
Directions: The following consists of all short answer. Short answer responses should include all the ACE elements. Essay questions should show understanding of the text and able to analyze, evaluate, and react to the ideas presented and be formatted as a full PAACE
response. Answers will be assessed on the following: a) correctness of response b) clarity of writing c) depth of analysis d) support from text.

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Short Answer Questions

Directions: Write a full ACE paragraph for each of the questions using the prompts provided. Since you DO have your texts and notes, please provide specific quotes or paraphrase your specific details from the text (i.e. put the details in your own words). You must provide a page number for each quoted or paraphrased piece of evidence.

(A)Answer the question: Answer the question. Usually this involves forming a position on a topic, or making a claim. In an essay question, the sub-questions can help you create supporting claims.

(C)Concrete Evidence: Each supporting claim needs to be supported by direct evidence from the text. When you close read, you want to include direct quotes.

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When you directly quote more than a single word or two, be sure you:

a) introduce the quote by explaining where in the text it is used and who is speaking;

b) cite the page number where you found the quote after the quote (N/A for Hamilton).

(E) Explain: Your job is to show how the evidence you choose supports your claims. You need to illuminate your thinking for the reader—explicitly explain what you see in the chosen evidence that demonstrates what you believe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Eliza and Angelica Schuyler play important roles in Hamilton’s life. Each lady has a refrain they repeat. One says, “That will be enough” and the other says, “you’ll never be satisfied.” How do these refrains reveal something about each woman’s character? How do they explain/relate to their relationship with Alexander Hamilton?

1. Hamilton kept saying that he wasn’t going to “Waste My Shot.” Do you think he wasted it? Why or why not?

1. Hamilton is portrayed as a tragic hero. What are his heroic characteristics? What was Hamilton’s tragic flaw?

1. There are three duels in the play. They all involve counting. Explain how counting is used in each duel, and then analyze the effect counting has on the plot. Finally, what theme does counting develop?

Personal Response Short Answer Question (2 points)

1. Personal Response Question: In your opinion, what is Hamilton saying about revolutions and their impact on individuals and society?

1. Choose one of the prompts below to respond to fully in a short essay format. In your response you should answer the question—Being sure you address all parts of the question; use specific details from the text(s) to support your answer; and react and respond as a reader. Answers will be assessed on the following: a) correctness of response b) clarity of writing c) depth of analysis d) support from text. Use PAACE to format your answer.

5. Angelica tells Eliza that “she married an Icarus; he flew to close to the sun.” Explain how Hamilton acted like an “Icarus” in the play. How does his tragic flaw contribute to this? How does this characterization speak to a major theme?

5. The play repeats, “Who lives, who dies, who tells your story.” What does this mean in the context of the play? How is this repeated line used—and how does it relate to the way writing is used as a motif? What theme does writing develop?

5. The play often juxtaposes characters. Juxtaposition is a literary strategy where two people, objects, or ideas are shown together for the purpose of comparison. Choose one of these pairs of characters and compare them. In your comparison, discuss their actions, personalities, and how each contributes to a major theme.

5. Literary style involves aesthetic choices author’s use to convey meaning. In a play, this includes staging, costuming, and language. Choose one of these and analyze how it contributes to the action and develops key themes.

PAACE Format Reminder

Primary Assertion: Start with the major claim (big idea) you will argue throughout your response. This is the thesis.

Supporting Assertions: Support your major claim using supporting claims. In an essay question, the sub-questions can help you create supporting claims.

Concrete Evidence: Each supporting claim needs to be supported by direct evidence from the text. When you close read, you want to include direct quotes.

When you directly quote more than a single word or two, be sure you:
a) introduce the quote by explaining where in the text it is used and who is speaking;

b) cite the page number where you found the quote after the quote.

Explain: Your job is to show how the evidence you choose supports your claims. You need to illuminate your thinking for the reader—explicitly explain what you see in the chosen evidence that demonstrates what you believe.

**To complete your response, you repeat the ACE portion until you have addressed all your supporting claims.

Links to readings:


“Hamilton’s America/ An Immigrant Story”


“Hamilton’s America/ Lin-Manuel Miranda, Shakespeare, and Hip Hop”


Alexander Hamilton Biography


Repetition and Reversal in Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton Biography


The American Revolutionary


An Illustrated Guide to the Hamilton Stage

Alexander Hamilton Biography

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