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 I would like for you all to take four-five pages to discuss future steps. Please cite three-five credible sources. 

     1. how you would evaluate this educational segment of the podcast (i.e., surveys, focus groups) and why you would take those approaches. Reference information from this course and outside sources. Provide sample questions as well. 

     2. how you would promote this podcast (i.e., post on social media, flyers, etc.) and provide three examples of messaging (apply theories discussed within this course)

     3. what you learned from this experience. Specifically, how was it working with your group members, how was contacting the professional, and how was the interview. 

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· Interview Guide

· Introductions 

· Name, Major, Grade

· Ask Amy to introduce herself

· Questions

· Intro questions for Amy Fisher 

1. Can you describe your position?

1. Who do you treat?

1. Can you tell me about the FitWell Program at UCLA?

1. What does a day in your position look like?

1. What are common diet trends of students/others that you work with?

2. Support – Mady E.

2. Patient/Provider Communication – Amy A. 

3. How often do you communicate with your patients or clients? Everyday? Whenever they need guidance? Once a week?

3. What are some of the most important things you keep in mind when communicating and interacting with patients?

3. Do you find that you often have to be sensitive or careful when discussing food or dietary concerns?

3. When offering guidance on dietary and physical exercise recommendations, do you tailor them to the specific person or is there a general rule of thumb that most nutritionists and dieticians follow?

3. What has been the biggest challenge you have faced thus far in your career regarding communicating with a patient/client? If any?

2. Privacy and Disclosure – Madi G.

4. What rules or system do you have set up when it comes to patient confidentiality? 

4. Have you ever ran into a situation where you thought breaking the rules would be beneficial to your patient?

4. Do people often want privacy because of the stigma attached to it, or are there other reasons?

4. How do you make your environment a “safe space” for people to self disclose their information?

4. Does privacy and disclosure look different in your field as compared to others?

2. Cultural and Ethical Concerns on college campus – Kevin Y.  

1, what are some difficulties you meet when you face some patients from other cultures on the campus?

2, Since you are professional in dietary and giving physical exercise recommendations, are you going to treat the people from other cultures the same way as you treat the locals? Or you will try something differently since they are from another culture? 

                                3, how do you think one’s view of dietary influenced by culture?

                                4, what will you do if a student on campus thinks the way you treat him/her is wrong?

5, how do you encourage the students who want to give up on diets and exercise habits 



· Can you tell us about the most difficult thing about your job and the most rewarding?

· Thank our speaker for her time 

· Their role in treating disease and/or promoting health

· How they interact with other professionals in their daily work;

· A new development in their field or how their profession is changing

· What they think are the most important attributes that a person must have to succeed in their profession

Introduction: “You will need to find interesting and important information about health communication within the health topic you selected. You will then need to write a short segment at the beginning of your portion of the podcast. Please use scholarly articles and credible websites. Also, make sure to cite the sources you utilize orally. This should be about 5-10 minutes long.”

· Introduction: 

. Introduce names and group   

. Introduce topic – health communication within nutrition

. Nutrition today is essential to the body. As consumers, we have seen a spike in processed foods along with health risks from unhealthy dieting. I am sure you have heard new terms such as “binge eating” and “boredom eating.” It is so easy to just eat, I feel like we all have been there… But, it is important to realize what that can do to our overall health. So, we decided to get some deeper insight from a registered nutritionist and dietician, in which we will introduce in a little bit.

. In order to survive and multiply, humans must consume food and water from the outside world every day. With the development of civilization, humans have gradually begun to explore diet and nutrition, and the true pursuit of the origin of life and health. Currently, with so many people getting sick from the disease named COVID-19, unhealthy diets contribute to pre-existing diseases that put them at greater risk. In most parts of the world, illness also means loss of income.The coronavirus pandemic has changed many of our daily work, including the way we eat. Maybe you have purchased packaged food and found that you are cooking more at home than usual. As we adjust, you may need to think about how you and your family can eat healthier.

· Article:

According to a scholarly article written by Cant & Aroni about the communication skills for effective dietitian-patient communication found on the wiley online library,  communication skills and competence is an important skill for dietitians and nutritionist to have when practicing health care services. Effective dietician-patient communication can be determined not only by verbal cues, but nonverbal as well. This is a topic that our speaker spoke about in the podcast by sharing some of her personal thoughts and experiences with this kind of communication.

· We reached out to Amy Fisher, who is a registered nutritionist and dietician out of Los Angeles. In our interview, we asked Amy Fisher questions that referred to patient/provider communication, support groups, cultural and ethical concerns, and privacy/disclosure within her field of nutrition. She gave us a lot of great insight into health communication among a dietician and her patients and health communication in the field of nutrition, in general. We are now going to hear from Amy Fisher, who shares her personal experiences as a dietician. 


Amy: We hope you liked hearing from our speaker and about her experience with health communication in her field. Now we are going to share our thoughts and what stood out to us most about our conversation with amy. I learned a lot of interesting things that I did not know about dieticians and nutritionists. There are many more psychological factors and interpersonal communication competencies required for someone in this field than I had thought there would be. Amy fisher, who was our guest speaker, was very knowledgeable on the things she was talking about and it gave me a new respect for people who have a career similar to hers. 

Madi: Throughout the conversation, Amy touched on the fact that as a nutritionist, you have to tailor your messages differently. There is a lot more that goes into the process than I expected. You not only have to think about your patients body, meaning how exercise and food affects them, but you also have to think about their personal lives and what is going on in them. Everyone comes for a different reason, and it is important to understand that situation and sympathize with them. This reminded me a lot about what was talked about in our Health Communication class. Specifically, Patient-Centered Communication, also known as PCC. Amy has to focus on the health characteristics of her patient, while also having a concern for the patients perspectives and what is important to them when it comes to the food they want to eat or the exercises that they want to partake in. Amy made me realize how different everyone can be. She could have patients who are vegetarian, vegan, have allergies, are on a tight budget and so much more. She has to constantly adapt to her patients because without that understanding of their lives, it can cause a lot more harm to them in the long run. Meaning they could get more upset, reject the message, or give up completely on wanting to change their health habits. 

Kevin: My primary concern is on ethics and cultures. I understand dietary practices and therapeutic exercises are essential as far as our health issues are concerned. Most practitioners have initiated a framework through which their patients and clientele can easily subscribe to. In this script, various concerns from the patients can be raised and project how a professional dietary consultant can respond to them. Fisher and her experience in the field have adequate expertise, and her talk is quite insightful.

1.     What are some difficulties you meet when you face some patients from other cultures on the campus?

Handling the dietary needs of various clienteles can sometimes be trickier but can be managed.  Cultural differences influence patients on a diet as well, and therefore it is fundamental. According to Fisher, she said, “it is imperative to consider their traditional mode of nutrition of the patient as a way of addressing the culture issue.” For example, a Chinese patient would prefer their natural way of diet administration compared to a westerner. Furthermore, other patients tend to be conservative on matters of the environment, and they are also considered when engaging them from their dietary context. So generally, getting to understand the patient’s background is essential because you will deliver the right quality of nutritional content.

2.     Since you are professional in dietary and giving physical exercise recommendations, are you going to treat the people from other cultures the same way as you treat the locals? Or you will try something different since they are from another culture?

Culture is a powerful aspect to consider when it comes to the treatment of recommending a client. Both locals and foreigners of new clients have their respective way of engaging in the exercises. As a professional, it is my responsibility to deliver what is best for the client’s interest. Similarly, I may also try something new to better what the client already knows. For example, the locals have subscribed to the norm. However, I would like to maintain and observe what they want. So my exposure technically to the clients depends on their preference and tastes.

3.     How do you think one’s view of dietary influenced by culture?

A person’s view or opinion about certain dietary practices will originate from their culture or normalcy. As a professional, I understand that culture is deep-rooted in everybody’s perspective about something, and therefore I respect that. In conjunction with this matter, Fisher said, “I would integrate both professionalism and the cultural dynamic of the client to deliver something better.” I would also challenge the client to try out something new that I am offering. Besides dietary and culture, it is imperative to understand how the client is conservative about the culture. Those dynamics will help in neutralizing the cultural influence on diet.

4.     What will you do if a student on campus thinks the way you treat him/her is wrong?

When a student comes up with such a complaint or concern, I will engage with them rationally and be fully aware of his problems as a professional. Such challenges exist and are frequent. However, if a person tends to become defensive, I try to explain themselves and give their perspective. It is correct to raise an issue because the environment directly influences us. As a professional, I embrace the student, help him or her express the case, and get over it together.

5.     How do you encourage the students who want to give up on diets and exercise habits?

Giving up on diet and exercises is mainly a big challenge for any dietary professional. However, you ought to understand students and explain to them the importance of these exercises and dietary program. Share with them deeply and widely the significant benefits of continuing with the therapy. For example, after a session, ask them what their view is about what we have just concluded. Their angle of concern should enable you to develop a paradigm of addressing the reason for quitting.


In my submission to this matter, I recognize the potential benefits of engaging in diet and exercises because they foster your health. Similarly, try always to integrate your clients’ concerns and differences into the program to accommodate them. The cultural aspect has become quite outstanding in the discussion; therefore, it is always a matter of concern. As a dietary practitioner, it is always a sign of goodwill to appreciate the diversity of others, and it should be evident from a practical perspective.

Mady: Our interview with Amy Fisher really opened my eyes to the world of nutrition. Sure we know how to eat right and exercise, but there is more to nutrition than just physical health. Amy does not only focus on food and healthy eating habits with her clients but she also covers sleep, stress, and life balance because those are all important pieces that can affect your diet. When those pieces are out of place, so is your physical health and eating habits. She helps people lose weight but also increases the quality of what they are eating. I thought that was very important because people tend to only think about nutrition and diets when it comes to losing weight, but people may meet with a nutritionist to just go over how to eat healthy not for the sake of losing weight but to just feel good inside and out. It was very interesting to learn about the ways Amy supports her patients. Nutrition is very specific to each individual person, whether that be their meal plan, exercise plan, personal goals, or ways to support. Amy emphasizes how she supports each of her patients differently. It is really up to what her patients want. Some ways she supports her patients are through communication, summarizing their goals, and sending them resources. She recommends other programs like support groups or getting paired with a buddy and holding each other accountable for the week, but she noticed that a lot of people do not choose to take part in the group activities and she doesn’t really know why. Most of her patients are interested in one on one nutrition counseling, but she mentioned that her patients love to participate in group exercise classes. She tells us the most important thing to do when supporting someone through their nutrition journey is to ask how you can help, create an environment with people pursuing the same health goals, and reminding them about why these changes are important to them. Amy shares with us that the most rewarding thing about her job is to have people feel like their life is different and to see people flourish. I found that very impactful and important because people can’t do this journey alone and need the help and support of others to make a real change in their life.


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