose of the report is to develop a solution to improve the hiring process. This will be done in four stages including strategic use of technology, process analysis, requirements, and system recommendations.

I. Strategic use of technology

A. Business Strategy

MTC’s business strategy involves the provision of extraordinary recommendations and services to the customers through employing skilled consultants. It also stays abreast of the new technologies and business concepts. To provide extraordinary services, MTC has to hire highly skilled consultants. Automated hiring systems would help further the strategy because they would automatically list those who are highly skilled and qualified for the job (Jenson et al, 2019). It would take a shorter time to hire employees there would also be a guarantee that individuals being hired will be highly-skilled.

B. Competitive Advantage

MTC can use the automatic hiring system to enhance its competitive advantage. The system would enable it to recruit applicants, schedule interviews, and fill the vacant positions in one Human Resource System. An HRIS would make it easy for the human resources and recruiters to be informed of the needs or qualifications of the workers needed to fill various positions.

MTC could implement an ERP system. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a system of various software applications for the standardization or integration of business processes across various departments such as human resources, distribution, and procurement. MTC could have a centralized database to help in the hiring process. That would make it more competitive.

C. Strategic Objectives

MTC should ensure that it has developed a combination of gifted and brilliant IT consultants to meet the strategic objectives.

Strategic Goal

(from case study)


(clear, measurable, and time-bound)


(2-3 sentences)

Increase MTC Business Development by winning new contracts in the areas of IT Consulting

Increase the total number of contracts to win by 15 % in 5 to 7 months

Increasing the total number of contracts means that more employees have to be hired to work on various projects. A lot of time will be saved and contracts will be centralized by use of the ERP system leading to a decrease in overhead hours.

Build a cadre of consultants internationally to provide remote research and analysis support to MTC’s onsite teams in the U. S.

Increase international recruiting and hire five research analysts within the next 12 months.

The new hiring system would allow applicants from around the world to apply online, increasing the number of international applicants. It would enable the recruiters to carefully monitor the applications for these positions, identify the necessary research and analysis skills needed, and screen resumes for these key skills. Recruiters could quickly view the number of applicants and identify when additional recruiting efforts are needed to meet the objective.

Continue to increase MTC’s ability to quickly provide high-quality consultants to awarded contracts to best serve the clients’ needs

Use Human Resource Information System (HRIS) for hiring highly-skilled employees to various departments within the next five months.

The HRIS system can select the best employees to fill positions and complete contracts to satisfy the requirements of clients.

Increase MTC’s competitive advantage in the IT consulting marketplace by increasing its reputation for having IT consultants who are highly skilled in leading-edge technologies and innovative solutions for its clients

Use technology such as GoToMeeting apps and Skype and GoToMeeting for providing virtual conferences online to current and prospective clients

GoToMeeting apps and Skype are cheaper alternatives to reaching clients that are miles away. The consultant could troubleshoot virtually leading to a reduction in costs of meals, travel, and lodging.


The senior/executive managers, middle managers, and operational managers have to create cultures following the vision of MTC. This helps them to lead well and the company to be successful.


Level as defined in IS Course Reading

Example of Possible Decision Supported by Hiring System

Example of Information the Hiring System Could Provide to Support Your Example Decision

Senior/Executive Managers

(Decisions made by the CEO and the CFO at MTC supported by the hiring system.)


Determining the number of IT consultants that should be hired whenever a contract has been won.

Ensuring that qualified people are hired to fulfill the goals of the company.

The hiring system could provide information on the needs of contracts. It could allow the Senior Executives to filter the best candidates that would fill various positions.

Middle Managers

(Decisions made by the Director of HR and the Manager of Recruiting supported by the hiring system.)


Filter resumes of applicants who are most qualified for various positions and forward them to senior executives.

Screen the applications to ensure that the best candidates are identified.

The hiring system could provide information on the available positions, skills, and requirements. The Recruiting Managers and HR directors can filter the applicants based on their qualifications and put job offers according to the qualifications (Masum et al, 2018).



(Decisions made by the line managers in the organization who are hiring for their projects supported by the hiring system.)


Routing resumes and applications to the hiring managers through interoffice mail

Scheduling interviews to ensure that they are appropriate to the calendars of everyone involved.

The hiring system will allow Administrative Assistants to see the availability of everyone involved and schedule interviews properly. They will also be able to pass information to applicants and the hiring team. The applicants will be tracked automatically. The hiring process is streamlined by automatic applicant tracking (Kovach et al, 2020).


Jenson, R. L., & Johnson, I. R. (2019). The enterprise resource planning system as a strategic solution. Information Strategy: The Executive’s Journal, 15(4), 28-33.

Kovach, K. A., & Cathcart Jr, C. E. (2020). Human resource information systems (HRIS): Providing business with rapid data access, information exchange, and strategic advantage. Public personnel management, 28(2), 275-282.

Masum, A. K. M., Beh, L. S., Azad, M. A. K., & Hoque, K. (2018). Intelligent human resource information system (i-HRIS): a holistic decision support framework for HR excellence. Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol., 15(1), 121-130.

Overall Feedback

Overall the content demonstrates that you understood the concepts. To improve, review the content captured under the Competitive Advantage section and combine the content as one well-written college-level paragraph. Review the content captured within the table and remove extra spaces. Try not to use the word “It” too much. 

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