Part 2: BRD

Assignment Content

  1. Your next task in building the business requirements document for Hollywood Organic Co-op is to examine how the data elements fit into the overall document life cycle. You must provide an update to the CEO and CIO on the metadata and document storage requirements and recommended document life cycle.

    Create a 16- to 20-slide media-rich or voice-over presentation about how the EDMS will classify and protect data. Include the following:

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    The metadata (descriptive information) that must be provided for each type of document
    The location where the documents are stored at each stage of a document’s life cycle
    Recommendation and description of the cybersecurity framework for the new EDMS
    Justification for how the recommended cybersecurity framework best supports the document life cycle
    Tools that will be used to monitor protection at each of the data classification levels
    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

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