Paper revision

1 – Make high level paper and paragraph changes.

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2 – Complete the attached worksheet


Do you catch the reader’s interest effectively right away?

Would a writer’s trick such as using a quotation, story, or metaphor be appropriate and helpful in accomplishing this?

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Is the introduction just the right length to say what needs to be said, no more and no less?

Is your introduction clear and logical?

Is the information presented in the best possible order?


What is your thesis? Is it obvious, clear, and written as a complete sentence? Where is it? Is it in just the right spot or could you improve readability if it was moved?

What is the goal of your thesis? For example, are you trying to argue for a particular position on the topic at hand? Have you expressed this clearly?

If you are making an argument, do you need to point out counterarguments to your thesis?

Is the scope of your thesis appropriate for the assignment? Do you need to broaden it or narrow it down?


Is each paragraph purposeful, relevant to your thesis, and contributing to your goals?

Is there a logical progression throughout the paper? Do the paragraphs build on each other and support your thesis in an organized way?

Does each paragraph have a focused topic and topic sentence that relates to the thesis? Do the other sentences in your paragraphs provide evidence and argument to support this topic?

Is each paragraph a reasonable length—not too long or too short? Are any paragraphs trying to accomplish too much? If so, how can they be restructured?

Have you used quotations moderately and effectively? Do your quotations relate directly to the thesis?

Do you provide context for your quotations?

Should you cut down on the number of quotations you’re using and paraphrase instead?


Are you providing a useful recap of your paper in a way that’s interesting, rather than resorting to highly repetitious language? Can you write it in such a way that it relates to, and enhances, the most significant aspects of your paper?

Are you providing a true conclusion, or are you merely summarizing what you just wrote? Do you introduce any new topics right at the end? If you do, is there a compelling reason?

Do you end on a strong note?

Course: Mastering Scholarly Writing

Global Revision Worksheet


Instructions: Develop a revision plan for your research paper by answering the following questions about your text. Keep in mind that you will be revising at this point, not editing or proofreading. That means you will need to keep your focus on global concerns (GLOCs) and address how you might approach resolving those issues.

Do you need to further focus your topic? Are you taking on too broad of an issue? How do you plan to address these focus issues?

· Assess whether or not the paper adequately integrates the topic with the literature review.

Does the literature review section of your draft show a gap or niche in the research that your paper then proceeds to fill? Have you integrated your literature review into your research paper draft seamlessly?

· Assess whether or not evidence is presented clearly.
· Suggest specific and appropriate changes to address the identified revision issues.

Is your draft optimally organized in terms of how the argument flows from one point to the next?

· Assess how the paper is organized in terms of how the argument flows from one point to the next.

Is your draft optimally organized in terms of how the chunks of evidence are grouped together and the order in which those groups appear?

· Assesses how the paper is organized in terms of how the chunks of evidence are grouped together and the order in which those groups appear.

Are your points clear and convincing? Are they adequately developed?

· Provide a comprehensively complete representation of the paper’s argument.



Applied Behavior Analysis

Capella University

Applied Behavior Analysis


Applied behavior analysis focuses on developing the appropriate behaviors among individuals in different aspects. These include patients, students, customers, and teachers. The major reason behind this is to minimize negative behaviors among people, such as aggression, that contributes significantly to negative consequences.

Applied behavior analysis can be effective for both adults and children. Different factors contribute to an individual’s behavior, and there are different strategies employed to change the behaviors. ABA has been greatly adopted in the health sector to treat patients who possess negative behaviors and acquire appropriate behaviors. However, ABA can also be applied in other sectors in our day to day lives to help us analyze how people behave in a particular environment.

Our relationship with people around plays a significant role in our behaviors. Additionally, our exposure to different environments is also a determinant of how we portray our behaviors. It is important for us. Depending on how humans behave, one individual can be classified into different personality types, such as optimistic persons, envious, pessimistic, and trusting. The personality of an individual with their attitude towards is a crucial indicator of how we behave. Applied behavior analysis is important in determining how individuals behave in a particular environment and contribute to positive or negative consequences.

Support Literature

Support 1

Education is an important aspect among children as it shapes and introduces them into the scholarly life. Children depict different behaviors in their learning process on the different teaching techniques adopted by the teachers. For instance, they can improve in their learning by the adoption of particular learning techniques such as use the use of laptops; this can be categorized as a positive behavior. Additionally, they can show a drop or no improvement in their learning; hence a negative behavior is depicted.

In the article Elizabeth (2018), the study involves analyzing the behaviors depicted by children in a science class after the introduction of computer animations. Children are ford of techniques that keep their minds engaged and reduce the class monotony. The study aims to determine if the technology’s adoption improves their learning positively or affects it negatively. Computer animations are major attractions that easily capture the minds of the children and contribute to a fast and better understanding of their studies.

It is a technique that helps the children capture the main ideas and remember them in the future. The study concludes that the use of computer animations among children improves their understanding of science and scraps the idea that science is difficult (Elizabeth, 2018). Hence, children depict a positive behavior change. Their understanding and performance in the subject are improved.

Support 2

Another support literature for the topic is Wright’s (2017) article. The article summarizes the effects of early interventions among the young population and how they change their behaviors. The young population is in the sensitive adolescent stage that contributes greatly to either negative or positive behavior depiction. The author discusses different intervention s that determine the youthful population’s behavior, such as reducing juvenile delinquency in society. Juvenile delinquency is one behavior depicted by the young population and categorized as negative behavior.

The author associated this behavior with the problem or confirmed delinquent child. The normal child dictates positive behaviors in society and associated with the approved forms of conduct (Wright, 2017). Therefore, early interventions are an important aspect of minimum juvenile delinquency as a negative behavior shown by the young population.

Support 3

There has been broad adoption of new technology in a variety of sectors in the world today. The education sector is one of the leading sectors with significant use of technology, including robotics. Fitriyaningsih (2019) analyzes the effects of Lego Mindstorm (adoption of robotics) among vocational students. It is important to note the learning behavior of students affects their learning achievement at their educational level.

Educational robotics can be a premium channel in improving the learning outcomes of the students. They enhance a better understanding among students and reduces the class monotony of having a tutor in class. It is a way of refreshing their minds and hence contribute to positive behavior in their learning.

The author states that teachers have a significant role in helping the students develop their interpersonal behavior (Fitriyaningsih, 2019). The aspect is important in contributing to better learning outcomes among the students, a factor associated with positive behaviors among the students. Hence, the use of Lego Mindstorm among vocational students improves their learning outcomes, an aspect associated with positive behaviors.

Support 4

Another support literature on ABA is Olugbenga (2016) article; it describes the teacher’s behavior in the classroom that is a significant aspect of the good performance of the students. The article analyzes the performance of physics students depending on the teacher’s behavior while in class. It is essential to realize that the teaching and socializing behavior of a teacher in class is a major determinant in students’ performance.

A close and open relationship with the teacher accounts for good performance in class. Physics is a technical subject that requires a better and outlined explanation by the teacher. Irrational behaviors by the teacher in class, such as shouting at the students, have been associated with the students’ low performance. Also, the effectiveness of the teacher is measured by the performance of their students.

The teacher’s behavior in the classroom will either contribute to better students’ achievement in physics or poor achievement. Hence teacher’s behavior in class is an aspect that is associated with positive or negative behavior among students portrayed by their performance in class (Olugbenga, 2016). Good performance is associated with a good relationship between the teacher and the student, a positive behavior displayed by the teacher in class.

Support 5

ABA is also essential in the business industry to determine the customers’ behavior, which is an important aspect of the organization. Determining the behavior of the customers is important for customer retention among businesses. They can identify how their operations affect the behaviors of the customers to their businesses.

Raju (2018) describes the customer behavioral patterns analyzed through customer relationship management of the business. Some of the positive behaviors among customers, such as shopping in an organization are determined by the approaches adopted by an organization such as convincing the customers and maintaining a good customer based relationship.

Usually, customers respond to how they are treated and appreciated in business. Customer relationship management is important in determining customer behavior patterns (Raju, 2018). Organizations should adopt strategies that foster a good relationship with customers.

Support 6

Kirkham (2016) discusses the history and emergence of ABA in the 20th century as a broad topic in society today. The topic has been in existence since time in the past hence creating emphasis on it. The author describes the historians’ role concerning the topic and its position in the world today. He describes the role of Ole lvar Lovaas, an influential practitioner of ABA.

His major works were positive on the topic and as a way to treat patients using ABA therapy. ABA has been proven effective in treating autism disorder. Hence, determining the patients’ behaviors can be effective in treating autism disorder (Kirkham, 2016). The author also discusses some of the controversial issues on the topic. Hence ABA is a broad topic to study and effective in treating disorders such as autism.

Thesis that articulates a gap in the literature

Technical subjects in schools have been considered difficult to purse at times. ABA can be effective in analyzing students’ behaviors when different learning techniques are adopted in the system. Therefore, the education sector gap that technical subjects such as science and physics are hard to teach can be solved by adopting ABA in the education system.


Applied behavior analysis can be extensively be applied in healthcare, education, business, and animal training. In the education sector, it is important to enhance better learning outcomes and improve students’ performance. In healthcare, it can be used to treat patients with disorders such as autism. In the business sector, it can be used in maintaining good relationships with customers.


Elizabeth, O. A. F., & Victor, A. O. (2018). Effects of computer animation on children education in basic science in some selected junior secondary schools in Nigeria. Journal of Children in Science and Technology (JOCIST), 11(1), 15-18.

Fitriyaningsih, R. N., Budiyanto, C. W., & Yuana, R. A. (2019, June). Behavioral patterns of vocational students in Lego Mindstorm: A literature review. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2114, No. 1, p. 060003). AIP Publishing LLC.

Kirkham, P. (2017). ‘The line between intervention and abuse’–autism and applied behaviour analysis. History of the Human Sciences, 30(2), 107-126.

Olugbenga, A. J. (2016). Teachers ‘classroom behaviour as a predictor of students’ achievement in physics. Journal of Children in Science and Technology (JOCIST), 10(1), 119-124.

Raju, S. S., & Dhandayudam, P. (2018, April). Prediction of customer behaviour analysis using classification algorithms. In AIP conference proceedings (Vol. 1952, No. 1, p. 020098). AIP Publishing LLC.

Wright, K. (2017). Inventing the ‘normal’child: Psychology, delinquency, and the promise of early intervention. History of the Human Sciences, 30(5), 46-67.

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