Paper Thesis/Outline/Annotated Bibliography


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Course Paper Thesis, Outline, & Annotated Bibliography

Instructions: By develop a thesis statement, outline, and annotated bibliography for your Course Paper based on the guidelines in the Module/Week 3 presentation. Submit the thesis statement, outline, and annotated bibliography in ONE Word document using the template below (including the cover page).

Assignment Goals: Plan your Course Paper by clearly stating your main point, structuring your supporting reasons and evidence, and evaluating your scholarly sources. Doing so will prepare you to draft your Course Paper, which must be submitted by the end of 

Specific Requirements: Your thesis statement may not refer to yourself, your paper, or your readers. Simply state the point that your paper will argue or demonstrate. Your outline must either follow points outlined by your assignment instructions from your other course or must follow the sample provided below by brainstorming ideas or points that include your thesis statement, two or more supporting main points with at least two pieces of evidence (statistics, data, or source quotes) for each of those points, and a conclusion that sums up the main supporting points and restates your thesis. Your annotated bibliography must include a citation, a summary, an analysis, and the relevance of at least four scholarly sources. 

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Presentation: Planning Your Paper

Attached Files:

  •  Planning Your Paper (734 B)

This presentation provides an overview of the pre writing or planning step of the writing process. This all-important step includes thesis statement development, outlining, and annotating your list of sources. The more thorough and detailed you are in these steps, the easier the drafting process will be.

GRST 501

Course Paper Thesis, Outline, & Annotated Bibliography

Instructions: By the end of Module/Week 3, develop a thesis statement, outline, and annotated bibliography for your Course Paper based on the guidelines in the Module/Week 3 presentation. Submit the thesis statement, outline, and annotated bibliography in ONE Word document using the template below (including the cover page).

Assignment Goals: Plan your Course Paper by clearly stating your main point, structuring your supporting reasons and evidence, and evaluating your scholarly sources. Doing so will prepare you to draft your Course Paper, which must be submitted by the end of Module/Week 5 of GRST 501 to your GRST instructor and the Online Writing Center. Next, you must submit a final, improved revision of your Course Paper based on the feedback from these two sources. You will pass the Course Paper Revision assignment if your revised draft earns a 3 or higher in each category of the Course Paper Rubric. Planning out your paper will make the drafting step easier.

Specific Requirements: Your thesis statement may not refer to yourself, your paper, or your readers. Simply state the point that your paper will argue or demonstrate. Your outline must either follow points outlined by your assignment instructions from your other course or must follow the sample provided below by brainstorming ideas or points that include your thesis statement, two or more supporting main points with at least two pieces of evidence (statistics, data, or source quotes) for each of those points, and a conclusion that sums up the main supporting points and restates your thesis. Your annotated bibliography must include a citation, a summary, an analysis, and the relevance of at least four scholarly sources. Please scroll down and see the sample thesis/outline below.

*Note: You must submit your completed draft to your GRST instructor and to the Online Writing Center (due Module/Week 5). You must show your GRST instructor that you have received a full OWC review of your paper (due Module/Week 6). Then, you must make a final, improved revision of your paper to pass the course (due Module/Week 7). Your revised draft must earn a 3 or higher in each rubric category to pass the class. You might be pressed for time, so remember that though feedback from the OWC normally takes 48–72 hours, during Week 6, feedback often takes one week. This means that once you successfully submit your paper for a full review, you will receive it back within one week. Feedback from your GRST instructor also takes about a week. Therefore, your completed draft is due at least by Module/Week 5. To pass, plan to submit your draft before or during Module/Week 5 of this course.

Submit your thesis/outline/annotated bibliography in ONE Word document by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3. SCROLL DOWN for assignment cover page & template.

Title of the issue investigated:

Thesis Statement, Outline, & Annotated Bibliography

Your name here

Thesis Statement: Write your working thesis statement here. Follow the guidelines in the Module/Week 3 Presentation for how to write a good thesis statement and what to avoid in doing so.

Outline: If your assignment instructions from your other course do not provide ideas for outline points, please use or rearrange this structure for your outline and add to it or delete as necessary. Regardless of the outline points you create, every main point should have at least two supporting points or evidence (A & B) below it. Consult the presentation in Module/Week 3 for more outlining guidelines.

I. Introduction

A. Attention-grabbing opening sentences that motivate your readers to continue

B. Brief background of issue or controversy

C. Thesis statement

II. First Supporting Reason or Argument (backing up your thesis)

A. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source

B. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source

III. Second Supporting Reason or Argument (backing up your thesis)

A. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source

B. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source

IV. Third Supporting Reason or Argument (backing up your thesis)

A. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
B. Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source

V. Opposing Viewpoints

A. Statistics, data, quotes or paraphrases from sources

B. Acknowledgement of strengths of opposing views

C. Analysis of weaknesses of opposing views

VI. Conclusion

A. Summarize main supporting points

B. Restate thesis in strong and unique way

Annotated Bibliography: As mentioned in the Module/Week 3 presentation, a good annotated bibliography should include the citations for each source (at least four) you plan to cite in your paper (all should be credible, scholarly sources), a 1-2 sentence summary of the source, a 1-2 sentence evaluation of the source (accuracy, recency, bias, reliability, etc.), and how the source is relevant to your paper (what point would it help support or opposing views does it reveal?). See pp. 3-4 of the Online Writing Center’s

annotated bibliography resource

as an example of how to structure your bibliography, though be sure to use your discipline’s own citation style. No abstract needed prior to your annotations.

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Statesmanship in Organizational Leadership

Name Alfreda Dunlap

Course PADM 610

Professor Dr.Esechie

Date 4/5/20

Statesmanship in Organizational Leadership

Organizational leadership is a method of management which involves leaders taking active roles in setting up strategic goals for the company. The leaders, according to Ruben and Gigliotti (2017), have to motivate their employees to ensure that they work as a team towards achieving the business goals. Organizational leadership is essential in meeting the challenges and goals presented by both the business and the employees. Managers are always promoted to top leadership roles basing on their abilities to manage business challenges and achieve future goals (Ruben & Gigliotti, 2017). Understanding both the strengths and weaknesses of a workforce is an essential part of organizational leadership. Interpersonal leadership involves the ability of managers or leaders to understand their workers. It requires a deep understanding of the employees, what motivates them, and how they interrelate with each other at the workplace. This type of leadership revolves around self-expression, which determines whether one’s leadership capabilities. The authors define statesmanship as the practice of moral leadership within an organization or institution. According to Ruben and Gigliotti, Great politicians such as Churchill and Lincoln have always been regarded as a true statement due to their ability to lead their countries during difficult times. From previous studies, it is still not clear as to whether a state is a right habitat for statesmanship. Stöckl and Smajdor (2017) put it that diplomacy involves politicians who have practised high level of quality leadership. Not all politicians are statesmen, but only those who exercise wise leadership (Stöckl & Smajdor, 2017). Statesmanship is a critical factor for successful organizational leadership.

Statesmanship Model

Statesmanship involves wise leadership among those who occupy top government positions. An ideal Statesmanship model is the one which a leader understands their people, both weaknesses and strengths (Jones, 2019). The author also identifies that statesmanship does not include leaders who are exploiting the vulnerabilities of their followers. In organizational leadership, statesmen are those leaders who listen to their workers and consider their needs during decision-making processes. Statesmanship not only involves playing well the political game but also making every game possible. It consists in providing the right conditions for politics to grow and being able to agree on the best courses of actions through reconciliation. Traditionally, statesmanship has been shown through constitutional found and reforms and during the crisis and war (Jones, 2019). Statesmanship is revealed during a political crisis and when a nation requires an immediate solution to heal its economy. Majority of previous statesmen were products of exceptional political circumstances. Statesmanship should not be associated with other forms of ruling such as management, mastery and domination. It is unique and encourages leaders to exercise wise styles of leadership.

Interpersonal Leadership and Organizational Leadership

Interpersonal leadership is simply the ability to understand other people and be able to motivate them to improve their performances (Van Wart, 2017). It focuses on appropriately reacting to moods, desires and behaviours of other individuals. For one to be effective with those around them, they need first to be effective with themselves. Before seeking to find the right partner in business, ensure you are the right partner as well. Interpersonal skills are essential in improving interpersonal leadership. As indicated by Bennett et al. (2019), interpersonal skills are the attributes that a person depends on when interacting with others. The skills are essential in improving cooperation and communication. In a business environment, business managers must communicate effectively and build relationships with their employees. Interpersonal skills play a massive role in both communication and relationships (Bennett et al., 2019). They include empathy, active listening, responsibility, leadership, patience, teamwork, dependability, flexibility and motivation. Interpersonal skills increase both personal and organizational productivity.

Organizational leadership involves managers setting goals for the company and then motivating employees to work towards achieving them (Kollenscher et al., 2017). Organization CEO, team coach, army general, political party leaders and head of a department are examples of organizational leaders. The organization is simply a group of people organized to perform specific duties and the leader as a person responsible for directing the group. According to Griffith et al. (2019), the primary role of a leader is to structure employee work and combine them to produce organizational inputs. Organizational leaders are different from executive and functional leaders. Their leadership qualities are high and can connect their business understanding with influential future visionaries to ensure high business productivity. Organizational leaders are also forward-thinkers as argued by Kollenscher et al. (2017) and have the ability to lead broad initiatives through integrity and ethics. There are different organizational skills and mindsets that individuals need to learn to be effective leaders. They include problem-solving, excellent communication, effective decision-making, understanding the workplace and the employees, innovation, use of integrity and ethics, educating organizational vision and strategic thinking. Organizational leadership skills can be learned even through real-world experiences.

The link between Interpersonal Leadership and Organizational leadership

Regardless of the industry, interpersonal leadership plays a huge role in strengthening the organizational leadership. Through interpersonal leadership skills, leaders in the organization motivate and encourage employees to work as a team to achieve business goals. Effective communication is an essential factor in a successful business (Trivisonno & Barling, 2016). Interpersonal leadership allows employees to develop close relationships with their workmates and employers hence resulting in a smooth flow of information and ideas between them. Effective communication establishes mutual respect and allows organizational leaders to consider the inputs and opinions of their juniors. Interpersonal leadership in an organization also helps in keeping the maintaining feedback loop. Many companies strive to develop a workplace that can accommodate both external and internal factors. For this to be a success, a complete and constructive feedback loop is required (Trivisonno & Barling, 2016). Employees needed regular feedbacks regarding their duties to understand whether there are doing it right or not. Feedback loops allow employees and employers to give back feedback on their satisfaction. The ability for organizational leaders to receive and give feedback is one of the interpersonal skills.

Interpersonal leadership expands opportunities for leaders in an organization. Interpersonal skills allow leaders to work closely with workers and other managers, thus increasing their performances. They are likely to be promoted to higher positions within the organization. Interpersonal skills help managers stay close to their workforce and understand their wellbeing. Customers also feel valued in organizations where leaders make a follow-up or respond quickly to their needs. Transparency is critical in organizational leadership. According to Stead et al. (2017), the majority of US workers think that their employers are not open to them. Lack of transparency can result in disenfranchised workers and reduced loyalty among the workforce. If workers feel that they are undervalued and that their opinions are not taken into consideration during decision-making processes, they are likely to leave for other job opportunities in new companies.

Interpersonal leadership is essential in business organizations. Not only does it help in developing personal relationships but also allow leaders to foster their professional relationships both within and outside the organization. Maintaining professional relational relationships is difficult than even creating them since they require consistency and continued empathy (Chiu et al., 2016). Therefore, the effective way of maintaining the relationships is to build them on trust. The ability of individuals to develop interpersonal relationships, god flow of information and establish trust helps them become effective organizational leaders. Leaders in organizations who do not have lose and personal links to their workforce are bound to fail in the future. Workers are less motivated, and hence production will reduce. Empathy is an essential attribute of an organizational leader (Chiu et al., 2016). Through understanding, leaders understand what is affecting their workers both on and off work. Employees may have challenges and worries of work, which may affect their performances. Therefore, leaders must be close to them to help them solve their life challenges.

Application of statesmanship to organizational communication best practices

Statesmanship can be referred to as an outstanding moral type of leadership at the public level. The ideas and concepts of statesmanship have been used many years ago and have been passed from generation to generation. New understandings, such as administrative and judicial statesmanship have been developed in the modern era (Ray, 2019). The model is tipped to become more feasible as it transforms from state governance to multilevel governance. Statesmanship is the best way through which the public can be administered. It presents the best way through which relevant information can be conveyed to the public. Statesmanship determines the best communication tool to be used. Communication tool needs to be efficient and facilitates a free flow of information. It is worth choosing the right channel, which can connect the workforce. Public statesmanship reduces the noise people have to go through before accessing relevant information. The model ensures that the information sent reaches the targeted audience and at the right time. Organizations need to reduce the chances of their workforce missing out on important information. Using the right platforms open opportunity for employees to discuss and share ideas and chats.

Public statesmanship can also be applied to the development of internal communication strategies. It helps leaders understand which information to publish within the organization. The internal communication strategy should not overwhelm people with a lot of updates (Andersen & Jakobsen, 2017). Leaders need to use the strategies and platforms to encourage the employees to follow their examples. A good plan should consider how to package and deliver information both to customers and the workforce. By interlinking, the external and internal communication strategies can improve communication both in information flow and in productivity (Cao et al., 2016). Public statesmanship can also be applied in supporting company values and improving the organizational culture. The information that the company chooses to share and how it is shared plays a role in defining organization culture (Kapucu, 2006). Statesmanship allows a company to operate with their values in mind. An organization that is built on transparency and open communication, for example, need to update their employees from all levels of the organization. Communication channels should have discussions, debates and feedback. Open communication in workplace connects and aligns teams as per the instructions. By creating a room for feedback and reviews, open communication can be promoted in the company. Internal communication is two-way traffic. Leaders have to listen to their workers and regularly for feedback to determine whether they are motivated or not.


Statesmanship model is essential in promoting effective leadership in public and business organizations. The model allows leaders to understand their followers by identifying their weaknesses and strengths hence choose the most effective business strategies. Interpersonal leadership, on the other hand, plays a massive role in improving organizational leadership. Successful business organizations use interpersonal leadership strategy to recruit their managers. Such organizations have leaders who understand their traits and use them to develop those around them. Before a leader makes an employee effective, they need first to be effective. One of the most critical skills for interpersonal leaders in organizations is the ability to collect and give feedback. Workers need to be given feedback regarding their performances so that they can improve. It is also crucial for managers to receive regular feedback from workers to understand their opinions. Business companies can use statesmanship model to identify best practices for their communication. The model identifies the best communication strategies within the organization and determines which information can be shared publicly. It provides a perfect platform for leaders to motivate and encourage their employees to follow their examples.


Bennett, L. M., Nelan, R., Steeves, B., & Thornhill, J. (2019). The interrelationship of people, space, operations, institutional leadership, and training in fostering a team approach in health sciences research at the University of Saskatchewan. In Strategies for Team Science Success (pp. 509-522). Springer, Cham.

Cao, Y., Bunger, A. C., Hoffman, J., & Robertson, H. A. (2016). Change communication strategies in public child welfare organizations: engaging the front line. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 40(1), 37-50.

Chiu, R. B., Mirowska, A., & Hackett, R. D. (2016). Meaning and Madness of Leadership: Threat Sensitivity, Moral Foundations, and the Trump Phenomenon. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2016, No. 1, p. 17911). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

Griffith, J. A., Baur, J. E., & Buckley, M. R. (2019). Creating comprehensive leadership pipelines: Applying the real options approach to organizational leadership development. Human Resource Management Review, 29(3), 305-315.

Andersen, S. C., & Jakobsen, M. (2017). Policy positions of bureaucrats at the front lines: Are they susceptible to strategic communication?. Public Administration Review, 77(1), 57-66.

Jones, H. (2019). Searching for Statesmanship: a Corpus-Based Analysis of a Translated Political Discourse. Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 36(2), 216-241.

Kapucu, N. (2006). Interagency communication networks during emergencies: Boundary spanners in multiagency coordination. The American Review of Public Administration, 36(2), 207-225.

Kollenscher, E., Eden, D., Ronen, B., & Farjoun, M. (2017). Architectural Leadership: The neglected core of organizational leadership. European Management Review, 14(3), 247-264.

Ray, C. (2019). The Concept of Statesmanship in John Marshall’s Life of George Washington. Humanitas, 32(1-2), 56-78.

Ruben, B. D., & Gigliotti, R. A. (2017). Communication: Sine qua non of organizational leadership theory and practice. International Journal of Business Communication, 54(1), 12-30.

Stead, V., Elliott, C., Blevins-Knabe, B., Chan, E., Grove, K. S., Hanold, M., & Smith, A. E. (2017). Collaborative Theory-Building on Women’s Leadership: An Exercise towards Responsible Leadership. Theorizing women and leadership: New insights and contributions from multiple perspectives, 37-50.

Stöckl, A., & Smajdor, A. (2017). The MMR debate in the United Kingdom: Vaccine scares, statesmanship and the media. The politics of vaccination. Manchester University Press.

Trivisonno, M., & Barling, J. (2016). Organizational leadership and employee commitment. In Handbook of employee commitment. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Van Wart, M. (2017). Leadership in public organizations: An introduction. Taylor & Francis.

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