Paper for Jennifer

Please discuss “Limitations of Blockchain Technology

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Overview: Effectively and insightfully develops a set of testable, supportable, and impactful study hypotheses. 20/20pts

Supporting evidence: Provides clearly appropriate evidence to support the position. You haven’t provided the source codes. 20/20pts

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Review of relevant research: Sophisticated integration, synthesis, and critique of literature from related fields. Places work within a larger context. 20/20pts

Grammar, clarity, and organization: The manuscript is well written and ideas are well developed and explained. Sentences and paragraphs are grammatically correct. Uses subheadings appropriately. 20/20pts

2-3 pages paper.. no Plagiarism.. include references… need it by Saturday mrng in PST time

For your reference if you need:

S. Sayadi, S. Ben Rejeb and Z. Choukair, “Blockchain Challenges and Security Schemes: A Survey,” 2018 Seventh InternationaConference on Communications and Networking (ComNet), Hammamet, Tunisia, 2018, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/COMNET.2018.8621944


computer scienceInformation Technology

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