Paper needs proper paraphrasing DUE LESS THAN 8 HOURS

I have a presentation that is due in less than 8 hours. I have the paper ready but It needs full paraphrasing. Not using a paraphrasing tool but through proper paraphrasing. 

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The aim of the project is to understand the context of financial reporting standards
and the variation of the regulatory framework of financial reporting in Oman, India
and Singapore. Some of the stakeholder who will benefit from the data given by
financial reporting are investors, creditors, public, debt providers, governments &
government agencies.



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Financial statement is inclusive of the crucial report of the business which offers
financial information which can be utilized by the stakeholders.



The financial reporting helps to provide vital information of the purpose of making
decisions and benchmarking. The financial reporting is vital for offering data to the
public regarding the company data which can help while making investment etc.


The financial reporting helps to claim the resources based on the liabilities and the
equity of the owner. It helps the stakeholders to understand how diligent the
performance of the company is.



This helps to meet the standards of financing by ensuring that the financial
statements are filed with the government. The financial statements need to be
audited by the statutory auditors for viewing their opinion.
Some of the stakeholder who will benefit from the data given by financial reporting
are investors, creditors, public, debt providers, governments & government agencies.


Financial reporting for the different stakeholders as well as management reporting for
company’s internal management is crucial for the firm.





states that accounting of the deferred tax is desired for temporary variation
happening from unremitted foreign income, the SFRS does not need accounting for
unremitted foreign income if the entity is capable of handling the reversal timing of
the slight variation.
One off reevaluation of the assets is permitted in SFRS which took place in duration


84 to 1996 without demanding the ongoing practice of the reevaluation model.
One off reevaluation states that the instance in which the PPE item is reevaluated just
once from 1984 to 1996.
Elimination of para




which states that there is unlimited economic life of the
land and when the title is anticipated to pass to the lessee by the lease term, then
the lessee does not conquer the ownership risks or rewards.
The presentation of consolidated financial statement and accounting is also different


The Indian Accounting Standards is based on the IFRS standards.


Ind AS comprises of balance sheet, profit and loss statement, cash flow statement,
statement of variation in equity, notes of the financial statement and disclosure of
accounting policies as the components. While IFRS comprises of financial position
statement, profit and loss statement, variation of equity statement for a particular
time span and cash flow statement for a span of time as components.
Ind AS lacks any particular format of balance sheet and only comprises guidelines,
IFRS has strict guidance for the balance sheet format and requires the entity to
represent the liabilities and assets and to categorize them as current or non – current
Ind AS lack any specific format for the income and only comprises guidelines, IFRS
comprises of two kinds of presentation: single statement format or dual statement
format. The single statement just includes of the profit and loss but the dual
statement includes segregation of the different elements of the income statement.
Ind AS allows the accounting policy to be changed when there usage of different
accounting policy but IFRS states that accounting policy can be varied when it is
mandatory for IFRS and when outcome in amplified relevant financial statement







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