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It is easy to get lost in reading and theory when you are in college. For this discussion board exercise, I’d like you to get out of school a bit and take a good, hard look at your own community. If you live on campus, your community would be your dorm, the students you live with. Your community might be your neighbors in your neighborhood or apartment complex. Your community could be the people in your town or city. My goal for you is to observe the people around you that you live with every day but may not pay that close of attention to. Consider the stress you all are sharing and experiencing together — what are these stressors? What connections between these stressors and connections to ourselves, one another, and our world are being affected? In particular, consider what you have been learning about the physical, spiritual, and psychological aspects of stress and apply this knowledge to your observations of the people in your community.  Consider others, and then, as a health educator how might you raise their awareness and understanding of the stress they are living with. 


For your initial post – due Tuesday, Sept. 22:

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1. First mentally draw a 5 – 10-mile circle around you and think deeply about the people who are your neighbors and the community of which you are a part.

1. Who are they?

2. What are their common experiences?

3. What is stressful and why about these common experiences?

2. Click on the link below to read the journal article on spiritual needs 

Spirituality and stress relief: Make the connection (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

3. Then watch and listen to the Ted Talk video called “

Connected but alone?” with Sherry Turkl (Links to an external site.)

e – with your community in mind. 

4. Now, with your particular community still in mind, can you identify any stressors related to technology, disconnection, and spirituality in your community? Describe how the information presented in the article and interview can AND cannot be applied to your community, and why.   

1. How might you apply what you have learned about stress in this module to serve as a health resource for people in your community?

2. If you could choose a worksheet from the workbook which would help raise awareness about the stress you’ve identified in your community, what worksheet would that be and why? (title, page, purpose) Why this one? Why or how would it help?

3. Finally, is there a worksheet that would be offensive if it were presented to a person in your community. Why? 

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